Category:Daily Eugene Guard (1917)
From Lane Co Oregon
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January 9
MRS. R. M. BAKER SELLS THE SPRINGFIELD HOSPITAL Mrs. R. M. Baker, owner of the Springfield Hospital, yesterday sold the institution to Elwood Scott and daughter, Miss Hazel Scott of Salem. The new owners will take charge at once. Mrs. Baker erected the present hospital building a little over three years ago, constructing a building 40 by 75 feet in size and two stories high. It is fitted with modern equipment. A separate building as home for the nurses was built a year ago. Mr. Baker is a conductor in the employ of the Southern Pacific Company.
January 13
MILTON BALLY OF SPRINGFIELD 18 SCALDED AT FISCHER BOUTIN MILL Milton Bally, superintendent of the Fischer Boutin mill at Springfield, was very seriously scalded by hot water and steam in an accident at the mill at 7:30 this morning. He is in the Springfield hospital, conscious, and suffering terribly from the burns, which cover his legs completely and part of his hips. The full extent of the injury cannot be determined for several days, for it can not now be ascertained how deep the burns are. The feed pipe of one of the boilers began leaking early this morning, and that boiler was drained so that repairs could be made. Mr. Bally was superintending the work and had a man helping him. After steam and water had been blown out of the boiler a quantity of cold water was turned in to see if the boiler was clear, but this cold water caused scale to break off and clog a pipe in the bottom of the furnace. In the time in which Mr. Bally was cleaning some of the ashes out of the combustion chamber and the time of the accident the heat retained in the walls of the furnace heated the barrel or so of water remaining, and created a small head of steam. Mr. Bally had shoveled a quantity of ashes out of the combustion chamber, and his helper was removing them from in front of the furnace door. The assistant had been sent to another part of the mill, and the pile of ashes grew in size and blocked the entrance to the combustion chamber, then as Mr. Bally removed the support from below the "L" the force of the steam blew it out. Mr. Bally and Carl Fischer erected the mill owned by the company at Springfield, about ten years ago, the company at the time being known as the Fischer Bally Lumber Company. He is married and has one son, Ray Bally of Springfield who is a high school student.
January 15
A story to the effect that a body removed from one plot to another in the Odd Follows cemetery had been
found petrified, was partially confirmed today by Coroner Marion Veatch.
"We had occasion a few weeks ago to move a body to another place, and when Mr. LaDuke, the sexton had
opened the old grave he found that the original metal container rusted away, but the body was so heavy that the
rope used in lifting it out of the grave was broken. Four strong men had all they could do to carry the body to the
new resting place, and they had to stop several times on the way to rest."
" I did not examine the body myself, but Mr. LaDuke, the sexton, and his son, did so, and they said that it had
turned to stone. The body was that of a woman who was buried in 1900 -- 16 years ago."
Professor Shinn of the university expressed doubt about the story, but added that so many unexplainable
things happen in this world that he would not say it was impossible for the body to become petrified. He stated
that ordinary petrification occurs only when there are limestones present, or some other form of silica, and there
is very little of this mineral in the vicinity of Eugene.
January 17
JOHN W. KITCHEN, CIVIL WAR VETERAN DEAD AT COBURG John Wingfield Kitchen, a veteran of the Civil war, and a member of J. W. Geary post, G. A. R. of Eugene, died today at the home of his niece, Mrs. Alice Balch, at Coburg, aged 87 years, 4 months and 25 days. Mr. Kitchen was born August 22, 1829 in Indiana, and at the outbreak of the Civil war joined the 50th Illinois volunteer infantry. He was incapacitated by sickness and received his discharge, but on January 1, 1865 he reenlisted in the 36th Illinois infantry and served until the close of the war. There are no members living in his immediate family, but in addition to Mrs. Balch, another Niece, Mrs. Emily Stevens, lives at Springfield and still another, Mrs. Reimenschneider, lives at Wendling. Interment will be made in the Coburg cemetery.
MARCOLA WOMAN DIES Mrs. Frank Burch died at Marcola on Saturday, January 13, 1917, and the funeral was held at that place Monday afternoon. Besides her husband, she leaves four small children; two brothers, Allen B. Wilkins of Marcola and W. C. Wilkins of Leona; one sister, Mrs. W. L. Burch of Leona, and her father, I. M. Wilkins of Marcola. She was born in North Carolina, and was 31 years of age.
January 20
D. A. Conley received a high pressure tank power pump and gasoline engine by freight Saturday. The outfit
was purchased complete through the Chambers hardware Company of Eugene. H. K. Chapman of Eugene will
install the outfit for Mr. Conley and expects to have it completed within the next ten days. Mr. Conley is one of
the up to date farmers of this community, and believes in being up to date for conveniences and service, having
built a large new 13 room house and balloon framed barn in the past 20 months on his 130 acre ranch of nearly
all river bottom land.
Silas Lane of Bally Ore., has rented some 20 acres of river bottom land of D. A. Conley to plant to potatoes
this season.
January 26
HARRISBURG BANKS ARE CONSOLIDATED Harrisburg Ore., Jan. 25-- A deal of much interest to local business firms and to the people generally of this community was consummated this week, wherein George J. Wilhelm, cashier and largest stockholder in the First National Bank of this city, secured a controlling interest in the Farmers and Merchants bank of Harrisburg. This latter bank was organized here about six years ago, since which time there has been two banks in this city. T. B. Garrison of Portland bought the majority of stock of the Farmers and Merchants Bank about a year ago, which he has now sold to Mr. Wilhelm, giving, this well known gentleman the controlling interest in both of the Harrisburg banks. A meeting of the directors and stockholders of the Farmers and Merchants Bank is called for Tuesday, January 30, at which time a new board of directors and officers will be elected. For the present there will be no change of importance in these local banking institutions, and Mr. Garrison will remain with the Farmers and Merchants Bank for the present. The First National Bank was capitalized at $25,000 and has a surplus of $18,000 and deposits of $181,313.81 as shown by its recent statement. The Farmers and Merchants Bank was capitalized at $30,000, and has less deposits, both being on a sound financial basis.
January 29
OREGON HUNTER IS DEVOURED BY HUNGRY WOLVES Gold Hill, Ore., Jan. 29.-- The finding of a man's scattered bones, his empty rifle and bodies of three lean timber wolves Friday on Evans Creek, Jackson county, told a grim story, it is believed, of a fatal struggle in which John Hammersley, a missing government hunter, was torn to shreds by a pack of hungry wolves, but only after he had killed three of the animals. News of the discovery, which was made about a mile from Hammersley's camp by timbermen, was brought here today. In the clearing in the willows where the bones were found the ground was torn up, giving evidence of a terrific struggle. The hunters clothes were ripped to shreds and his bones were licked clean. Indications were that the fight occurred not long ago. A posse which has been searching for Hammersley believes the bones are Hammersley's as no other trace of him or his pack of hounds has been found. It is believed the hounds fled when the wolves set upon their master. Attempts to identify the rifle will be made.
