Holland, Mary Ann Abbott
From Lane Co Oregon
Mary Ann Abbott was born in Missouri on March 15, 1839, and crossed the plains when she was 13 years old. She lost her father, mother, one sister, her grandfather, and grandmother to the drreaded cholera on the way to Oregon.
Upon reaching the Oregon Territory, she spent the first winter with her grandfather, Abbott in Salem. In the spring of 1853 they moved to Lane County and took a claim at the headwaters of the Coyote Creek in the Wolf Creek area.
Mary lived with her grandfather until she married T.J. Holland in 1858. They lived in Eugene, and Southern Oregon in Jackson and Josephine County before moving to their homestead near Crow, where they lived out their lives.
To T.J. and Mary Holland, eleven children were born. One son, William, died in infancy. T.J. died on November 5, 1887. A son, Samuel, also died in 1890.
The nine surviving children were at her bedside during her illness and her death on December 25, 1915.