From Lane Co Oregon
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1850s: | 1840s 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860s |
Lane County
US Post Office grants station to Willamette Forks: mail delivered to Mitchell Wilkins home 2 miles north of Coburg.
- Most of the original land claims in Springfield are filed between 1851 and 1853. The average size of a claim was 320 acres. Building sites were located on the high ground because of frequent flooding. Elias Briggs began building a town. In 1852, using shovel and plow, he built the Millrace.
- Originally constructed in 1852 to power Springfield's earliest industries, the Mill Race supported both timber and agriculture in the early years. Connecting naturally existing waterways, Elias Briggs, the founder of Springfield, hand-dug connections to create a waterway which would drive a saw mill and grist mill. The grist mill thrived until it burned down in 1930.
- According to an article in the Eugene Register dated July 4, 1891, the first store was opened in 1852 by James Huddleston on the east bank of the Willamette River as a trading post in Springfield, near Mill and Main Street.