The Bloody Baron

From Levicorpus

Revision as of 06:22, 27 October 2006 by (Talk)

Forget everything you've been told

Played BySean Bean
LJ accountuserinfo.gif enfer_sanguine
HometownMarseilles, France
Current YearN/A
Hogwarts HouseN/A
Favorite SubjectsN/A
Worst SubjectsN/A

userinfo.gif bonnjie


Character Name

  • Name: Henri Mathieu Olivier Rosier
  • Bloodine: Pureblood
  • Birthplace: Marseilles, France
  • Class: Aristocratic
  • House: Slytherin
  • Wand: Willow with Dragon Heartstring, 9 1/2 inches
  • Deathday: 4 June 1799


Henri is a witty, uncaring person. Many today would consider him sadistic, watching other people in pain and agony amuse him highly. He enjoys causing peoples pain, stealing Slytherin diaries and placing them in public places for all to see. He constantly pushes children down stairs and puts them on high ledges, watching as the younger ones scream and cry until someone comes to get them down. Hes rather smart and quick-witted, holding intelligent conversations with himself in french occasionally, hoping that someone of equal intellect will come along and debate issues with him. Mainly blood traitor issues. He prefers his own company, only wanting the company of woman should he need to relieve tensions or amuse himself. He gets head over heels quickly, before getting bored and disposing of the woman quickly. He likes younger females, stemming back to his younger days when he would chase after the preteens furiously. He believes that girls are being married off much too late these days, preferring the times when females as young as 14 were mothers. He never really cared for anyone, and he doesn't really care what others think. He'd never cry or show anything resembling emotion, barring amusement, without being provoked. Henri only really uses people for his own personal means, and loves getting others in strife. Henri toys around with people, making them do what he wants then watching the horrible aftermath. If he would not get exiled from Hogwarts, Henri would have murdered several students by now, some of the ghosts seem to think he has a list of students he wishes to murder. Which of course, he does. He keeps his list tucked away safety in his vest, along with three daggers and a knife. Henri is extremely paranoid, pulling out his weapons at the slightest sound. He prefers silence, liking the advantage the slightest sound would give him in a duel. Usually lurking in a tiny alcove of the Slytherin Common Room, he watches over all the Slytherins, secretly keeping an eye out for his great-great-great-great-great grandson Evan, even though he is disgusted in the boy. He likes to make sure that the Rosier line continues, and all his hopes are set on Evan.

Physical Description

Henri is rather tall, at 6"1' he would stand well above many of the students and most of the teachers. Were he in colour, his eyes would have been a piercing dark blue that almost seemed black. His hair was a dirty blonde, brown at the roots and blonde everywhere else. He has a rugged look to him, as he hardly ever took the time to shave or comb his hair. He can be seen with the same dark blue suit on, with a leather coat slung over his shoulder. He wears worn boots, and a bloody sword hangs from his belt. His brow is constantly furrowed, due to his extreme confusion at the goings-on of the school. He still cannot believe the amount of trouble young people make these days. He has a small scar across his right cheek from when Andre struck him before his death. On his back are many whiplash marks from where he was struck as a child. On his chest are two long sword marks and blood stains can be found all over his face and body. Many people would describe him as imposing, and rather scary. He looks down on people, his voice (when he uses it) bellows deep into the castle and seems to echo all around. He floats with the air of someone on important business, his head held high in the air as he floats past and through people. He doesn't seem to mind where he is going, or who he floats through for that matter. The blood all over him seems to make him mysterious, while at the same time people know to stay well away from him. He has a posh air around him, due to the fact that he thinks himself better than most. Many muggleborns and halfbloods tend to run away when they see him, as he gets Peeves to pick on them or tries to torture them in any way possible. His voice has an air of importance, and the few who have heard them speak find it rather scary with the french accent. Henri can be seen constantly looking out to the horizon, in the hopes that it will keep him immortal. He knows nothing of death, having chose the path he leads partially to become immortal and partially because he has a deep fear of death, and not seeing his family rule over all as it should have. Sometimes he can be seen daydreaming, but not very often. His sword and daggers seem to drip with silverly blood, the remnants of peasants and muggles from days of old. He thinks of them as trophies, the blood on them symbols of his power when he had a pulse.


