Books 100-199

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Philosophy > Introductions. Philosophers. Philosophy > Encyclopedias. Philosophy > history

  • 100 20. The Oxford Companion to Philosophy. 2005 f
  • 100 21. Fundamentals of Philosophy. Stewart, David. 1982 f

Experience. Jurisprudence. Knowledge, Theory of. Language and languages. Language and languages > Philosophy. Philosophy. Semantics (Philosophy). Philosophical counseling

  • 101 21. The Consolations of Philosophy. Botton, Alain de. 2001 ¢
  • 101. Language, Truth and Logic. Ayer, A. J. 1946 f

Philosophy > Dictionaries

  • 103 21. The Penguin Dictionary of Philosophy. Mautner, Thomas. 2005 g
  • Hollywood Wit: Classic Off-screen Quips and Quotes. Jarski, Rosemarie. 2001

Philosophy > History. Political science > Western influences

  • 109. History of Western Philosophy. Russell, Bertrand. 1978 f

Ethics. Ethics > Early works to 1800

  • 110. Ethics. (Everyman's Lib.). Spinoza, Benedictus De a

Nature. Nature > Religious aspects

  • 113. Rebirth of Nature: Greening of Science and God. Sheldrake, Rupert. 1990 o

Chance. Reality. Science > Philosophy

  • 123/.3 19. Laws of the Game. (Pelican Books). Eigen, Manfred. t

Consciousness. Consciousness > History. Philosophical Anthropology. Neurophysiology > Dictionaries. Philosophy > Dictionaries. Psychology > Dictionaries. Ontology. Personality

  • 128. To Have or to Be? Fromm, Erich. 1990 Δ
  • 128/.2 19. Oxford Companion to the Mind. 1998 o
  • 128/.3. Seven Theories of Human Nature. Stevenson, Leslie. 1990 o
  • 128/.2. The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind. Jaynes, Julian. 1990 n

Conduct of life. Civilization. Psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis and culture. Social psychology

  • 131. Penguin Great Ideas : Civilisation and Its Discontents. Freud, Sigmund. 2004 ₥
  • 131.3/2. Notes to Myself: My Struggle to Become a Person. Prather, Hugh. 1983 a

Parapsychology > Case studies. Occultism. Parapsychology

  • 133.40944. The Devils of Loudun. (Classic History Series). Huxley, Aldous. 1971 ₧
  • 133. Supernature. (Coronet Books). Watson, Lyall. 1999 o
  • 133 20. The Nature of Things. Watson, Lyall. 1991 o
  • 133.4/3 19. Witchcraft and Black Magic. (All Col. Pbs.) Haining, Peter. 1971 n

Psychoanalysis. Psychology. Dreams. Symbolism (Psychology) > Dictionaries. Concentration camps > Germany. Existentialism. Logotherapy. Prison psychology. Prisons. Psychiatry and religion. Psychologists > Austria > Biography. Psychotherapy

  • 150.19/5 19. Man's Search for Meaning. Frankl, Viktor E. 1987 Δ
  • 150.19/54 19. Dictionary for Dreamers. Chetwynd, Tom. 1974 Ħ
  • 150 21. Introducing Psychology. (Introducing...). Benson, Nigel. 1999 t
  • 150/.19/5408. The Portable Jung. Jung, C. G. 1971 g
  • Psychology and Western Religion. (Ark Paperbacks). Jung, C.G. 1988 i

Fear. Cognition. Emotional intelligence. Emotions. Emotions > Social aspects. Emotions and cognition

  • 152.4 20. Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ. Goleman, Daniel. 1996 i
  • 152.4 19. Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway. Jeffers, Susan. 1989 a

Decision making. Intuition. Signs and symbols. Subconsciousness. Symbolism (Psychology). Brain. Intellect. Thought and thinking

