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'''Layering in Designing'''
'''Layering in Designing'''
*Layering can be creation of something more than what is required or literal. It could be hidden in terms of content.
*Layering can be creation of something more than what is required or literal. It could be hidden in terms of content.

Revision as of 12:41, 18 September 2007


Research reports go here

Definitions/meanings of "layering" (based on sources in pint as well as on the web)

check it out! Prayas has already entered his ressearch!



  • It is one of the ways in which plants propogate. It describes the process of stems growing their own adventitious roots while they are still attached to the parent plant. (source: Wikipedia)
  • It describes the way dual-layer DVDs store data (source:
  • It is a popular hair styling technique (source: Wikipedia)
  • Behavior that involves inappropriately changing or layering clothing on top of one another. (source:
  • Shading or coloring between contour lines in a painting (source:
  • Adding multiple layers of superimposed video. (source:


  • layering includes ways of organizing information into related groups and then presenting only certain groups at a time (by William Lidell, Universal Principles of Design)
  • (Layering is) visually stratifying various aspects of data (by Edward Barett)
  • Layering and seperation of information are powerful tools to address detail and complexity (by Edward Barett)

sargam gupta


EMOTIONAL LAYERING: Layering can be applied to people as well. In that sense,it is called "emotional layering". Here personalities of people can be compared to different things that have layers too, like fruits and so on. For example,

  • Some people are like a raw egg. They have a hard outer exterior, but once their shell is cracked or broken by a stranger, a workmate, a friend, a family member, or by a romantic partner, they start to fall apart.
  • Some people are like a jelly. They are soft, squishy and easily devoured. They have no emotional barriers and they are easily manipulated and used by others.
  • Some people are like an onion. Onions thrive emotionally because they have emotional layers and they know who can be allowed access to each layer … when, and under what circumstances.

Onions understand their layers and how much of their emotional selves they can reveal and share with others, without the risk of deep emotional hurt. This protects them, while allowing them to reveal and share their emotional layers in safety as they choose.


DICTIONARIES: A lot of information in dictionaries is condensed and put forward by creating layers and categorizing. For example all the words in a dictionary are categorized alphabetically and each of these words are individually designated layers of information including meaning, pronunciation, sentences, synonyms, parts of speech and so on. Hence the dictionary makes a lot of information available to the reader through simple layering techniques that helps the reader to navigate it easily and not get confused. The problem of being able to differentiate between the different layers is solve by intelligent use of multiple font-sizes, font-type, making text bold/italic or sometimes by using co some tools that help break the monotony and create efficient navigating through the dictionary.Therefore with the help of layers, and efficiant condensation in dictionaries a lot of information is communicated in an organized fashion


Magazines create hierarchy through which they facilitate the navigation of a page effectively. The reader can, without going into too much detail see what he or she wants to read. Layering of magazine pages help create a visual interest in it and hence makes it possible to convey a lot of information effectively. The layouts of magazines hence provide easier navigation. These layers include,

  • Heading
  • sub-heading
  • body
  • header-footer
  • quotes
  • columns
  • tables
  • conclusion

And so on. These layers help filter information and help present it in an organized yet interesting manner.

Priyanka C

(WEB) LAYERING OF INFORMATION IN LAYOUTS: Information layering is encountered in daily walks of life. Layering techniques are used to direct our attention towards specific things and to keep it away from others. The basic need to be addressed when it comes to layering is what the user wants to know and not what the researcher wants to tell the user. The information that the user wants to used simultaneously should be analysed and placed on the same information level. Layering can exist in different structural levels. Within a topic, merely following the elementary principles of good technical documentation itself results in a meaningfully layered structure. Layering can also be applied in navigation through information.

(LIBRARY) LAYERING IN COOKING: Layering is used in the process of cooking of food. Different actions are performed sequentially for the food to taste the way it does. The ingredients are layered one after the other to give the food the particular flavour. Each ingredient is used separately for a separate purpose. For example: While adding seasoning to food one can add further depth to a dish by seasoning in stages or layering throughout the cooking process. Layering works specially well in longer cooking stovetop recipes like soups or braised meats. While cooking a pot of chili- After cooking and stirring for a few minutes the first layer of spices is added. the second spice layer goes in with the liquids. Final layer brings a certain brightness to the dish.

