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== Research reports go here ==
RVQCBW Appreciate you sharing, great blog post. Much obliged.
Definitions/meanings of "layering" (based on sources in pint as well as on the web)
check it out!  Prayas has already entered his ressearch!
in '''Painting''': Layering means applying one layer of paint on top of another layer. When using layering to paint an area, you normally use three shades of the color you're painting with: a darker shade, the color itself, and a lighter shade for highlighting. These three shades are then simply painted on top of each other, but successively leaving more of the underlying layer visible. [source:]
in '''Video''': Superimposing one video on another is called layering in video editing terminology. Layering allows one to create complex and abstract video sequences carrying multiple levels of information. Layering works by either using alpha transparency or in some other ways. In contrast multiple exposures in photography works by creating two exposures of very different values of brightness and contrast on the same frame.
in the '''Atmosphere''': The  atmosphere is divided into five layers. The layers are defined/articulated on the basis of their altitude; the relationship between temperature and altitude varies among six different atmospheric layers. It is thickest near the surface and thins out with height until it eventually merges with space. (a) The troposphere is the first layer above the surface and contains half of the Earth's atmosphere. Weather occurs in this layer. (b) Many jet aircrafts fly in the stratosphere because it is very stable. Also, the ozone layer absorbs harmful rays from the Sun. (c)Meteors or rock fragments burn up in the mesosphere. (d) The thermosphere is a layer with auroras. It is also where the space shuttle orbits. (d) The atmosphere merges into space in the extremely thin exosphere. This is the upper limit of our atmosphere. <u>Understanding the atmosphere with its many layers and the different properties of the many layers allows one to design different aircrafts/spacecrafts with variously regulated air pressures, oxygen levels, temperature etc.</u>
in '''Music''': Soundscapes, many of which one enjoys in popular and classical music are made from layers of different kinds of instrumentation. Our senses /mind enjoys the successful and homogenous interplay of the different sounds which different instruments produce. Couples with different ranges of vocals often make the experience much more intense.
in '''User Interfaces''': The layers of information presented through efficient user interfaces, separate the navigational, the semiotic, the content, the interactive (actions) and the transport of information into other forms (print, XML etc.).
in '''Relationships''': Social bonds often have a combination of factors due to which they form and either grow strong or weak over time. The factors could be layers of needs, common interests, common purposes, common backgrounds, political orientation etc. 
'''[some definitions from books]'''
* layering includes ways of organizing information into related groups and then presenting only certain groups at a time (by William Lidell, Universal Principles of Design)
* (Layering is) visually stratifying various aspects of data (by Edward Barett)
* Layering and seperation of information are powerful tools to address detail and complexity (by Edward Barett)
===sargam gupta===
Layering can be applied to people as well. In that sense,it is called "emotional layering". Here personalities of people can be compared to different things that have layers too, like fruits and so on. For example,
*Some people are like a raw egg. They have a hard outer exterior, but once their shell is cracked or broken by a stranger, a workmate, a friend, a family member, or by a romantic partner, they start to fall apart.
*Some people are like a jelly. They are soft, squishy and easily devoured. They have no emotional barriers and they are easily manipulated and used by others.
*Some people are like an onion. Onions thrive emotionally because they have emotional layers and they know who can be allowed access to each layer … when, and under what circumstances.
Onions understand their layers and how much of their emotional selves they can reveal and share with others, without the risk of deep emotional hurt. This protects them, while allowing them to reveal and share their emotional layers in safety as they choose.
A lot of information in dictionaries is condensed and put forward by creating layers and categorizing. For example all the words in a dictionary are categorized alphabetically and each of these words are individually designated layers of information including meaning, pronunciation, sentences, synonyms, parts of speech and so on. Hence the dictionary makes a lot of information available to the reader through simple layering techniques that helps the reader to navigate it easily and not get confused.
