Narcissa Black

From Levicorpus

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Character Name

  • Name: Narcissa Helene Black
  • Bloodine: Pureblood (really muggleborn)
  • Birthplace: America (sercetly adpot when she was two)
  • Class: Weathy
  • Year: 2
  • House: Slythrien
  • Wand: Blood


Since Narcissa is the youngest of Black sisters. She very shy. She doesn't have many friends. Her best friend is Lily Evans. Her other best friends is Bellatrrix Black. She admire her sister Bella very much upon the point of worship her. She will do anything to keep good grace with her sister. Inculde living her older Ana out of the willing. She got whatever she wants.

She is a very caring friendly person who doesn't really care that much about pureblood tradition though she never admit it to anyone in her family that she loves very. She admires Sirius and Androma for the rebeling stye. She tend to daydream and lot. She is alos a very good artist. She always gives money to homeless.

She is very strong indepent deep down inside she wants someone to tell her to stop follow her sister and speak up for what she belive in even though it is wrong. She just doesn't want to lose Bella trust. So she contiunes the sercetness of her life.

Physical Description

She has long straight blond hair and blue eyes. She is pettie. She is five feet 2 inches. she is a great fighter


Narcissa was born to Elisbeth and James Miller both muggles. She was kidnaped by the Zims family and sent to a pureblood orhanage. Her memory was erased and implanted with new memories by her mother Druella and her father Cygnus Black when she was two. She sometimes wonder why blood purity is so important. She doesn't agree with it but she hides the fact that she can remember a little bit about her muggle liife. The only one that knows is Bella. Bella seem to try to convince her that was her past life.

When She was seven as tradition for youngest member of the family. Narcissa has to be sent her fiancee house. She was to live with the Malfoys. She was treat as a servent my her future mother in a law. She cooked and cleaned and scurb. She wasn't very happy. She missed Bella and Lily. Lucius remember her birthday. He went to the attic to celbrate with her and invited her sister Bella over. She still isn't very Happy but she gets to see Bella lot more since the mother in law died when she was eight. She also get absued by her uncle and her father in law too.



]Defense agaisnt dark arts ]Charms Care of magical creatures



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