LAYERING IN OIL PAINTING: Application of layers of colours in layers in order to achieve the desired effects of light and shade and to provide other realistic effects has been used from the very beginning. Starting from the first layer of primer on the white canvas which is scraped off with a razor to achieve a smooth texture seven layers of paint are applied in order to complete the painting. The first oil layer is called IMPRIMATURA. It is a transparent coat(middle tone of largest, lightest object in painting). The second, third and fourth layer is called PODMALYOVOK. It is the process of creating intermediate layers and includes shadows. The fifth and sixth layer is called TEL’NII PODMALYOVOK in which flesh tones and main life colours are used. The seventh and last layer is called LESSIROVKA in which details of textures, thickly applied highlights, bright reflections and signature is added. Each layer is ideally dried for 7 weeks before the next is applied.

Akshataa Vishwanath


INFORMATION GRAPHICS OR INFOGRAPHICS: Visual representations of information, data and knowledge are known as information graphics or infographics. In signs, journalism, maps technical writing and education, and other areas where information needs to be explained, infographics are used. The concept of layering is used here, in the way the data is presented. Information is presented in layers. The data, information and knowledge that a graphics shows is the basic material of the information graphic. Layering the data helps in creating a sense of hierarchy, where important information can be treated in a way, drawing emphasis towards it. There are many normal conventions such as scale and labels, the knowledge of which can help in the distribution and arrangement of these individual components. This helps in the understanding of how layering plays an important role in this field.


FASHION(CLOTHING): Layering plays an important role where designing of clothes and fashion is concerned. Clothing is usually based around a system of upto three layers.

1) Inner layer or base layer: This layer is to insulate the wearer and draw away sweat. 2) Mid layer or insulating layer: This layer includes looser fitting garments worn to trap air and aid in retaining body heat. 3) Outer layer or outer shell: The function of this layer is to keep wind out while remaining breatheable.

Thus, in clothing, it is important for one to understand the concept of various layers and how they affect the design of a particular garment.

PACKAGING: Protection of products for distribution, storage, sale and use is done by effective packaging. It may be of different types, that is, transport package, distribution package, consumer package, and so on. Packaging can also be defined as the process of design, evaluation, and production of packages. Categorizing of packages may be done by layers. Layering plays an important role in the packaging process.

 It is convenient to sort packages by function or layer, for example, "Primary", "Secondary", etc.

1) Primary packaging is the first layer, which first envelops the product and holds it. This usually is the smallest unit of distribution or use and is the package which is in direct contact with the contacts.

2) Secondary packaging is the second layer, which is outside the primary packaging. It is used to group primary packages together.

3) Tertiary packaging is the third layer which is used for bulk handling and shipping.

Thus it can be seen that the concept of layers applies directly to the process of packaging.



Layering in Designing

  • Layering can be creation of something more than what is required or literal. It could be hidden in terms of content.
  • Organizing information in related groups and then presenting or making them available in an order of preference.
  • To arrange complex stuff in simple understandable information.
  • It could be 2D or 3D representation.
  • 2D layering is basically when one layer can be seen one at a time. This is a kind of layering used to see how information moves from one place to another. In other words, to switch contents eg: layouts, flow-charts etc.
  • 3D layering is basically when multiple layers can be viewed at a time. They can use opaque as well as transparent tools. Hierarchy is shown in elaborate information without switching content eg: Maps, Photographs, architecture etc.

Layering in poetry

  • Layering in poetry is basically in the meaning of the poems. Some poems can seem to create meanings and emotions that seem well beyond the words on the page thereby creating a different layer.
  • Poems are generally or majority of the times considered being short and therefore poets have a great challenge to compress a great deal of meaning and feeling into them. This creates a different layer of meaning in the poem which is not visible to everybody and anybody.
  • Layers in poems are basically levels of meaning and depth. They are generally hidden. As you read things again and again things become clearer and so layers of meanings open up.
  • These 'layers of meaning' can be created in a text by the use of literary devices. The most common literary device that creates layers of meaning is called irony. There are several other ways to create layers of meaning in a text, for example, through the use of the literary devices of metaphor and symbol.


Layering in Technology

  • In context of users of Computers
  • There are casual users and there are hackers. While the casual users use computers to their convenience the hackers try and go deeper into the functionalities of the technology (digging into the layer).
  • The whole technology of computers is layered. They are distinct layers which are understood by individuals who use it, irrespective of being aware of the other layers that exist.
  • In this context layers are basically ways of organizing a system to make it convenient, usable and easier to work on.
  • For instance, a person who is working on the web doesn’t need to know how the information travels on the net. The layer “what the user uses” is sufficient.
  • The same layering concept is used in other technology or almost all technologies.

People understand the layers they are exposed to unless and until one wants to study deeper layers out of curiosity.

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