January 30
VICTIM OF WOLVES LEFT LANE CO. OVER 20 YEARS AGO 1-30-1917 John Bartholomew Hammersley, whose skeleton was found this week near Gold Hill, Ore., where apparently he had been killed by wolves, was a resident of Lane Co. at one time, according to N. McLean, who remembers the man. Hammersley, who was the son of George Hammersley, who lived on Camp Creek for a number of years up to 1877, when he moved away. John, or Bartholemew, as he was generally called, returned to that country 25 years ago, and spent a year on Camp Creek, subsequent to going to Gold Hill. That bones found in the foothills of the Cascades, on upper Evans Cr., in Jackson Co., are those of her husband, is the belief of Mrs. John Hammersley. A party to determine the identity of the victim will go to the scene tomorrow morning from Wilmer, on behalf of Mrs Hammersley. John Hammersley, who was a government hunter, employed to hunt and destroy predatory animals, left his home in this city on January 2 to hunt a pack of giant timber wolves that were killing many deer on the headwaters of Evans Or. He took with him 4 trained hounds and three pack horses, and was to establish camp at Willow Flat, he having homesteaded the flat and later sold it to a timber Co. Since leaving here on the second no word had come from him. Mr. Hammersley had been employed as a government hunter for several years, and had killed numerous cougars and other animals. Last winter he hunted on Grayback Mtn. in Josephine county, to assemble a number of animals for a moving picture company and roped a number of cougars. He was one of the most successful hunters in Western Ore. Mr Hammersley was 53 years old and was born in Baker Co.. He spent his early days in Lane and Lake counties. He went to Gold Hill when a young man and for several years edited the Gold Hill News. He was the brother of Deputy District Attorney Joseph L. Hammersley and Police Detective Thomas Hammersley, of Portland, and a brother-in-law of G. A. Cobb, a local attorney.
NO. 34
at Coburg in the State of Oregon, at the close of business March 5th, 1917.
RESOURCES Loans and Discounts...$29,677.78 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 55.27 Bonds and warrants 2,169.60 Furniture and fixtures 1,500.00 Due from banks (not reserve banks) 1,839.03 Due form approved reserve banks 3,902.98 Checks and other cash items 202.34 Cash on hand 1612.30
Total $40,959.30
LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $10,000.00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 661.05 Individual deposits subject to check 23,154.19
certified checks 7,144.06
Total $40,959.30
STATE OF OREGON County of Lane -- ss. I. R. T. Wood, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. R.T. WOOD, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of March, 1917. (Seal) GEO. A. DRURY, Notary Public. My commission expires May 25, 1920.
CORRECT -- Attest: A. G. PIRTLE R.T. WOOD GEO. A. DRURY Directors
February 10
TALES OF PIONEER DAYS BY THOMAS H. HUNSAKER The incidents related herein are in a great measure the history of like events all over the Willamette valley, and many of the facts have been related to me by eye witnesses, whose truth and veracity could not be doubted. The first person to get through the Cascade Mountains by way of the middle fork of the Willamette of 1853 immigration was Martin Blanding. He was In a famished condition, and worn until almost unable to move. He was discovered by D. C. Mathews, when a boy 13 years of age, who together with a Mr. George Penline, were engaged in herding cattle for Mr. Riggs on and around Butte Disappointment. (Lowell in Lane County is located at the foot of this butte). Mr. Mathews found Blanding lying on the ground by a fire he had kindled to roast a piece of meat cut from the hind quarters of a young colt he had killed the day before. The meat was placed on the end of a stick, the other end in the ground, and near the fire. And to show what straits the man was in, it is said the colt was killed the night before. Mr Blanding was so weak that he found it a very serious undertaking to kill the colt.
He had a gun to shoot it with, but was too weak to handle it with and degree of certainly. He camped this
night at the Gordon rock, a mile perhaps south of Lowell. The next day he came about three-quarters of a mile
to the place where he was discovered. Mr. Mathews saw his fire while on the butte above him, and thought it
was an Indian camp, and wishing to inquire in regard to a couple of calves that had strayed, went to the fire.
When Blanding was informed that there was a house and food nearby, he cried for joy. When taken to the
house and food given him it was very hard for those who entertained him to keep him from eating too much.
They knew this would be certain death to him, so they fed him a little at a time and watched over him all that
night. It is hard to reason with a man who has been out of food for two or three days, but when he has scarcely
anything for two or three weeks, you can't reason. You have to withhold by force as was done in Blanding's
Blanding reported that there was a large
company of immigrants coming behind and that they were nearly all out of food when he left them two weeks
before. This created quite an excitement among the half-dozen men that were at John Bargdel's place that
These men saddled their horses at once(leaving a couple of men to look after Blanding), and crossing the
river went to Trent or Rattlesnake Valley as it was called then, and for a long time afterwards. There were a few
settlers there at the time, and among them were; Dr. Wilson Fisher, William McCall, Samuel Boftman, Jonathan
Morgan, and Henry Morgan.
Henry Morgan lives at Lowell now and remembers the cry that went out that night that the immigrants were
coming down the trail and were starving. These runners rode all night and with others that they picked up along,
so that the news was carried away in below Coburg by daylight the next morning. Ox teams that had crossed
the plains a year or two before were brought into requisition and the wagons were loaded with the scanty
provisions that were to be had and at once they started to meet the starving immigrants. Some had a few beef
cattle which they drove in to feed the starving people. Mr. Blanding being a man of good education, made
himself useful to the pioneers by teaching school. Joseph Parker, Hon. Thomas Hendricks and many others
went to his school at Cloverdale.
The next day after the runners had gone down the valley, Robert Tandy came riding to Daniel Hunsaker's
cabin on the hill side by the spring in Lost Valley. Mr Tandy stated his mission at once telling that the immigrants
were coming and he wanted a pack horse and a sack of flour. It was now 4 or 5 o'clock in the evening and Mr.
Hunsaker requested him to stay till morning and he would go with him. "No", said Mr. Tandy, I must go right on
tonight. I must travel as far as I can while it is light and camp when it gets dark. Mr Hunsaker saw at once that it
was not worth while to parley, so he went to the flat below the cabin where his horses were grazing and caught a
pack pony, brought it to the house and loaded it with a hundred pound sack of flour. Then saddling his riding
horse he went with Tandy to show him across the river, as the rivers had to be forded in those days, an fourteen
hand horses were small to ford them with. This was the first report Mr. Hunsaker received of the Immigrants, as
his home was a mile south of the road traveled by the "runners" or those who carried the news.
