Caradoc Dearborn

From Levicorpus

Caradoc Dearborn

Played ByIan Somerhalder
LJ accountuserinfo.gif chaser_caradoc
Current Year6th
Hogwarts HouseGryffindor
Favorite Subjects
Worst Subjects

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==Character Name== Mara Morgan

  • Name: Mara Isabella morgan
  • Bloodine: Mortal born
  • Birthplace: America
  • Class: High
  • Year: 2
  • 'House: Slythrien
  • Wand:



She is pill but she is very loyal a to her new friends. She make sure that she will kicked their buts if anyone hurts them.. She wants to please them so much it makes her unhapy what house she is in. She has never thought of herself as cunning and sly. She always thought of herself as brave and intellgent

Physical Description

Her hair is curly long and white blond. Her eyes are blue grey sometimes hazel depends on what she wears. She wears glasses also. She is not very stylish. She wears pants and shirts.


She is a dispointment to her parents.   Her parents forbiened witchcraft in house.    She grew up very chirstain thinking that Halloween was bad.  

Though she never understood why when she angry. She set fire to her house in Oak Park. When she was sixteen years old she finally recived her letters from Hogwart. She ran away way from home as soon as she found the letters. She is never going back. She living in a hotel



(However many you want)


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