Books 200-299

From Lib

(Difference between revisions)
(/* Bible English > Versions > History. Bible. English > Versions > History. Great Britain > Church history > 17th century. Great Britain > History > Stuarts, 1603-1714. Bible > Antiquities. Bible > Canon. Bible > History of biblical events. Bible > Histor)
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====Bible English > Versions > History. Bible. English > Versions > History. Great Britain > Church history > 17th century. Great Britain > History > Stuarts, 1603-1714. Bible > Antiquities. Bible > Canon. Bible > History of biblical events. Bible > History of contemporary events. Church history. Bible > Controversial literature. Bible > Evidences, authority, etc====
====Bible English > Versions > History. Bible. English > Versions > History. Great Britain > Church history > 17th century. Great Britain > History > Stuarts, 1603-1714. Bible > Antiquities. Bible > Canon. Bible > History of biblical events. Bible > History of contemporary events. Church history. Bible > Controversial literature. Bible > Evidences, authority, etc====
* 220. '''The Bible'''. ''Armstrong, Karen''. 2007 g
* 220.9/505 20. '''The Children's Illustrated Bible'''.  1994 ς  
* 220.9/505 20. '''The Children's Illustrated Bible'''.  1994 ς  
* 220.5/2. '''Bible: New International Version Study Bible'''.  1987 ₥  
* 220.5/2. '''Bible: New International Version Study Bible'''.  1987 ₥  

Current revision as of 09:04, 23 March 2008

History, Ancient. Philosophy, Ancient. Religion > History. Christianity

  • 200 19. Priestland's Progress. (Ariel Books). Priestland, Gerald. 1983 λ
  • 200.9/014 22. The Great Transformation. Armstrong, Karen. 2007 l

Christian life. Faith. Tolstoy, Leo. Mythology, Middle Eastern

  • 201/.3/09394 22. Middle Eastern Mythology. (Penguin). Hooke, Samuel Henry. 1991 μ
  • 201 19. Confession. (Classics). Tolstoy, L.N. 1987 b

Free thought. Atheism. God. Irreligion

  • 211/.8 22. The God Delusion. Dawkins, Richard. 2007 æ
  • 211. Why I Am Not a Christian. Russell, Bertrand. 1975 f

Bible English > Versions > History. Bible. English > Versions > History. Great Britain > Church history > 17th century. Great Britain > History > Stuarts, 1603-1714. Bible > Antiquities. Bible > Canon. Bible > History of biblical events. Bible > History of contemporary events. Church history. Bible > Controversial literature. Bible > Evidences, authority, etc

  • 220. The Bible. Armstrong, Karen. 2007 g
  • 220.9/505 20. The Children's Illustrated Bible. 1994 ς
  • 220.5/2. Bible: New International Version Study Bible. 1987 ₥
  • 220.6/7 20. The Unauthorized Version. Fox, Robin Lane. 1992 i
  • 220.5/2062 19. Bible: Revised English Bible with Apocrypha. 1989 c
  • The Holy Bible (revised Standard Version - Illustrated in colour). Anon. 1971 c
  • 220/.09 19. Testament: Bible and History. Romer, John. 1988 c
  • 220/.0942/09032 20. The English Bible and the Seventeenth-century Revolution. Hill, Christopher. 1994 c

Bible. O.T. > Introductions. Dead Sea Scrolls

  • 221.44. The Dead Sea Scrolls. (A Pelican Original). Allegro, John M. i
  • 221.6/1 20. Introducing the Old Testament. (Oxford Bible). Coggins, R.J. 1989 i

Bible. N.T. Gospels > Criticism, interpretation, etc. Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ > Historicity. Jesus Christ > Person and offices > Biblical teaching

  • 226/.052034 19. The Illustrated Gospels. 1985 ₢
  • 226/.06 21. The Gospels and Jesus. (Oxford Bible). Stanton, Graham N. 1989 i
  • Variety and Unity in New Testament Thought. (Oxford Bible). Reumann, John. 1991 i
  • 227/.06. Pauline Christianity. (Oxford Bible). Ziesler, John A. 1983 c

Apologetics. Apologetics > History > 20th century. Christian ethics > Anglican authors. Christianity. Large type books. Theology, Doctrinal. Theology, Doctrinal > Popular works. Theology, Doctrinal

  • 230. The Lion Handbook of Christian Belief. 1989 n
  • 230 21. Mere Christianity. Lewis, C.S. 1983 i

Bible. N.T. Gospels > Evidences, authority, etc. Christian biography > Palestine. Jesus Christ > Biography. Jesus Christ > Historicity. Jesus Christ > Person and offices

