Books 400-499
From Lib
(Difference between revisions)
Current revision as of 11:24, 27 February 2008
Biolinguistics. Instinct (Philosophy). Language and languages. Language and languages > Philosophy. Psycholinguistics
- 400 20. The Language Instinct: The New Science of Language and Mind. (Penguin Science). Pinker, Steven. 1995 k
Indo-European antiquities. Indo-European languages > History. Indo-Europeans. Linguistic change
- 410 19. Archaeology and Language. Renfrew, Colin. 1987 q
Alphabets > History. Hieroglyphics. Writing > History
- 411/.7 20. Reading the Past: Ancient Writing from Cuneiform to the Alphabet. (Reading the Past). 1996 q
English language > History
- 420/.9 20. Mother Tongue: The English Language. Bryson, Bill. 1991 Ð
- 420/.9 19. Story of English. McCrum, Robert. 1986 ℳ
- 420 20. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language. Crystal, David. 1995 ℳ
English language > 20th century > Dictionaries. English language > Dictionaries. English language > New words > Dictionaries. English language > Synonyms and antonyms. Allusions. English language. English language > New words > Dictionaries. English language > Terms and phrases. Literature > Dictionaries. Mythology > Dictionaries. English language > Rhyme > Dictionaries. English language > Versification
- 423/.1 19. Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases. (Penguin Reference). 2004 y
- 423/.1 21. DK Illustrated Oxford Dictionary. 1998 ƒ
- 423 20. The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary: With Thumb Index. (2 Volume Set) OUP. 1993 ƒ
- 423 20. The New Oxford Dictionary of English. (Dictionary) OUP. 1998 ƒ
- 423 21. Encarta World English Dictionary. 2000 ₣
- 423 20. The Chambers Dictionary. 1993 ₥
- 423 20. The Chambers Dictionary. 2006 ℳ
- 423/.1 20. The Macmillan Visual Dictionary. 1992 ℳ
- 423/.1 21. Ultimate Visual Dictionary. Publishing, Dorling Kindersley. 1998 ℳ
- 423/.1 20. Brewer's Dictionary of Twentieth Century Phrase and Fable. (Cassell Language References). Brewer, E.Cobham. 1997 ð
- 423/.092 21. The Surgeon of Crowthorne. Winchester, Simon. 1999 Ð
- 423.1 20. Brewer's Concise Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham. 1993 ʒ
- 423/.1 19. Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases. (Reference Books). Roget, Peter. 1970 ʒ
- 423 20. Collins English Dictionary. 1998 d
- 423. Concise Oxford English Dictionary. 2002 d
- Collins Thesaurus. 1995 d
- 423 21. Samuel Johnson's Dictionary: Selections from the 1755 Work That Defined the English Language. 2004 s
- Wordsworth Dictionary of Cliche. (Wordsworth Reference). 1996
- The Wordsworth Word Finder. (Wordsworth Reference). McCutcheon, Mark. 1997
- 423.1 21. The Poet's Manual and Rhyming Dictionary. Stillman, Frances. 1972
English language > Dialects. English language > Dialects > English-speaking countries. English language > Dialects > Great Britain. English language > English-speaking countries. English language > Great Britain. English language > History. English language > Variation. English language > Variation > English-speaking countries. English language > Variation > Great Britain
- 427 22. The Stories of English. Crystal, David. 2005
American wit and humor. English language > Humor. English language > Terms and phrases > Humor. English wit and humour. Questions and answers
- 428.1 20. Spell It Yourself. Hawker, G.T. 1992 y
- 428 20. Questions of English. 1995 ħ
- 428.1/0207 20. The Deeper Meaning of Liff. Adams, Douglas. 1992 d
Anglais (Langue) > Dictionnaires fran�cais. English language > Dictionaries > French. Fran�cais (Langue) > Dictionnaires anglais. French language > Dictionaries > English
- 443/.21 20. Collins-Robert French Dictionary. 1998 Σ
English language > Dictionaries > Italian. Italian language > Dictionaries > English
- 453.21 21. Collins Easy Learning Italian Dictionary. (Easy Learning Dictionary). 2002 ɸ
English language > Dictionaries > Latin. Latin language > Dictionaries > English
- 473/.21 20. The Pocket Oxford Latin Dictionary. 1995 q
- 477. Latin Course for Schools: Part 1. Wilding, L.A. 1997 q
Inscriptions > Greece > Crete. Inscriptions, Linear B. Ventris, Michael
- 487/.1 20. The Decipherment of Linear B. (Canto). Chadwick, John. 1990 a
Japanese language > Textbooks for foreign speakers > English. Japanese language > Textbooks for foreign speakers. Chinese characters > Study and teaching. Japanese language > Study and teaching
- 495.6/8/2421. Essential Kanji. O'Neill, P G. 1973 q
- 495.6/82/421. Japanese for Beginners. Yoshida, Yasuo. 1991 q
- 495.6/82421 22. Japanese for Busy People: 1. Teaching, Association for Japanese Language. 1984 q