The problem of being able to differentiate between the different layers is solve by intelligent use of multiple font-sizes, font-type, making text bold/italic or sometimes by using co some tools that help break the monotony and create efficient navigating through the dictionary.Therefore with the help of layers, and efficiant condensation in dictionaries a lot of information is communicated in an organized fashion
Magazines create hierarchy through which they facilitate the navigation of a page effectively. The reader can, without going into too much detail see what he or she wants to read. Layering of  magazine pages help create a visual interest in it and hence makes it possible to convey a lot of information effectively. The layouts of magazines hence provide easier navigation.
These layers include,
And so on. These layers help filter information and help present it in an organized yet interesting manner.
===Priyanka C===
Information layering is encountered in daily walks of life. Layering techniques are used to direct our attention towards specific things and to keep it away from others. The basic need to be addressed when it comes to layering is what the user wants to know and not what the researcher wants to tell the user. The information that the user wants to used simultaneously should be analysed and placed on the same information level. Layering can exist in different structural levels. Within a topic, merely following the elementary principles of good technical documentation itself results in a meaningfully layered structure. Layering can also be applied in navigation through information.
Layering is used in the process of cooking of food. Different actions are performed sequentially for the food to taste the way it does. The ingredients are layered one after the other to give the food the particular flavour. Each ingredient is used separately for a separate purpose.
For example: While adding seasoning to food one can add further depth to a dish by seasoning in stages or layering throughout the cooking process. Layering works specially well in longer cooking stovetop recipes like soups or braised meats.
While cooking a pot of chili- After cooking and stirring for a few minutes the first layer of spices is added. the second spice layer goes in with the liquids. Final layer brings a certain brightness to the dish.
Application of layers of colours in layers in order to achieve the desired effects of light and shade and to provide other realistic effects has been used from the very beginning. Starting from the first layer of primer on the white canvas which is scraped off with a razor to achieve a smooth texture seven layers of paint are applied in order to complete the painting. The first oil layer is called IMPRIMATURA. It is a transparent coat(middle tone of largest, lightest object in painting). The second, third and fourth layer is called PODMALYOVOK. It is the process of creating intermediate layers and includes shadows. The fifth and sixth layer is called TEL’NII PODMALYOVOK in which flesh tones and main life colours are used. The seventh and last layer is called LESSIROVKA in which details of textures, thickly applied highlights, bright reflections and signature is added. Each layer is ideally dried for 7 weeks before the next is applied.
===Akshataa Vishwanath===
INFORMATION GRAPHICS OR INFOGRAPHICS: Visual representations of information, data and knowledge are known as information graphics or infographics. In signs, journalism, maps technical writing and education, and other areas where information needs to be explained, infographics are used. The concept of layering is used here, in the way the data is presented. Information is presented in layers. The data, information and knowledge that a graphics shows is the basic material of the information graphic. Layering the data helps in creating a sense of hierarchy, where important information can be treated in a way, drawing emphasis towards it. There are many normal conventions such as scale and labels, the knowledge of which can help in the distribution and arrangement of these individual components. This helps in the understanding of how layering plays an important role in this field.
FASHION(CLOTHING): Layering plays an important role where designing of clothes and fashion is concerned. Clothing is usually based around a system of upto three layers.
1) Inner layer or base layer: This layer is to insulate the wearer and draw away sweat.
2) Mid layer or insulating layer: This layer includes looser fitting garments worn to trap air and aid in retaining body heat.
3) Outer layer or outer shell: The function of this layer is to keep wind out while remaining breatheable.
Thus, in clothing, it is important for one to understand the concept of various layers and how they affect the design of a particular garment.
PACKAGING: Protection of products for distribution, storage, sale and use is done by effective packaging. It may be of different types, that is, transport package, distribution package, consumer package, and so on. Packaging can also be defined as the process of design, evaluation, and production of packages. Categorizing of packages may be done by layers. Layering plays an important role in the packaging process.
  It is convenient to sort packages by function or layer, for example, "Primary", "Secondary", etc.
1) Primary packaging is the first layer, which first envelops the product and holds it. This usually is the smallest unit of distribution or use and is the package which is in direct contact with the contacts.