Robert Tandy in company with six others, namely Mr. Loug, a Mr. Clark, George Devine, Plens Noland, A. S.
McClure, and B. F. Owen, left the camp of this same party of immigrants north of Silver river (or Creek) and
came on west and across the Cascade range of mountains by the Three Sisters. Then on down the McKenzie
river. They were 25 days without provision or food of any kind except horse meat, berries fish and snails.
Tandy knew what it was to starve and travel at the same time, and this reason, if he had no other incentive to
lead him on, would be enough.
The distance Tandy traveled can be made now and over pretty much the same route in seven or eight days,
with a team of horses, and an auto would make it easily in two and one half days.
These men traveled on horse back when they were not walking, but they had to travel very slowly and feel
their way along. On the Mckenzie from Blue River to where the big Deadening now stands, there was a very
heavy growth of large fir and a dense mat of underbrush to contend with. The question has often been asked
why they did not kill deer and grouse, as the game was in abundance then. The answer to that question is that
they did not know how to hunt. All were very poor hunters, and they were overly anxious to get through. They
were afraid that they would starve if they wasted time in hunting. They lived to get
through, and some of them made good homes in the country they were seeking. Plens Noland's home was near
Creswell where he lived many years. Bob Tandy moved around a good deal but always had plenty, he died a
few years ago near Eugene. A. S. McClure was in the mercantile business for many years in Eugene City, as it
was named at that time. Thomas Clark, in old resident of Camp Creek stated to the writer that he and his family
and many others were in a condition bordering on starvation. For six weeks they were without a bit of flour and
lived on poor beef cattle they had driven across the plains and not even salt to season it with. Traveling every
day they found great logs in the road, or rather a trail, with notches cut in the logs where the wheels of the
wagon would strike them and maybe some bark chunks laid up against the log to give the wagon a little start to
go over.
He stated that the first aid that met them was at Big Prairie, now Oak Ridge. When on coming to their
camping place late in the evening he found some men busily engaged in making cakes of bread in a frying pan.
These men laid a pile of cakes already baked something like a foot high. The hungry immigrants wanted to
mush in and help themselves to the food they saw before them, but "no" was the word of these sturdy men who
had brought in the provisions.
"Wait till all have come in for the night, and we will see how many are in your company, then we will divide
with all as equal as we can," said the leader. Strong men cried in their weakened condition, seeing the food
before them and having to wait. Finally all had gathered in and from one pile of bread one foot high there were
several piles standing there close together, when the issuing out began, baking very late into the night. Mr Clark
stated no bread ever tasted sweeter to him at any time in his life, and he had a fond recollection of the
occurrence while talking to me about 25 years afterward.
All lived to get to the land of promise, especially of those who reached the Cascade Mountains, except Mrs
Petty who died and was buried at the mouth of Simpson Creek. We conclude that these immigrants were
composed of an exceptionally hardy race of people. When these pioneers reached the valley, they scattered
about in various places seeking for claims on which to found homes. Many were very much dissatisfied for
when the haven of their aspirations was found, they were destitute, with nothing to begin on. These trials made
them very homesick and if they had had the means to have returned to their homes in the "States" (as they
spoke of it), no doubt the following spring would have seen many on their way back. Necessity forced them to
remain, and in the mean time they were led to see the many advantages of their new situation. To illustrate;
Uncle Tommy Mathews often
expressed himself to his neighbors in this way: "If I were only back and situated as I was before I left Illinois, if I
had it, I would give all the gold old Buck and Jack could draw"'. Buck and Jack were the two oxen he set great
store by.
The next thing, in order was to select their claims and build their cabins of logs, which they drew to place with
their oxen, some peeled the logs, some hewed two sides, while some laid them up with the bark on. They split
out stuff for the floor. A large fire place was erected in one end of the cabin, where the women did their cooking
and which provided heat.
February 17
TALE OF PIONEER DAYS Elizah Bristow was the first settler in Lane county. He located his claim on Pleasant Hill and named the place and had it legalized by the first legislature in Oregon. Mr. Bristow if I have been properly informed came through to Oregon by way of California in 1845. He together with a Mr. Wesley Shannon (if there were others we know not), came up to Oregon in the spring of '46'. They went down the valley as the first settlement was in those parts. After looking the country over, Mr. Bristow turned south traversing over some of the country he had seen in going north coming up the east side of the middle fork of the Willamette. He came to where the little town of Jasper now stands. Here he forded the river, coming out of the woods where John Shelly has had his home for the past 65 years. Here on this spot as I was informed by Zilphia Rigdon, ( Mr. Bristow's youngest child) Mr. Bristow made his choice of a claim. Looking south and west of the low rolling hill where the graveyard is now located, noticing the scattering pine and oak, Mr. Bristow rose in his stirrups and said, "That place yonder reminds me of my old home in Virginia. Here I shall lay my claim, and here I shall make my home and I shall call it Pleasant Hill." They now rode on to the place selected, and on the ground where the graveyard is now located he built his first house. This house stood for several years and afterward Mr. Bristow built his final home, a half mile west. James Howard, Felix Scott, Eugene Skinner and William Dodson were the men who accompanied Mr. Bristow. In the year 1843, in company with a Mr. Shannon he began the erection of a hewed log house. Having now fully decided to remain in Oregon, he wrote letters to his wife, sons and some daughters, and gave them into the hands of George Jackson, who carried them to his home in Illinois. Mrs Bristow broke up the home by selling the farm and together with her sons and son-in-laws, and many others, came to Oregon the following year which was 1848. Mr. Bristow lived here on his claim for many years, and saw his sons-in-law settled comfortably around him, living to a good old age and was buried near where he erected the first cabin on the ground donated by him for the public as a burring place. The first school house was erected here by Mr. Bristow, sons and sons-in-law and even grandsons helped. This is district #1 of Lane county. W. W. Bristow taught the first school here in Lane County. Uncle Elizah was a gun smith by trade and could sharpen plow shares and colters. The neighbors would repair to his smithy to get their plow work done and guns "fixed". Tools were very scarce and for an anvil Mr Bristow used a very smooth boulder, and while he was working for you he did not want his work neglected, so if he was plowing he would say, you take the lines and keep the plow going and I will do your work."