Cognition in children

  • 155.4/1342 20. Teach Your Child How To Think. Bono, Edward de. 1992 η

Fear. Love. Assertiveness training. Behavior therapy. Behavior therapy > Popular works. Interpersonal Relations. Interpersonal Relations > popular works. Verbal behavior > Popular works. Cognitive Therapy. Depression, Mental. Affirmations. Self-actualization (psychology). Visualization. Achievement. Commerce. Leadership. Success > Psychological aspects. Negotiation. Persuasion (Psychology). Devotional calendars. Men > Prayer-books and devotions > English. Twelve-step programs > Religious aspects > Meditations. Job stress > Prevention. Meditation. Mind and body therapies. Stress management

  • 158/.1 19. Tactics: The Art and Science of Success. Bono, Edward de. 1986 Ω
  • 158.1/28/0835 21. Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul: 101 Stories of Life, Love and Learning. (Chicken Soup). 1997 η
  • 158.12 21. The Little Book of Calm at Work. Wilson, Paul. 1999 δ
  • 158 22. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Covey, Stephen R. 1999 ¢
  • 158 21. Living the 7 Habits: Stories of Courage and Inspiration. Covey, Stephen R. 1999 ð
  • 158/.12 20. Touchstones: Daily Meditations for Men. (Meditation Series). Rosellini, Gayle Worden. 1989 i
  • 158.1 21. Instant Analysis. Lieberman, David J. 1998 i
  • 158 20. Daily Reflections for Highly Effective People: Living the "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" Every Day. Covey, Stephen R. 1994 a
  • 158/.1. Love Is Letting Go of Fear. Jampolsky, Gerald G. 1988 a
  • 158/.9 21. NLP at Work. (People Skills for Professionals). Knight, Sue. 1995 p
  • 158/.1. When I Say No I Feel Guilty. Smith, Manuel J. 1978 a
  • 158/.1. Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy. Burns, David D. M.D. 1992 a
  • 158/.1. The Road Less Travelled. Peck, M.Scott. 1988 c
  • Change Your Life Right Now! Breaking Down the Barriers to Success. Simon, Sidney. 1989 c
  • 158/.1. Creative Visualization. Gawain, Shakti. 1983 a
  • 158/.1 20. Notes from a Friend. Robbins, Anthony. 2001 c
  • 158/.1 20. Awaken the Giant Within. Robbins, Anthony. 1992 c
  • 158.1 21. Unlimited Power. (Positive Paperbacks). Robbins, Anthony. 1989 c
  • 158/.1. Life Choices and Life Changes Through Imagework: The Art of Developing Personal Vision. Glouberman, Dina. 1989 a
  • 158/.1. Staying OK—How To Maximise Good Feelings and Minimise Bad Ones. Harris, Amy Bjork Harris and Thomas A. 1985 a
  • 158/.1. Positive Thinking. Peiffer, Vera. 1994 a
  • 158/.1. Depression. (Overcoming Common Problems). Hauck, Paul A. 1979 a
  • 158/.1. Taking the Strain: Managing Stress at Work. Goodworth, Clive T. 1986 a
  • 158/.1. Stress in Your Life. Powell, Ken. 1988 a
  • 158/.4 20. Principle-centered Leadership. Covey, Stephen R. 1999 c
  • 158/.5 20. Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving in. Fisher, Roger and Ury, William. 1983 a
  • Staying Ahead: Secrets of Success—Avoiding Self-sabotage. Wareham, John. 1989 l


  • 160. Logic. Hodges, Wilfrid. 1991 a
  • 160. Straight and Crooked Thinking. Thouless, Robert Henry. 1974 a
  • Schaum's Outline of Logic. (Schaum's Outline). Nolt, John. 1998 g

Conduct of life > Quotations, maxims, etc. Happiness > Quotations, maxims, etc. Aristotle > Translations into English. Ethics. Ethics, Ancient > Early works to 1800. Courtesy. Courts and courtiers