2) Secondary packaging is the second layer, which is outside the primary packaging. It is used to group primary packages together.
3) Tertiary packaging is the third layer which is used for bulk handling and shipping.
Thus it can be seen that the concept of layers applies directly to the process of packaging.
'''Layering in Designing'''
*Layering can be creation of something more than what is required or literal. It could be hidden in terms of content.
*Organizing information in related groups and then presenting or making them available in an order of preference.
*To arrange complex stuff in simple understandable information.
*It could be 2D or 3D representation.
*2D layering is basically when one layer can be seen one at a time. This is a kind of layering used to see how information moves from one place to another. In other words, to switch contents eg: layouts, flow-charts etc.
*3D layering is basically when multiple layers can be viewed at a time. They can use opaque as well as transparent tools. Hierarchy is shown in elaborate information without switching content eg: Maps, Photographs, architecture etc.
'''Layering in poetry'''
*Layering in poetry is basically in the meaning of the poems. Some poems can seem to create meanings and emotions that seem well beyond the words on the page thereby creating a different layer.
*Poems are generally or majority of the times considered being short and therefore poets have a great challenge to compress a great deal of meaning and feeling into them. This creates a different layer of meaning in the poem which is not visible to everybody and anybody.
*Layers in poems are basically levels of meaning and depth. They are generally hidden. As you read things again and again things become clearer and so layers of meanings open up.
*These 'layers of meaning' can be created in a text by the use of literary devices. The most common literary device that creates layers of meaning is called irony. There are several other ways to create layers of meaning in a text, for example, through the use of the literary devices of metaphor and symbol.
'''Layering in Technology'''
*In context of users of Computers
*There are casual users and there are hackers. While the casual users use computers to their convenience the hackers try and go deeper into the functionalities of the technology (digging into the layer).
*The whole technology of computers is layered. They are distinct layers which are understood by individuals who use it, irrespective of being aware of the other layers that exist.
*In this context layers are basically ways of organizing a system to make it convenient, usable and easier to work on.
*For instance, a person who is working on the web doesn’t need to know how the information travels on the net. The layer “what the user uses” is sufficient.
*The same layering concept is used in other technology or almost all technologies.
People understand the layers they are exposed to unless and until one wants to study deeper layers out of curiosity.
''Italic text''===Devashish Guruji===
'''Layering in Newspaper Publishing:'''
Everyday tonnes of articles find their way into publishing houses where editors sift through them arranging them various orders of importance and relevance. People are not in the habit of spending too much time with a newspaper hence the editors have to design their layouts in a way in which the readers find it easy to skim through the articles of their choice. Layering is of utmost importance in such cases. Publishing houses not only one but various posts within the post of an editor: copy editors, department editors, photo and image editors, reader’s editor, editorial page editors etc. it is in a very great way a challenge of multitasking considering the fact that they have only until the next morning to complete their jobs. Hence not only is the content layered but so are the jobs here. There is a certain hierarchy in posts where one reports to the other and a certain system is followed ensuring the proper filtration of information that is finally published.
'''Layering in the Human Body:'''
Layering is clearly seen in the human body. It is comprised of very many intricate systems which perform their own functions in relation to each other such as the nervous system, reproductive systems, digestive system etc. Most systems are dependent on each other. Each layer has its own function which ensures the smooth running of other systems.  Even in its basic construction we see layers right from the skeletal system to your outermost layer, the skin. Taking the digestive system, the positioning of the various organs involved in the process fulfills a definite function.
'''Layering in Stories:'''
Layering may be a very subconscious activity in this case. The author while creating a story may chose to branch into further sub stories that inadvertently affect the main plot. The characters also add to the complexity of the plots wherein their specific idiosyncrasies could lead the story to digress further. The author also tends to find links and relations in and around the main plot that he/she could chose to make relevant and thus help the story progress. The different layers that appear within a story could add greatly to the interest and appeal of it.