Rebecca Fisher lived with her husband, Dr. H. H. Fisher, whom we mentioned as being a settler in
Rattlesnake valley when Martin Blanding was found at Butte Disappointment. Mrs. Fisher was born in Ohio
June 18, 1818; she came to Oregon with her husband Mr. Pinkerton in 1852. He was killed near Coburg by a
tree falling on him. A short time before this occurred, being in need of some provisions for their humble
household she started out on her pony for the store kept by Huddleston and Ankenny on the bank of the
Willamette river where the fine steel bridge now stands. On her return home she was unable to raise the
ferryman at Spores ferry.
It had been raining very hard and the McKenzie was swollen by the recent rains. It was getting dark and it
was stay all night in the rain, or use the pony in place of the ferryboat. She decided the pony was good for the
trip. She placed the groceries in her lap so as to keep them as dry as possible. The horse waded in as far as
he could wade, then swam the rest of the way, landing where he could not climb out. Here Mrs. Fisher caught
hold of a bush and pulled herself up onto the bank holding on to the pony's bridle with one hand. After getting
her footing she laid down her groceries and with both hands free she pulled her pony out, got on him and went
safely home. After Mr. Pinkerton was killed, she married Dr. Fisher and traded their place near Coburg for one
in the Rattlesnake valley. Mrs. Fisher met with many hardships, but she was undaunted and very persevering,
constantly at work, frugal in her habits and when she passed away in the year 1897 she had all the necessary
comforts of life. Mr. Fisher died at Trent in 1884.
In the spring of 1862 after the high water had subsided, William Clark, then a boy of 17 years, was sent by
his father to the farm on Camp Creek to look after the stock. This chore completed, he returned home; his
parents lived in Eugene at that time. He came to Mulligans ferry and after hallowing for an hour, and was unable
to raise anyone. It was now growing dusk, raining and freezing as it fell, but instead of going back to a house on
the road and remaining until morning he decided he would coon that ferry rope. He climbed up, got onto the
rope, one leg over the rope, the other hooked over his foot, and all went pretty well until the middle of the river
was reached. By this time his hands were getting sore from the bite of the ice on the rope. From then on it was
up hill and his hands were tender and cold. It was a hard fight from this on and a fight for his life, and then he
had to stop and rest several times and while resting he had used about all his strength to keep from slipping
back. With hands aching from cold, cut and bleeding in a dozen places, he finally reached the frame where the
rope was fastened and got down safely to the ground. It was a boyish experiment, but it was enough of that
Abe Patterson related to the writer an incident in regard to the pent up strain the immigrants were put to in
crossing the plains ever on the look-out for red men. At a place near
Farewell Bend on the Deschutes River, they had gone out and gathered up their cattle with intent to make
another days journey toward the "land of great promise", when lo and behold they found themselves short of
five or six work oxen. They started back along the wake to look for them, the way they had come. Isaac Barclay
was one in their company and was a young man and single and had no particular cares on his mind. The oxen
were found about 10 o'clock in the morning standing with their heads under a juniper tree. Ike said, "Hold on,
look out boys, the Indians have got the cattle tied up and are waiting for us to come after them then they will kill
us. Now men be careful and I will stand guard here and the first Indian that shows himself, I'll kill him". But as it
turned out no blood had to be shed, as the cattle were under the tree to find shade for their weary necks.
February 24
TALE OF PIONEER DAYS The first white man to visit Lost Valley and gaze upon its hidden resources was Elizah Bristow, the venerable patriarch of Pleasant Hill and first settler of Lane County. It was some time during the year 1847 that Mr. Bristow took his wife in hand and set out to follow an Indian trail that led southeast from his home along the foot hills and across Rattlesnake valley nearby where the Trent sawmill once stood. Mr. Bristow followed this trail through the woods until he came out into the prairie near the spot where Joseph Parker erected his new residence. It was here and at that time that Mr. Bristow carved his name on a small oak, so that those that came later might see that he was on the ground first. At a time after this, say about 1850, Mr. Bristow in company with his son, William Bristow, came into the valley from the west side hunting deer which were quite plentiful in those days but hard to stalk as they are at the present time. By traveling a mile or two in a direction you were most sure to see a deer or two. Father and son found themselves on a hill afterwards called Williams Butte and it was at this time that the valley was named. They named it Lost Valley, and that has been its name ever since. William, Bristow always claimed the honor of first mentioning the name, his father agreeing.
NAMING BUTTE DISAPPOINTMENT While standing there on Williams Butte there arose a discussion between them as to which side of the river the large bald butte before them was on. It was finally decided that the river flowed on the east side of the butte, they directed their course toward the butte when they found that the middle fork of the Willamette flowed on the west side of the butte. Being disappointed, they named the butte "Butte Disappointment". There have been several reasons set forth as to how the butte came to be named this particular name, but after weighing the evidence very carefully and trying to be fully informed in the matter, we give it as our candid opinion that this is the true solution. A little jealousy sometimes creeps in between the first and second comers to a new country and when this is allowed to prevail it often leads to falsification in historical points. Now we have given the true history of the discovery of our little Lost Valley and the true origins of its name as near as ever will be known. I shall proceed to tell you of the first settlement and the names of the first settlers and what they did. The first persons coming into the valley with a view of making homes were the Morgans. They came in the fall of 1852. There were Jonathan Morgan, Patsy Morgan, a widowed daughter of Jonathan Morgan; William Morgan a son-in-law of Jonathan and Henry Morgan, a son of Jonathan Morgan. There was also at this time here a man by the name of Gossitt. Henry Morgan hauled for him the logs of which he erected a cabin. He became afraid of Indians and abandoned his claim. John B. Hanna afterwards filed on it under the donation act, and lived on it as required by law and secured a patent. Mr. Hanna traded his place to James Parvin who lived there the remainder of his life.
AFRAID OF INDIANS The Morgans, being afraid of Indians, decided after building their cabins that they would not winter here, but would spend the winter down the valley where there were more settlers, and come back to their places in early spring. In the mean-time when they had moved away, a Mr. Redford came in and squatted on Jonathan Morgans claim. Redford spent the winter here and alone and the Indians gave him no trouble. In the spring when the Morgans came back they found Redford here, and it required two yoke of oxen from the hands of Jonathan Morgan to pry him loose. Jonathan Morgan traded his claim to A. G. McDowell for MoDowell's claim in Rattlesnake valley. Thomas Barbre secured Patsy Morgan's claim, and L. S. Hunsaker bought off William Morgan's claim. These trades were all made during the spring and summer of 1853. These men last mentioned, namely McDowell, Barbre and Hunsaker, made permanent settlement and secured patents to their land under the donation act.