  • 170/.44 22. How to Achieve True Greatness. (Great Ideas). Castiglione, Baldassare. 2005 ₥
  • 170. The Nicomachean Ethics. (Penguin Classics). Aristotle. 2004 f
  • Notes on Aristotle's "Nicomachean Ethics". (Cliffs Notes). Milch, Robert J. 1966 f
  • 170/.44 20. Life's Little Instruction Book. Brown, Jackson H.. 2003 a
  • 170/.44 20. Life's Little Instruction Book, Volume II. Brown, H. Jackson. 2000 a

Organizational behavior > Moral and ethical aspects. Social ethics. Vocation

  • 174 20. A World Waiting to Be Born: Search for Civility. Peck, M.Scott. 1993 c

Conduct of life. Friendship. Interpersonal Relations

  • 177/.62 22. Penguin Great Ideas : On Friendship. Montaigne, Michel De. 2004 ₥

Animal rights > Philosophy

  • 179/.3 19. The Case for Animal Rights. Regan, Tom. 1988 a

Life and death, Power over

  • 179/.7. Causing Death and Saving Lives. (Pelican S.). Glover, Jonathan. 1977 a
  • 182/DeC. The History of Greek Philosophy: v. 1. (Picador Books). Crescenzo, Luciano Di. 1990 a

Philosophers > Greece > Biography. Plato. Socrates. Knowledge, Theory of. Love. Love > Early works to 1800. Philosophy, Ancient. Plato. Symposium. Socrates

  • 184 19. The Symposium. (Great Ideas). Plato. 2005 ₥
  • 184 20. The Trial and Death of Socrates. (Everyman's Library). Plato a

Conduct of life. Conduct of life > Early works to 1800. Ethics. Ethics > Early works to 1800. Life. Life > Early works to 1800. Marcus Aurelius, Emperor of Rome, 121-180. Philosophy > Early works to 1800. Philosophy, Ancient. Stoics. Stoics > Early works to 1800

  • 188 21. Penguin Great Ideas : Meditations. Aurelius, Marcus. 2004 ₥
  • 188 22. Penguin Great Ideas : On the Shortness of Life. Seneca. 2004 ₥

Philosophy. Philosophy, Modern > History. Philosophers > Interviews

  • 190 19. The Great Philosophers: An Introduction to Western Philosophy. Magee, Bryan. 2000 g
  • 190 22. The Rise of Modern Philosophy. (A New History of Western Philosophy, Vol. 3). Kenny, Anthony. 2006 f
  • 190 OSB. Philosophy for Beginners. (A Writers & Readers Beginners Documentary Comic Book). Osborne, Richard. 1993 f
  • 190 21. The Story of Philosophy. Magee, Bryan. 2001 f


  • 192. The Central Questions of Philosophy. (Pelican S.). Ayer, A.J. 1976 f
  • Philosophy for AS and A2. Burns, Elizabeth. 2004 g

Philosophy. Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 1770-1831. Philosophy

  • 193 22. Penguin Great Ideas : Why I Am So Wise. Nietzsche, Friedrich. 2004 ₥
  • 193 21. Hegel: A Very Short Introduction. (Very Short Introductions). Singer, Peter. 2001 l
  • 193.2. Kant. (Pelican S.). Korner, Stephan. 1970 g
  • 193 21. Twilight of the Idols: Or, How to Philosophise with the Hammer. (Penguin Classics). Nietzsche, Friedrich. 1990 b
  • Hegel. (Oxford Readings in Philosophy). 1985 g
  • 197 21. A New Model of the Universe. (Arkana S.). Ouspensky, P.D. 1991 n

Kierkegaard, Sören, 1813-1855. Christianity > Philosophy

  • 198/.9 20. Fear and Trembling. (Great Ideas). Kierkegaard, Soren. 2005 ₥
  • 198/.9 19. Kierkegaard. (Past Masters). Gardiner, Patrick. 1988 g

Spinoza, Benedictus de, 1632-1677

  • 199/.492 20. Spinoza. (Pelican S.). Hampshire, Stuart. 1976 a
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