=== Pushpi Bagchi ===
'''From an article on-line:'''
In an article called "Layering information enhances readability..." by Daryl Moen, it says that there are two kinds of audience- "scanners" and "readers". Lyaering information 'correctly' is supposed to entice scanners to read!When information is layered, it helps a person decide whether the information is worth reading. By dividing an article or essay into sections such as an 'introduction' or 'about', then going on to the main 'body', and then the conclusion gives an article or essay layers. The first layer (about/introduction), is meant to attract the reader and so on.
In general;
"Layering helps separating the grain from the chaff."
'''Dictionary descriptions:'''
The definition of layering or to 'lay' something (accoring to the Chambers dictionary), that fits into the context of information,is "to locate or impose" or "to plan or design". According to the Cambridge ''learner's'' dictionary, to 'lay' something is "to put something into its correct position."
'''Protocol layering:'''
Protocol layering is a common technique to simplify networking designs by dividing them into functional layers, and assigning protocols to perform each layer's task. For example, it is common to separate the functions of data delivery and connection management into separate layers, and therefore separate protocols. Thus, one protocol is designed to perform data delivery, and another protocol, layered above the first, performs connection management. The data delivery protocol is fairly simple and knows nothing of connection management. The connection management protocol is also fairly simple, since it doesn't need to concern itself with data delivery. Protocol layering produces simple protocols, each with a few well-defined tasks. These protocols can then be assembled into a useful whole. Individual protocols can also be removed or replaced as needed for particular applications. The most important layered protocol designs are the Internet's original DoD model, and the OSI Seven Layer Model. The modern Internet represents a fusion of both models.
===Tanvi Talwar===
'''Layered hair'''
is a hair style that gives the illusion of length and volume using long hair for the illusion of length and short hair for volume, this way it is easy to style and manage. Hair is arranged into layers, with the top layers (those that grow nearer the crown) cut shorter than the layers beneath. This allows the tips of the top layers to blend apparently seamlessly with layers beneath.More recent versions of the hairstyle involve making clear distinction between the various layers so that they do not blend seamlessly. In some cases, hair colouring can be applied to certain layers and not others to achieve a distinctive effect.
The layered hair cut is done by lifting the hair perpendicular to the head and cutting it straight across. Also quick layered cut can be achieved by putting the hair in a high ponytail and cutting it.There is more than one type of 'layered' cut, two main ones being the uniform layer and long graduation. With the uniform layer, the hair is cut at 90 degrees to the head. With long graduation, the hair is cut at 180 degrees, creating more visible layers.
'''Layering Drinks'''
It's hard to imagine a more impressive presentation than the layered drinks known as pousse cafe, creating cocktails that are part art and part science.
The science part first. A layered, or floated drink is possible because of one simple fact – different liquids have different densities, and because of this, some liquids are heavier than others. A pousse cafe takes advantage of this by using heavier liqueurs on the bottom, and using progressively lighter liquids as the layers are built, to create a colorful striped effect. The art comes in actually building the layers. After pouring in the first layer, insert the bowl of the spoon into the glass as far as it will go without being in the liquid, with the rounded side of the spoon facing up. Adjust the tip of the spoon so that it’s very near, or even touching the side of the glass. Very gently pour the next layer over the bowl of the spoon, so that it floats on top of the previous layer. The trick is to pour in a steady but very slow stream to prevent the layers from mixing.
'''Animation Layering'''
CAT's layering system is the most powerful animation system in the world today. No other system allows you to work with such ease and flexibilty as CAT. Animation layering was not a feature added on top of an existing architecture, rather, it was a fundamental part of CAT from version 1.0. With CAT's layering system, whenever a new layer is added, that new layer applies to every bone in the CATRig. We do not have such a thing as an 'arm' layer or 'hand' layer. When you add a new layer, every bone gets that new layer, and you can choose the parts of the CATRig that you do not wish to use the new layer. This process is called Feathered Weighting Absolute Layers overwrite the previous layer's animation with a new animation. This means that 2 Abs layers after each other mean that only the 2nd layer has any effect. Abs layers are intended to provide the basic animation layer that you will work on 90% of the time.
