Ovum Holway and the Environment

From Lauraibm

Revision as of 12:45, 30 July 2007 by Laura (Talk | contribs)

MI Summary

The Environment is no longer a marginal issue

Looking from a business perspective environmental issues can pose opportunities both for revenues (e.g. telecommunications can push ICT as a means to reduce the need for transport) and for costs (e.g. companies can cut their carbon footprint by taking simple steps such as switching off lighting in unused buildings.)

In addition to this the ICT sector can do more to address the environment issue, for example vendors need to manufacture hardware and software that uses less power, such schemes need to be incentivised by the Government.

It can be seen that the environment issue is increasingly becoming a strategic one, and companies can see numerous benefits through being seen to proactively address corporate social responsibility. Through acting in an environmentally responsible manner companies will benefit by appealing to the next generation of workers, who are more likely to be attracted to jobs in businesses that are making a positive contribution to tackling global warming compared to those who are not.


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