Severus Snape

From Levicorpus

Revision as of 15:30, 25 October 2008 by (Talk)

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Character Name

  • Name: Severus (Sev)
  • Bloodine: Half blood
  • Birthplace: Genreal Hospital in England
  • Class: poor
  • Year: 2
  • House: Slythrien (should be Grinffidnor)
  • Wand: snake blood


He is intelligent and socially awkward. He doesn't know how to speak to people except girls. He was made fun of by boys in Elmentray school because of his lack of Hygine. He wears robes that are either black or green. He like to show off his abilty with numbers. He tuortered his best friend Lily Evans in Potons

Physical Description

Long black straight greasy hair and dark eyes likee tunnels. Some People say he look like a vampire with his pale skin. He might be related to the Addams Family from America.


His father hated his mother for being witch. His father thought she cast some sort of spell over him. For the father to feel the power he once had over his wife he drinks heavily so he can beaat her and abused her. On thouse night His mother would go tell Severus to go the Evans family to stay while.They were also very kind to him minus Petunia Severus fell in love with Lily the moment when he first saw on playgroud. Her dark red had blowned n breezes. His mother encougred this relationship. Tragically for both of them it failled. After Mudblood incindent Lily broke up with Severus her boyfriend and they now speak no words except Snape or Evans.

Severus always had a love for Lily which resaulting in protect Lily Son Harry Potter Yes the son of the infamous bully James Pottor who tourted Severeus and probably Peter Pettigrew too.



Defense agaisnt the darks arts

  • Potions


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