Articles about wikis

From Lawlibrary

Revision as of 21:38, 16 April 2006 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

<a href="">Romantic Poetry Meets 21st-Century Technology</a>, Brock Read, Chronicle of Higher Education, July 15, 2005 (requires password)

<a href=",9171,1066904,00.html">It's a Wiki, Wiki World</a>, Chris Taylor, Time Magazine, May 29, 2005

<a href="">Wiki: the new way to collaborate</a>, Angelo Fernando, Communication World; May/Jun2005, Vol. 22 Issue 3, p8 (Ebsco article)

<a href="">On this Wiki, Everyone's a Critic</a>, Business Week Online, March 17, 2005

<a href="">The Book Stops Here</a>, Daniel H. Pink, Wired, March 2005

<a href=",1759,1745178,00.asp">Wikis at Work: How does an IT consulting fi</a><a href=",1759,1745178,00.asp">rm bring wikis into the business loop?</a>, Sebastian Rupley, PC Magazine, January 2005, p. 90

<a href="">The Wild West of Wikis for Libraries</a>, Carolyn Minor, The University of Alberta Libraries' Information Literacy Symposium, December 10, 2004 (PPT presentation)

<a href="">Using a Wiki for Documentation and Collaborative Authoring</a>, Michael Angeles, Nov. 28, 2004

<a href="">Wicked (Good) Wikis</a>, Steve Boyd, Darwin, February 2004

<a href="">Quickiwiki, Swiki, Twiki, Zwiki and the Plone Wars</a>, by David Mattison, Searchers, April 2003, p. 32


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