Moaning Myrtle

From Levicorpus

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Character Name

  • Name: Myrtle
  • Bloodine: Muggleboran
  • Birthplace: London Suery
  • Class: Middle
  • House: Grinfindor
  • Wand: yellow red.
  • Deathday:May 3


She was know it all. She was beat up because she was so sentive about every issuses. She keep wondering why are we not friends. She tried to be friends with everyone.

Physical Description

Her hair is brown and her eyes blue framed by rubbies glasses. She is short about 5 eet.


Born to Mary and James Miller. She had always been diffrent from Her older sister Ana. Ana was sevem years old and already make phone calls to her friends. Myrtle like to read and obseve and drawing stories about castle that her parents didn't understand. Mytrle and Ana were very close even though weird stuff happen that neither them could explain. All that change when Mytrle get a Hogwarts letter. Ana spent most of her time at eleven years old get a letter. When Ana didn't she went to oppsite extrem to avoid her sister. When Mytrle was thirteen and Ana was fourteen Ana had a child name Susan. Suusan had long beatiful soft curly blond hair and green eyes. Mytrle was in her sixth year when died. She had started maeking friends with Oliva Hornberry and Jenny Mcarmary.

Jenny told Mytrle that Susan was a witch when she began drawing pictures of castles and creatues. . Mytrle saw yellow eyes and then she was died. She also hear a boy voice. Jenny found Mytrle in her bathroom. Ghost Mytrle hide. Ana decied it was alright to have sister that a witch. She told Susan everything about her sister Mytrle. Susan was also born on the same date. May 13. On that date she held two birthday parties.

Ana even married a wizard. She had seven children. She was so happy when Susan got her letter at ten years old. She invited all her muggle friends and relatives to celbrated.


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