AN INDIAN WAR Before proceeding further with the History of Lost Valley I shall tell you of a circumstance that took place there. Thinking the Indians a little to bold and in order to intimidate them somewhat so they would not prove a disturbing element to the settlers, Elizah Elliott, of Pleasant Hill lead a small force of volunteers to Lost Valley. Henry Morgan, who was one of the company, stated to me that they met but few Indians, and these seemed to wish to hide. Elliott fired his gun off in the air and that was about all the shooting that was done. This, we think, is about the facts of the case, as Mr Redford came in about that time, and wintered alone. In my boyhood days I used to hear about a great fight between Elliott's company of volunteers on the one side and a large number of Indians on the other; that Elliott had won a great victory driving the Indians into the mountains and had not lost a man, not even any wounded. These stories were made up by some wag and told to newcomers and they in turn had innocently repeated them. Many stories are rife as to the spot where the battle was fought and would have it that it was in the canyon where Jack Adding built his house, on his homestead. Others said it was at the Parvin ford, on Lost Creek, while the real facts as stated to me by Henry Morgan, who stated to me that he was present and one of the company, are that the place where they found the Indians, fired the gun, rallied and returned home was on a spot of ground southeast of the Williams and Williams store, near some large fir trees that once stood there, inside of the present field of William Williams.
In the fall of 1855 the settlers of this quiet little valley were stirred up for about 36 hours by a report from John
Beason, who lived across the river near Butte Disappointment. Mr. Beason came over in a great hurry and
stated to the settlers that the Klamath Indians were coming down the trail in large numbers with the purpose of
attacking the settlers. This news created a severe shock and there was running to and from and huddling
together for a while -- several families went to McDowell's home, which was centrally located and there they
spent the night. Scouting parties were sent out who soon learned through the aid of the Molallas (Indian
residents) that there were no Klamaths coming. These resident Siwashes were much afraid of the Flamaths (as
they pronounced the name), and these Indians said that the Klamaths would be seeking for their scalps and not
the white man's. This proved to be the last Indian scare of any importance in this valley, but this did not end
until the residents had hauled enough piling to build a small fort, but it was never completed. The location of
this fort was not far from a large oak tree now standing in William Williams' southeast field, also the southeast
corner of his farm.
Nothing of special importance occurred here till the spring of 1861. At the home of A. G. McDowell and his "gude" wife Gallie, the stars and stripes were first flung to the mountain breezes. Campbell Chrisman of the Coast Fork country had been invited to be there and make a patriotic speech. For some reason unknown to the writer he failed to come. Green McCarty being present, was invited to take the place of Mr. Chrisman which he did with honor to himself and the satisfaction of those present. Mrs. McDowell had made the flag with the occasional help of neighbor women. All the sewing in those days was done by needle and thimble, such a labor saving device as a sewing machine was unknown here at that time. Some time after this there was a second flag raising, but it was the same year. At this time it was at the residence of John Stoops. This occasion brought out some of the partisan blood that had been held in abeyance up to this time. These times were war times, but as we people in Oregon were living a long way from the seat of action, we passed through it without bloodshed. I am now going to relate a circumstance connected with this last flag-raising which will go to show that the partisan spirit was getting pretty warm and no doubt if it had been pushed much further would have brought on a little war. During the night someone had written on a board, "Hurrah For Jeff Davis" and nailed it to the Stoops flag pole. It was soon discovered by those who called themselves Unionists, and you might as well have held a red flag before a mad bull and expect it to pacify and cool his rage. John Rigdon heard of it and as the saying is, he went up into the air for awhile at least, then he begin to plan. The result of his plans were that the sign must come down. He said "We raised our flag pole, we put no taunting sign on it, we did what we have done in a spirit of loyalty to the government at Washington and now the "ceseah" are taunting us. That sign has got to come down or I will raise 500 men and take it down and if resisted will burn Stoops out". Rigdon went immediately to Thomas Barbre's and made request of him that he go at once to Stoops and request him to take down the taunting notice. Barbre, for a reply, stated that he did not care to go, to make this request of Stoops, as at that time there was no good feeling between them, but was finally led to go in the hope of a reconciliation and to save the neighborhood from bloodshedding. Going immediately to Stoops he made his business known, stating what he thought the consequences would be if that sign did not come down at once and stay down , citing as a fact that they placed no taunting sign when they had raised their flag pole. Stoops for an answer said that he had not placed the sign there and felt no obligations for its presence, but finally stated that he would see to it that it came down. Peace reigned once more in our little valley. Nearly, if not all of those that took an active part in this escapade are dead and gone and their feelings will not be rent afresh by reading the foregoing. Many of the young and rising generation have not so much as heard of these trying times we went through.
THE STOLEN ANVIL 3-10-1917 A short time after the flagpole episode took place, there was another of a different character pulled off at McDowell's place. There was some kind of rally to take place at McDowells, and to celebrate the event as it seemed the necessities of the case required, an old anvil was brought into requisition. This anvil belonged to Anthony Laughlin and was the only one in this neck of the woods. Large rocks were brought to place on the anvil in lieu of the second anvil. A young man was hidden in the woods nearby watching every move and studying how he might thwart these people in their efforts to celebrate. His opportunity came in a way he least expected. Darkness had now come on with a faint moon. He left his place in the woods, and if you had been watching, you would have seen him creeping along the inside of a tall stake and ridered fence. He crept up, as near as he thought prudent, remaining very quiet as he did not know whether his life would be worth a two-bit piece if caught. The firing of the anvil was now to begin. Three or four men were loading it and had placed a rock on it ready to fire, when they were called into the house for some cause. "Here is my chance," said the young man to himself. Over the fence he went, picked up the anvil, carried it to the fence where he had been hiding, threw it through a crack where the rider was raised like an ell and followed after. Picking up the anvil he carried it a short distance, threw it down behind a stake, and covered it with dirt a friendly mole had thrown up. He had only the time to run the length of three or four panels of fence, when out came the men to fire the salute. There was a surprise awaiting them. The red hot iron was swung around to set off the powder, when to their surprise there was no anvil there. Of course they knew at once that someone had stolen their anvil, and of course it must be some partisan on the opposite side, named by them "Cesesh". These men ran up and down the road in search of the man who had purloined their anvil, but their efforts came to naught for the young man was inside of the field behind a fence stake drawn into as small a comass as it was possible to reduce himself. The hunters passed by him at a very close range, but owing to the darkness he was not discovered. As soon as it was thought prudent, the young man got out with all the celerity imaginable. The old blacksmith was without an anvil for some time and said all kind of hard things about the man who stole the anvil. MORE EARLY COMERS Now I will mention some of the early comers who did not take the benefit of the donation act. James and Joseph Parker came in 1853, in company with John Stoop, their brother-in-law. A few years later they married and made their first settlement in Rattlesnake Valley. Joseph married Caroline Rutlege, and bought the place now owned by E. P. Williams. Here they made their home for some time, thence moving to Pleasant Hill, where he remained a few years. Selling out there he came to Lost Valley and bought the old McDowell place from William Osborn, and here he has resided ever since. James Parker married Phoeba Rigdon, made his first home in Rattlesnake valley, and afterward moved to Cloverdale valley where he has resided until-his death a few years ago.
