HP: Environmental, Health and Safety Policy

From Lauraibm

Revision as of 13:38, 24 July 2007 by Laura (Talk | contribs)

MI Summary

HP sets out a clear environmental policy, and demonstrates an integrated approach to achieving their goals of providing products & services that are safe and environmentally sound throughout their lifecycle, and conducting operations in an environmentally responsible manner.

Clear guidelines are set out to show what is required to attain these goals. This high level of performance is achieved via integrating their objectives into business planning, decision making, performance tracking and review processes to ensure the goals are achieved and continually improved upon.

Text of Article

Hewlett-Packard is committed to conducting its business in a manner that delivers leading Environmental, Health and Safety performance. This is consistent with our commitment to corporate citizenship, social responsibility and sustainability.

Our goals are to provide products and services that are safe and environmentally sound throughout their lifecycles, conduct our operations in an environmentally responsible manner, and create health and safety practices and work environments that enable HP employees to work injury-free.

To accomplish this, we will:

  • Meet or exceed all applicable legal requirements
  • Aggressively pursue pollution prevention, energy conservation and waste reduction in our operations
  • Design and manufacture our products to be safe to use and to minimize their environmental impact
  • Offer our customers environmentally responsible end-of-life management services for HP products
  • Require our suppliers to conduct their operations in a socially and environmentally responsible manner

We achieve this high level of performance by integrating these objectives into our business planning, decision-making, performance tracking and review processes to ensure we achieve our goals and continually improve upon them.

Each employee has an individual responsibility to understand and support our environmental, health and safety policies and to actively participate in programs to ensure our goals are achieved.

We believe our company must work with employees, suppliers, partners, customers, and governmental, nongovernmental and community organizations to protect and enhance health, safety and the environment. We foster open dialogue with our stakeholders to share relevant information, and contribute to the development of sound public policy and business initiatives.



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