All currency notes consist of different layers which come together in order to form a security check against forgery etc. The security features used on Indian banknotes are:
1.'''Watermark''': The Mahatma Gandhi Series of banknotes contain the Mahatma Gandhi watermark with a light and shade effect and multi-directional lines in the watermark window. 
2.'''Security thread''': Rs.1000 notes introduced in October 2000 contain a readable, windowed security thread alternately visible on the obverse with the inscriptions ‘Bharat’ (in Hindi), ‘1000’ and ‘RBI’, but totally embedded on the reverse. When held against the light, the security thread on Rs.1000, Rs.500 and Rs.100 can be seen as one continuous line.
3.'''Microlettering''': This feature appears between the vertical band and Mahatma Gandhi portrait. It contains the word ‘RBI’ in Rs.5 and Rs.10. The notes of Rs.20 and above also contain the denominational value of the notes in microletters. This feature can be seen better under a magnifying glass.
4.'''Intaglio Printing''': The portrait of Mahatma Gandhi, the Reserve Bank seal, guarantee and promise clause, Ashoka Pillar Emblem on the left, RBI Governor's signature are printed in intaglio i.e. in raised prints,                which  can be felt by touch.
5.'''Identification mark''': A special feature in intaglio has been introduced on the left of the watermark window on all notes except Rs.10/- note. This feature is in different shapes for various denominations (Rs. 20-  Vertical Rectangle, Rs.50-Square, Rs.100-Triangle, Rs.500-Circle, Rs.1000-Diamond) and helps the visually impaired to identify the denomination.
6.'''Fluorescence''': Number panels of the notes are printed in fluorescent ink. The notes also have optical fibres. Both can be seen when the notes are exposed to ultra-violet lamp.
7.'''Optically Variable Ink''': This is a new security feature incorporated in the Rs.1000 and Rs.500 notes with revised colour scheme introduced in November 2000. The colour of the numeral 1000/500 appears green when the note is held flat but would change to blue when the note is held at an angle.
8.'''See through Register''':  The small floral design printed both on the front (hollow) and back (filled up) of the note in the middle of the vertical band next to the Watermark has an accurate back to back registration. The design will appear as one floral design when seen against the light.
There are various ways of making or constructing a mandala,all use the common factor of layering.This is one method of constructing a a mandala-
The mandala is made up various vibrations or layers . Numbers define the wavelength, level,rate and quality of vibration. When your soul decided to incarnate into physical reality in this lifetime, it chose to align itself with particular vibratory frequencies that are determined by the numbers found in the birthdate and the numbers derived from the letters in the birthname. The vibratory frequencies that are chosen by the higher-self best express and equip the physical being with various abilities that are in tune with the soul's purpose and mission and lessons to be learned this lifetime.
We all have signature vibratory patterns, forms and colours, that carry certain qualities that are expressed via the four levels of being. In classic Numerology, the single digit numbers of 1 to 9 represent what are known as root essence vibrations. Most numbers can be "broken-down" to one of these primal frequencies, and it is usually these root essence numbers that are used to determine the forms at each layer.
There are 4 rings or layers that compose the mandala.There is a logical narrative that determines the location of each vibratory layer of the personal mandala, descibed in the sections below.
1.'''The soul number'''-It forms the central core of your being and therefore forms the centre of your personal mandala. The Soul vibration reveals the REAL you, the self that came to Earth for a reason, to fulfill a particular mission.
2. '''The path of destiny number''': The 2nd layer of your personal mandala is defined by your Path of Destiny number, because the destiny path is the life journey and mission that the soul first outlines for you to experience this lifetime.
3. '''The life lesson number''': The 3rd layer of your personal mandala is defined by this number because the Soul has placed certain life lessons and challenges along your path of destiny in order to balance any karmic issues from this life and previous ones, and to facilitate the fullest expression of who you really are.
4. '''The outer personality number''': The Outer Personality number defines the final outer layer of your mandala. This vibration forms the outer shell of the self that we project to others. It describes your persona the mask you wear that presents the ego self rather than the soul self.