About 1869 Thomas Harris came to this valley. His claim is now owned by John V. Crall. This place has
changed hands perhaps more than any other farm in the valley. First Harden, then A. J. Hunsaker, John N.
Johnson, L. B. Rowland, George Coryell, Rube Oliver, then Thomas Harris, who was the first to file and he
received a patent under the homestead act. Harris sold to Thomas Roney. Roney died on the place and his
heirs sold to Jonathan Vincent; Vincent to John V. Crail, the present owner.
The next to take land under the homestead law was Lewis Coleman. He sold his claim to C. M. Hamilton.
Charles W. Walden secured a patent for the claim now owned by Henry Smith. Samuel McBee had squatted on
the claim before Walden, but traded to Walden his right for a small sum. H. S. Ward, the school teacher,
secured the place now owned by Mr. Gillett. William Templeman took up the place now owned by Smith Carr.
Coming down the west side of the valley, we find Joe Addington on a homestead about 40 years ago, this is
about all except some of more recent date. Among these we might mention a Mr. Purisful, Dwight McGuire,
Gold Dunten and Edwin Wegner. At the falls of Lost Creek we find L. C. Mathews setting on a homestead
some 38 years ago.
W. R. Parker filed on the home where he now resides about the same time. Josiah McBee was among those
early claimants. Samuel McBee took up the claim now owned by L. Mathews.
As we remember Henry Tilton took up his claim a few years after these. Levi Harper took a claim south of
Tilton about this time. Elija Bristow or Dock Bridges, we do not know which, secured title to the Johnson claim.
We may have omitted some, but think we have about all of those who secured title from the general
government at Washington.
We now think of three more, these names are among the late comers. Alexander Griffin and Charles
Chandler; William Keoster a little earlier.
NAMING LANDMARKS Some one may ask the question, how did the prominent butte or, the southeast side of the valley get its name?. Thomas Barbre gave me the facts in this matter. A. J. Hunsaker and Barbre went into the mountain gunning in June 1854. On their return to the home of Mr. Barbre, in their conversation they decided that a butte of such prominence should have a name and they decided that Pisgah would be very appropriate. L. S. Hunsaker, hearing the remarks and learning of their decision, informed them that there was a Pisgah in the not far away neighborhood of Pleasant Hill. They then decided to name the butte Mt. Zion, and the old butte has born this name with remarkable dignity ever since.
We wish to record an occurrence which took place during the early part of the night after Beason made his report, which caused the blood to tingle and run cold in the veins of some for a little while at least.
Several young men were at McDowell's and they concluded they would walk out upon the hill nearby and see
if they could learn anything. They had hardly reached the point to which they had intended going, when they
heard someone hallooing. The first thought was that the Indians were signalling to each other, and that they had
been discovered, and that the Indians would be onto them soon. No doubt many conflicting thoughts ran
through their minds, when A. J. Hunsaker, one of the number recognized the voice as being that of his brother,
Dan, when he said, "Boys that's Dan, and I am going to him."
Dan as it appears, had not heard of the Indian stampede, being away somewhere and when he got home he
went to Barbre's, his brother-in-law living nearby, and no one was found there so he came out away from the
house and began to hallo, thinking they were around somewhere and would make their presence known, but
they had gone to McDowell's too, and Dan was left alone,
presumed to be surrounded by a foreign foe but was at perfect peace with himself except that he was lonesome.
His brother Andrew, went to him and they together repaired to Dan's cabin, where they remained during the
night. Dan being informed by his brother of Beason's report and of the people gathering at
McDowell's, scouted the idea of there being any Klamaths and thought Beason was misinformed.
Will say however, that for years after this the resident Indians and what were known as "friendlys" were far
too numerous for the peaceful nerves of the housewife. She was often alone with two or three small children.
Forty or fifty of these bucks would come riding by at one time fantastically dressed in their barbaric style. It was
no pleasant affair to one not used to such things. Sometimes these Indians would stop and beg for flour,
tobacco or sugar. The poor woman had none of these articles to give, thinking all the time because she could
give them nothing that this might offend them, and they would wreak vengeance on her in her helpless condition.
After a long time as it appeared to those living here then, the Indians were all taken away to the reserve. A few
however came back, and these were allowed to stay by request of a few of the settlers as they needed them to
dress their deer skins and make rails. Old Mose was chief among those that came back to their old hunting
ground. He had a family consisting of wife, son and daughter. When this old fellow thought or heard that the
Indian agent would be around searching for stray Indians he would hie himself away to the mountains and we
would not see him for two or three months. This fear finally wore away as he was informed by friendly whites
that they had asked the agent to allow him to remain. Old Mose was counted among the honest Indians; his
credit was good at John T. Gilfry's store at Cloverdale or with any of the farmers who dealt with him in buying of
FIRST SAWMILL BUILT Dropping down to 1858 we find Blasingim, Rutedg and James Eastep building the first sawmill. This mill was erected on the ground now owned by Bert Parker and very near where the Dexter flouring mills now stand. This sawmill derived its power from the flowing force of Lost Creek; an old-fashioned sash frame held the saw which did its cutting by moving up and down. It was made to do so by a large crank attached to a water wheel; to the crank was attached a pitman and this in turn to the sash in which the saw was held. Of course at the present day this mode of making lumber would be counted very slow. Two thousand feet a day was the limit. In those days it was thought very good and much easier than whipsawing. This mill worked many years at this place, the timber being mostly used up the irons and works were sold to Elijah Wilson, who rebuilt it about three miles south on Lost Creek, where it was owned and run by various parties. The last owner was Captain Backus. The sash mills as they were known, belonged to a past generation.
TALE OF PIONEER DAYS (-CONTINUED) While on the subject I will tell you how Mt. June received cognomen. Mr. C. W. Walden was the man and he gave for his reason that the snow was still on the butte the first of June the year he settled in the valley. Walden named Middle Creek for the reason he said "it was about halfway from his home to the settlement." Being a Yankee he named the little stream that flowed by his home, Yankee Creek.