  • 232.9 21. Bloodline of the Holy Grail: The Hidden Lineage of Jesus Revealed. Gardner, Laurence. 1997 k
  • 232.9/01 B 20. Jesus. Wilson, A.N. 1993 i
  • 232.9. Jesus. (Past Masters). Carpenter, Humphrey. 1980 i
  • 232.9/08 19. Jesus: The Evidence. Wilson, Ian. 1985 i

Prayers. Meditations

  • 242 22. Penguin Great Ideas : The Inner Life. Kempis, Thomas À. 2004 ₥
  • 242/.8 19. The Oxford Book of Prayer. (Oxford Paperbacks). 1988 c

Anxiety > Religious aspects > Christianity. Consolation. Pastoral psychology. Campen, Marc van. God. God (Christianity). Jesus Christ > Person and Offices. Spiritual life > Catholic Church

  • 248.4/82 19. Letters to Marc About Jesus. Nouwen, Henri J.M. 1988 i
  • 248. Prescription For Anxiety. Weatherhead, Leslie D. 1985 a

Asceticism > History > Early church, ca. 30-600. Celibacy > Christianity > History of doctrines > Early church, ca. 30-600. Sex > Religious aspects > Christianity > History of doctrines > Early church, ca. 30-600. Virginity > Religious aspects > Christianity > History of doctrines > Early church, ca. 30-600

  • 253/.2 19. The Body and Society: Men, Women and Sexual Renunciation in Early Christianity. Brown, Peter. 1990 w

Church history > Primitive and early Church, ca. 30-600. Church history > Primitive and early church, ca. 30-600 > Early works to 1800. Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo. Bishops > Algeria > Hippo (Extinct city) > Biography. Catholic Church > Algeria > Hippo (Extinct city) > Bishops > Biography. Catholic Church > Bishops > Biography. Christian saints > Algeria > Hippo > Biography. Christian saints > Algeria > Hippo (Extinct city) > Biography. Christian saints > Hippo (Extinct city) > Biography. Hippo (Extinct city) > Biography. Theology > Early works to 1800. Christianity and other religions > Roman. Church history > Primitive and early church, ca. 30-600. Paganism > History. Rome > Religion

  • 270.1 19. Pagans and Christians. Fox, Robin Lane. 1988 Ξ
  • 270.1 22. Penguin Great Ideas : The Christians and the Fall of Rome. Gibbon, Edward 2004 ₥
  • 270.1. Ecclesiastical History. (Classics S.). Eusebius, Bishop of Caesarea. 1965 b
  • 270.2/092 B 21. Confessions. Augustine, Saint. 1970 b
  • 270.1. The Early Church: Story of Emergent Christianity. Chadwick, Henry. 1993 i
  • 270 20. The Oxford Illustrated History of Christianity. (Oxford Illustrated Histories). 1990 i

Church history > Middle Ages, 600-1500. Civilization, Anglo-Saxon. Civilization, Anglo-Saxon > Sources. Cuthbert, Saint, Bishop of Lindisfarne, ca. 635-687. England > Church history > 449-1066. Great Britain > Church history. Great Britain > Church history > 449-1066

  • 274.2. A history of the English Church and people. (Penguin classics). Bede. 1968 b

Religions > Dictionaries. Magic. Mythology religion. Superstition. Myth

  • 291.1/3 19. The Power of Myth. Campbell, Joseph. 1988 ₭
  • 291. The Hero with a Thousand Faces. (Paladin Books). Campbell, Joseph. 1993 k
  • 291. The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion. (Wordsworth Reference). Frazer, Sir James George. 1993 i
  • 291/.03/21 19. The Penguin Dictionary of Religions. (Penguin Reference). 1984 i

Zen Buddhism. Devotional exercises. meditation. Buddhism > Doctrines. Meditation > Buddhism

  • Zen. 1993 i
  • Transcendental Meditation Technique T M (Arkana S.): Introduction to Transcendental Meditation and the Teaching of Mahar. Russell, Peter. 1992 i
  • 294.3/4/43. The Heart of Buddhist Meditation. (Rider Pocket Editions). Thera, Venerable Nyanaponika A. 1983 i
  • 294.3/443 20. How to Meditate: A Practical Guide. (Wisdom Basic Book). McDonald, Kathleen. 1984 i
  • 294.3/927 20. Zen for Beginners (For Beginners). Blackstone, Judith. 1991 i
  • 294.3/928 19. Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism. Causton, Richard. 1988 i

Hallucinogenic drugs and religious experience. Juan, Don, 1891-. Yaqui Indians > Religion. Yaqui Indians > Religion and mythology

  • 299/.7 20. The Teachings of Don Juan. Castaneda, Carlos. 1970 i
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