Henri Mathieu Olivier Rosier was born on June 4 1773 in Marseilles, France. His Mother, Olivie Adele Rosier nee. Montesquire, died of internal bleeding during childbirth, leaving Henri alone with his father, Alexandre Ermenegilde Rosier in their relatively small manor. Henri was a rude child, taking after his father in appearance and personality. He was tutored in French and Latin, his father refusing to let him learn english, which was in his opinion a bastard language. Henri was rather smart, excelling in all his subjects. He was extremely short tempered, and well known by his fathers workers for spoiling crops and killing animals if things didn't go his way. He lived a relatively normal childhood, and his early teen years comprised of running around after servant girls and trying to kiss them. He was sent to Beauxbatons, excelling in all his classes and quickly becoming top of the class. He graduated early with top honours. His father was a fierce aristocrat, believing in the monarchy like all good wizards at the time. When rioting began in 1789, Alexandre and Henri fled the country, moving to Edinburgh and buying a large manor in the countryside. Henri was isolated from all other teenagers his age by his father, who refused to teach him english. Slowly but surely, Henri went into the local marketplace and began to learn broken english from a local french woman, Anna D'Artaigne. Soon he fell head over hells for Anna, proposing quickly and marrying almost twice as fast. A few months after they were married, Anna fell pregnant with twins, Andre and Olivie. Henri became impatient with Anna during the pregnancy, and began to beat her as soon as the children were born. One day, after falling in a deep rage after a sleepness night, Henri pushed Anna down the main staircase in the house, breaking her neck and killing her almost instantly. He showed no compassion, leaving the body to be cleaned up by a servant. A month and a half afterwards, he crept into the nursery and smothered Olivie, preferring to have only male children to carry on the Rosier name. He soon gained a reputation for being cruel and uncompassionate. He briefly was in the British army, as after he escaped from France with his father, they were accepted as British people anyway. But after killing a fellow officer and pretending he did it on accident, Henri was honourably discharged and went on a search for his second wife. After almost a year of being alone, Henri fell in love again with Christine Cochrane, a local peasant girl. This time, his father did not agree. Henri responded by poisoning his father, throwing his body in a small ditch at the back of the manor grounds. He married Christine almost instantly afterwards, getting her pregnant a month after the wedding. She died during childbirth, giving birth to a small boy, Michel. Henri encouraged sibling rivalry, and watched in glee as Andre stabbed Michel with a butter knife. Instead of punishing Andre or sending him away, Henri held a large party, with an enormous banquet. On his 26th birthday, Henri got drunk at the local inn and went searching for a fight. Along the way, he murdered three muggle peasants and two wizards in a drunken rage. Almost home, he saw Andre playing sword fights with a withering old peasant. Killing the peasant, he demanded his son fight him to the death. They fought for the best part of two minutes before Andre thrust his sword in Henri's chest, killing him instantly.

Henri spent three years wandering as a ghost before he found Hogwarts and decided to settle there, after seeing several young girls that caught his eye. He began to lurk in the Slytherin Dormitories, spending much of his time looking at girls in the bathrooms. Seeing his son at Hogwarts only seemed to make him more eager to stay behind. He watched, making sure Andre had all the makings of a proper Rosier before sending him off into the world. To his disgust, the next Rosiers were not all males, but two females and a male. They weren't up to his standard, and he spent most of his time terrorising them into acting like proper Rosiers. Since then, the Rosiers after them only seemed to dissapoint Henri, and he began to distance himself from them, finding himself more and more disgusted as each generation passed by.

Currently, Henri spends most of his time looking for Rita Skeeter or Charlotte Lovegood, finding that they remind him of Christine and Anna, pushing them down stairs for his amusement. He also still spends most of his time in the bathrooms, looking up the young girls in there, currently preferring to look at Evangeline Wilkes and Alecto Carrows. He used to constantly be around when Bellatrix was showering, but she saw him once in her 6th year and put up ghost-protection charms. Hes quite besotted with Myrtle, preferring younger, innocent girls to older ones like Nora and Liza.


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