FIRST CHILD BORN The first white child born in Lost Valley was Ilena Williams, December, 23, 1853; just two months after her parents arrived with the emigrants that came by way of the Middle Fork. She grew to womanhood here; married a Mr. Whitbeck, and is now living at Wendling in this county. Ann Whitaker gives the name of Mary Spores as probably being the first white child born in Lane County, being born in the spring of 1848 -- Since writing the foregoing we have learned the exact date of Mary Spores birth as being November 17, 1848. Mrs. Kinsey, states that her sister, Lenora Skinner, was born Sept, 1, thus you will see that Lenora Skinner was the first white child born in Lane County. In the year 1871 Samuel Handsaker and family came from Canyonville to this place and bought the ferry at Butte Disappointment and grounds herewith. This was not the first ferry at this place; the first was placed here by the military road company; the second by David Callison, and this was the ferry William Handsaker bought and ran for many years. Mr. Handsaker was a thorough-going man and soon had a store and not long after, as we remember, a postoffice. Butte Disappointment was the name given the postoffice. Later the name was changed to Dexter. This office continues to this day and Ida Williams is the postmistress. Butte Disappointment was the name of the first postoffice in this valley and Samuel Handsaker was the first man who had the right to write P. M. after his name. This office was moved from place to place. James Parvin was postmaster several years and had the office and store at his home here. The second office was named Zion and Thomas H. Hunsaker was the postmaster; the Zion office started in the year 1899. This office continued 10 years. Soon after the Zion office was started, the June office was started on upper Lost Creek. This office had several postmasters and was discontinued after some years. This office was renewed and given the name Zion. Rufus Wood was postmaster during the fall of 1913, when he resigned and the office was discontinued.
At the first the early settlers real necessities were few. The larger portion of the emigrants took up claims
and began to improve. The first thing was to get some house logs together, invite the neighbors to assist with
the "raising" as it was called. All had houses to build, so help was freely granted. The house up, the next act
was to make rails and fence in a garden spot, then a small field for grain. The grain was out with a cradle and
as soon as it was dry, it was hauled to a central place, a round corral was formed, the grain placed within and
the cattle or horses were turned loose on it to tramp out the grain. The animals were driven around and kept
constantly moving while the men with forks would stir or change the straw--slow work, you say? yes but there
was no other way known at that time. When at last the grain was tramped out, the straw was separated from
the chaff and grain with forks, then the fanning mill was brought into requisition; that is provided you had one or
could borrow one; if not you did it in this way. A scaffold was erected eight or ten feet high, the grain was carried
to the top of the scaffold, a large sheet was spread on the ground at the foot of the scaffold; the grain was gently
poured out and a strong breeze carried the chaff away and left the clean grain to remain.
The same amount of grain may be threshed out and cleaned in a few minutes by one of our modern
threshing outfits, but in those days it required many days toil. The grain for bread was now hauled to Billy Jones'
grist mill at Cloverdale.
This perhaps was the first gristmill to grind grain in this country.
MALE SHINGLES EARLY Shingle making was another industry engaged in by many early settlers, especially those who lived near the cedar groves. A rancher would make up a load of shingles, take them to Corvallis and trade them for groceries, or clothing. Shingles were in good demand for many years at three and four dollars per thousand. Five thousand was the load for a two horse team. Five hundred shingles were packed in a bunch. Several days were required to make the round trip to market, especially when oxen were used as motive power. Time in those days was all they had, and they went about getting ready for the trip, with as much pleasure as one would now getting ready for an excursion to the lakes or sea shore. Time rolled on. Reapers came to take the place of the cradle, and the threshing machine in place of the horses for trampling out the grain. Men began to be measured by their wealth and not by their character.
OLD CABINS REMAIN There are yet a few log cabins still standing that were built in a very early days. One of these may be seen on Uncle John Shelley's farm on Pleasant Hill. Mr. Shelly, very recently informed me that he built this cabin in the fall of the year 1851; that it had settled down and that he had added more logs on the top two different times. This cabin still stands in a good state of preservation just behind the present dwelling. "Aunt Almira Bristow", who died just a few days ago, lived in one of those ancient buildings. It is a good and comfortable building and has a large fireplace where all the cooking was done in the early pioneer days.
ONE OF UNCLE TOMMY HARRIS' JOKES When Horace Greely ran for president on the Democratic ticket some of the Democrats thought he was too big a pill to-swallow, so did not vote for president that year. "Uncle" Tommy Harris when seen coming from the polls, was asked if he voted for Greely. "Yes" he said, "I am like the little boy when the preacher asked the blessing: "You can say what you please, but you can't turn my stomach". A short time after the election, Mr. Greely died. Uncle Tommy was told of it and his laconic reply was -- "I knew one good
Democratic vote would kill him." The old gentleman would then drop his under jaw, this was a sign for all to
Now for the story of two young men who left their homes in Lost Valley, August 21, 1872. Our mode of travel
was horseback and our objective point was the hot lake in Grand Ronde valley. With no pack horse, just a little
flour and some bacon, ground coffee, a frying pan and coffee pot tied in behind the saddle made the full outfit,
our blankets that we used at night for our beds were our saddles. On the night of August 21 we camped at
Rush Island. A man by the name of William Train fell in with us here and made one of the company as far as the
Deschutes when he left us, taking the road to Pitt river California. The 22nd we traveled as far as the John Hill
place, known then as the Little Prairie. On our way that day, we passed the Sanford place at Big Prairie. Their
home consisted of two log cabins set in line with a shed roof to join them together. The Sanfords were cattle
men, and here they had an abundance of range. The next place, and across Salmon Creek was Adison Black's
home. He had settled there the year before in 1871. The place is now owned by Frank Warner.
On the 23rd of August we started early with the view of reaching the Rigdon place, which we did early in the
evening. Uncle Steve and Aunt Zylpha, as they were familiarly called by their friends, were at home and ready
to greet us. This place was new. Mr. Rigdon had sown some wheat to make hay. It was now heading out but
very green. Instead of mowing it he plucked it roots and all, made a bundle, which, I remember was worth 25
cents a piece.
We had our supper and breakfast in the house. The Little Fine Opening, as this prairie was called by the
immigrants, proved to be a good point to do business with travelers going to and from Eastern Oregon. Uncle
Steve and Aunt Zylpha, as they were familiarly called by their friends, conducted this place for 30 years when
they sold it. This place is still known as Rigdon Ranch.
August 24th we crossed the Cascade range, the crossing was just south of Diamond Peak, one of the snow
peaks of the Cascade range. We reached Crescent Lake at the eastern foot of the mountains at about 3 o'clock
p. m.. There we found Daniel Waldo of the Waldo Hills and his son-in-law, a Mr. Wells, together with their hired
man whose name we did not learn.