One of the oldest forms of jewellery made and worn in India is the 24 carat pure gold Kundan jewellery. Kundan work is a method of gem setting, consisting of inserting gold foil between the stones and it's mount. Kundan jewellery received great patronage during the Mughal era and the most beautiful pieces were created in those times.
The art of making kundan jewellery consists of combining various procedures,thus forming many layers of craftsmanship.
1.  The jewellery piece is first shaped by specialized craftsmen (and soldered together if the shape is complicated).
2.    Holes are cut for the precious stones like diamond, emeralds or rubies, any engraving or chasing is carried out, and the pieces are enamelled.
3.    When the stones are to be set, lac is inserted in the back, and is then visible in the front through the holes.
4.    Highly refined gold, the kundan, is then used to cover the lac and the stone is pushed into the kundan. More kundan is applied around the edges to strengthen the setting and give it a neat appearance.
This was the only form of setting for stones in gold until claw settings were introduced under the influence of western jewellery in the nineteenth century.
'''layering information'''
If a given piece of information is divided into different proper functional layers conisting of a hierarchy the information automatically becomes clear and much more simplified.Each layer is designed to serve a specific task or purpose,either it builds on previous layers or has its own induvidual purpose.This not only makes your information well defined but also more useful as a whole.The task is providing need-based information according to the importance level.What does the user want to know and what do we want the user to know determines how and where attention would be directed towards specifc things and what part of the information needs to enhanced. information design involving layering not only entices scanners to read more but also makes it simpler for both scaners and readers to plan ,locate,comprehend and get just the right amount of enlightenment required. also the concept of layering can be made more user friendly by making  the implementation oriented towards information goals and user scenarios acording to topic, concept, instructions and details.
(my own understanding of layering information after reading different layering concepts in various articles and books.)
===Sharvari Shah===
'''Layering in MAPPING:'''
The Google maps are a great example for layering of information. Here it allows us to choose what information we want to view first. There is a hierarchy of information available to us. The information provided here is available on our needs and the sequence can be manipulated by the viewer. The viewer can also create personalized maps which can be viewed by other users. The layering of information is done under different topics such as hotel, fuel, weather info etc. For example, if we require the information about the hotels situated near a place it gives us only the tags of those places with hotels with few names of places around them. Due to this the viewer gets the information without any confusion. Also we can also view more than two kind of information on the same map without causing any confusion. Here the property of layering is seen in the presentation of the given data as well as the three kinds of views of the maps that it provides i.e. map, satellite and hybrid.
'''Layering in MENU CARDS:'''
The menu card provides us the information which is divided in mainly and most commonly four parts:-
1. starters
2. cocktails/mocktails
3. main course
4. dessert
Here the navigation of information is layered. In such a case links are organized to related topics instead of putting them in a long list. Also the quality and the quantity of the information is manipulated e.g. At times a menu card consists of only the names of the items and not the price. This is done so that the customer doesn’t get distracted with the pricing and it allows the place to gain certain level of trust from the customers. Also layers depend on the product and its specific target group. For example the menu card for an adult and a child will be different. At times the effectiveness of layering is increased by using certain visuals in the menu card in the form of pictures, motifs, illustrations etc.
'''Layering in a BIOLOGY BOOK:'''
A biology book consists of series of information of our body. This massive chunk of information has to be broken down into different sub topics which are all inter-related.
Here the hierarchy of information is on the base of its importance, usability, frequency.
Also here again the navigation is layered i.e. information is categorized into different topics which are related to each other. The layout of the pages in the book is also taken into consideration. There are more visuals than text as it is more appropriate to convey the message through visual communication. Even in the visuals there is layering e.g. dissection of different body parts hence having sub- categories. Information is layered depending upon the age of the person viewing it for example for a 4year old child the visuals will have less of details but still will be more pictorial where as for a 16 year old teen the visuals would have more detailing and texts explaining different parts in higher level of detail.
'''layers in a newspaper'''
There are various layers in a newspaper,
*The pages are layered,
*The information is in layers,each page gives a different set of information.for example main page gives  crucial  and important news,the last 2 pages are sports,and there is business etc. 
