Lily Evans

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Revision as of 19:28, 27 October 2006 by (Talk)
Lily Evans


Played ByKate Beckinsale
LJ accountuserinfo.gif r_o_s_e_w_i_n_e
HometownSurrey, England
Current Year7th
Hogwarts HouseGryffindor
Favorite SubjectsPotions, Charms
Worst SubjectsTransfiguration

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Character Name

  • Name: Lily Rose Evans
  • Bloodine: Muggleborn
  • Birthplace: Little Whinging, Surrey
  • Class: upper-middle, I suppose
  • Year: 7th
  • House: Gryffindor
  • Wand: Willow and Unicorn hair, 10 1/4"


Physical Description


Always a curious child, Lily excelled in anything academic while dreaming up fantastic stories that mystified her parents--so they were only mildly surprised and mostly proud to recieve her acceptance letter to Hogwarts. Lily's parents were extremely supportive of her "alternative" education, but her younger sister Petunia was jealous of Lily's talent and powers. It pains Lily that her sister has grown to resent her so, especially since the girls were once so close when they were younger. However, that has never stopped her from screeching mumbo-jumbo at Petunia to scare her off when she's being an obnoxious little brat.

In her primary school Lily was known as the "weird girl." She was often tortured by her classmates for her strange interests and studious habits. Sometimes they even went so far as to follow her home, leave threatening messages in her family's mailbox, or (once) even try to hurt her. It was a wonderful change to enter Hogwarts, where an appreciation of magic was considered a normal thing.

Once at Hogwarts it became apparent that Lily was quite talented with Charms and had a keen mind for Potions. One of her favorite pastimes is to sit in the library with a fascinating book, studying the very things that sparked her imagination when she was younger. She gained a small reputation as a nerd but never cared much--she can't help wanting to devour more information about magic.

She was rarely able to stand the Marauders in general, but mainly James pissed her off the most. When she first met him he ruffled his hair and winked at her--all she wanted to do was poke him in the eyes.






  • Birthday: March 2
  • Sign: Gryffindor

While not the bravest of Gryffindors, the Gryffindor Pisces still exhibits a quiet courage. They aren't afraid to face painful truths, if there really is no way of escaping them. These Gryffindors are deeply compassionate, and full of emotional strength, often becoming the unofficial counselors in the common room who everybody runs to for advice. They are romantic to an extreme; their minds are stuffed full of fairy tales, myths, and legends. They often spend more time daydreaming than doing their homework, to the vexation of their professors (Lily, however, is too afraid of failing to NOT do the work!). Still, their daydreams do sometimes produce uncanny insights.

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