*The font and the size, what the readers read first to what they dont bother reading.
*The pictures:as soon as one looks at a picture something is understood,after reading whats below the picture one understands more about the picture and after reading the whole article understanding may change.
*the cost is layered according to the color,black and white or color
  according to the size of the picture,
  size of the article, size of the font,
  which page the image and the article are on etc.
*How each individual interacts with the paper.which page he/she reads 1st ,last and what is not read at all.
'''layering of a compact disc'''
the disc looks really compact
'''Protocol Layering'''
Its a common technique to simplify networking designs by dividing them into functional layers and assigning protocols to perform each layers task
For example, it is common to separate the functions of data delivery and connection management into separate layers, and therefore separate protocols. Thus, one protocol is designed to perform data delivery, and another protocol, layered above the first, performs connection management. The data delivery protocol is fairly simple and knows nothing of connection management. The connection management protocol is also fairly simple, since it doesn't need to concern itself with data delivery.
'''Game Layering'''
A game is built like an onion. Each layer of the game polishes an aspect of the previous structure and makes it slightly more appealing. Areas near the inner core give you the most bang for your buck. Areas near the outer edges of the game design are easier to change without unbalancing the system, but don't make as big of an impact.
  1. Core game mechanics
  2. Meta game mechanics
  3. Base setting
  4. Contextualized Tokens (Graphics, Sound, etc.)
  5. Contextualized Scenarios (Levels and Scripted events)
  6. Overall story
'''System Layering'''
Many systems, especially computer systems are built in layers. The lower layers do simple, even trivial things. The middle layers build on combining the effect of entities at the lower layers to do more complex things. The upper layers in the system may be so far removed from the lower layers that it is not possible to think of the system as a whole due to the limits of the human mind. For example, while working on a simple program to compute student grades, I cannot think in terms of the bit manipulations done at the logic gate level in the ALU of the CPU to accomplish the computation of averages and standard deviations. Bit manipulations are done at a very low level when compared to the library routines I would use to do statistical computations.
(web)'''Layers of a Rainforest'''
The tallest trees are the emergents, towering as much as 200 feet above the forest floor with trunks that measure up to 16 feet around.Most of these trees are broad-leaved, hardwood evergreens. Sunlight is plentiful up here.Animals found are eagles, monkeys, bats and butterflies.
This is the primary layer of the forest and forms a roof over the two remaining layers.Most canopy trees have smooth, oval leaves that come to a point. It's a maze of leaves and branches.  Many animals live in this area since food is abundant.  Those animals include: snakes, toucans and treefrogs.
Little sunshine reaches this area so the plants have to grow larger leaves to reach the sunlight.  The plants in this area seldom grow to 12 feet.  Many animals live here including jaguars, red-eyed tree frogs and leopards.  There is a large concentration of insects here.
It's very dark down here.  Almost no plants grow in this area, as a result.  Since hardly any sun reaches the forest floor things begin to decay quickly.  A leaf that might take one year to decompose in a regular climate will disappear in  6 weeks. Giant anteaters live in this layer.
'''Layers of the Earth'''
The earth has four layers: the crust, mantle, inner core, and outer core. The lithosphere is the crust and the upper part of the mantle. The lithosphere is about 5 to 30 miles deep. The mantle is about 1800 miles thick. The outer core is about 1300 miles thick and the inner core is about 800 miles to the center of the earth. The inner core is a solid layer. Earthquakes start at the lithosphere. The crust is a thin rocky skin. The thinnest part of the crust is under the ocean. The ocean floor is heavy, dense rock and the land is lighter, less dense rock. The upper part of the mantle is cooler than the deep mantle. The deep mantle is very hot because it rides on top of the extremely hot outer core and therefore it causes the mantle and crust to slowly move.The mantle is made of many different rocky materials.

Current revision as of 16:37, 18 January 2014

RVQCBW Appreciate you sharing, great blog post. Much obliged.

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