Mr. Waldo had a raft made of pine logs and had been fishing. The hired man had walked around the lake that
day and when asked as to how far he judged the distance around, answered 35 miles., This you will see was
very erroneous, as the writer of these lines has been around this lake many times, not only in a boat, but afoot
as well, and 12 miles he would say is the extreme limit of distance. Directly in front of Crescent Lake is Pilot
Butte, so named by immigrants of 1853, this is a cone shaped butte, and it can be seen for many miles round
August 25th was a beautiful day. When we reached the crossing of the Deschutes, we turned north and
followed the immigrant road, up to this time we had been traveling on the Oregon and California military road
which was new then and in good repair. As we traveled along the banks of the Deschutes we saw several nice
open places among the pines. These prairies were covered with a splendid coat of grass. We camped this
evening at Crater ford.
A Mr. Sanderson, who was hunting for horses camped with us. He related to us that he had undertaken to
winter a band of horses here and that they had nearly if not quite all perished in the deep snow. August 20th we
traveled some 30 miles as we judged. The most of the day we were in pine timber, the road was level and easy
going. Made camp that night with the Dixon or Dickerson stretching out before us, a splendid prairie with grass
knee high on Paulina creek. August 27th we found the country variegated with timber and grassy prairies. We
passed what is called the big meadows that day and that night we made camp at Farewell Bend of the
Deschutes. There was no company and it seemed very lonesome. As the writer recollects, we forded over to
the west side of the river where there was fine grass for our horses.
About sundown some coyotes gave us one of their splendid serenades, which they kept up for perhaps an
hour. August 28th we crossed the 30-mile desert and came to immigrant ford on Crooked River. Here the water
was strongly impregnated with alkali and it had a milky color.
LONE WOMAN TRAVELS We had company that night in abundance -- six men and one lone woman, the men came into camp a short time after we arrived. They stated to us that they had been to Boise City selling a band of horses. The woman came about sundown driving a span of mules hitched to a buggy, one of the men helped the lady unhitch and set up her tent. She stated to this man that she was on her way to The Dalles. We went fishing here and caught a mess of chubs, the stream being full of these fish. August 29th we went to Prineville to get one of the horses shod, this place consisted of a store, blacksmith shop and saloon, the last named business was owned by Henry Prine, who was the owner of the town site.
TALE OF PIONEER DAYS 3-24-1917 Prineville is situated on a level plot of land lying between Ochico creek and Crooked River. Some grain is raised on the Ochico, but the main dependence of the country in 1872 was stock raising. After transacting our business at Prineville we turned on our course and camped there - alone at Willow Creek. We passed the place here where Henry Deadman killed Meeker and his partners. These men had taken a drove of hogs to the mines and were coming home with their money and were murdered here in cold blood. August 30. We were in a prairie country with no trees of any kind, but rolling hills with bunch grass. That day we passed the Teal and Coleman stock ranch where lots of cattle were in sight. August 31. We were at Cross Hollows (now called Shanico). This country had a peculiar formation with four deep hollows coming together like the letter "X" with the center raised or even with the surrounding country. Here was the stage road leading from The Dalles to Canyon City This was a trading post and a stage stand, where horses were kept. The country here was like the rest we had passed -- all prairie and no timber in sight. September 1. We were at a place called Haystacks. This country was all alike -- rolling prairie with bunch grass in abundance. My diary says this was Sunday evening and with all a very pleasant day.
EVIDENCE OF PLACER MINING September 2. We traveled some 30 odd miles and reached the John Day river. We camped on the west bank of the river. It was raining hard and no shelter. On the morning of the 3rd we forded the river. It was still raining. This river is dark and muddy, made so from the placer mining going on somewhere up this river. Leaving the John Day we traveled up Rock Creek nine miles, thence over the rolling prairies to Willow Creek. Here we made camp at William Weigles place. This appeared to be a very fine stock country but with no farming. We laid over here a day and we both traded horses with Weigle and got new mounts. September 5th. We left the Weigle place on Willow Creek and came to Butter Creek, and camped at Tom Ayer's place. It was here a coyote pulled the frying pan from under our heads and ate the grease and remaining meat out of it -- about as brave a thing as I ever knew a coyote to do.
Butter Creek is a very small stream and the country around about the same as Willow Creek except they did a little farming there. We bought sheaf oats to feed our horses. Leaving the Ayers place September 6 we rode to Pendleton, a distance of 35 miles. This was a flourishing little town that had a hotel, livery stable, stores, saloon, blacksmith shop, and a paper called the East Oregonian. We did not tarry long here. Sunday morning, Sep. 8th we were on the Umatilla Indian reservations We saw many Indians and perhaps thousands of Indian ponies almost all colors. On the road we met a pack train, the first we had ever seen. This train had been to the Salmon River mines and was going to Umatilla Landing for another load. They were then loaded with cow hides. These great cumbersome packs scared our horses until it seemed we would not get by. A little nigger boy was riding a gray mare in the lead of the pack train and the mules, perhaps a hundred, were following, ten or twelve men bringing up the rear. This Umatilla country was level along the river and as pretty a country as we had ever seen. We could then see timber in the Blue Mountains some 20 or 30 miles away. We reached William Russell's that day at 12 o'clock. Mr. Russell was at one time a resident of Pleasant Hill. Mr. Russell like the rest of the people here, was improving his home and seemed well pleased with the country. His home was one mile and a half east of Weston on Pine Creek. My partner went immediately to Grand Ronde Valley, as he had some business to attend to there. We remained behind some days doing some work teaming at Weston. Our job completed we had an opportunity to go to Grand Ronde with Dr. Literal and Enoch Russell. We crossed the Blue Mountains by way of the Lincoln Road and found the snow 20 inches deep for several miles on the mountains. We reached Indian Valley north of Grand Ronde late in the evening. We found a place to stay with some bachelors. VALLEY IS BEAUTIFUL Here the country put me in mind of the Deschutes, with lots of bull pine or lodge pole pine. The day after crossing the mountains Enoch Russell and I went to the Hot Lake or near it where his father Abel Russell resides. Grand Ronde is a beautiful valley 30 miles long and 20 wide in the widest place, and level as a floor. But of course every place has its draw backs. We soon decided that it was too windy for us. We spent two weeks here riding after cattle for Taylor Green, then
returned to Weston, where my partner was making ready for our homeward bound trip.
This whole country was passed over by the emigration, and I think now that the principal reason for passing
it by was the lack of timber and water for both articles are scarce here. And again they had been traveling all
summer long through a country similar to this and they wanted something better. Uncle Abel Russell visited
Grand Ronde with two of his sons in the summer of 1868, as we remember. On his return to the Willamette
valley he stated to my parents that "We had left a better country behind us, in the Grand Ronde and Walla Walla
valley." We are quite certain that Mr. Russell changed his mind as to this statement before he had lived many
years in Grand Ronde, as he soon sold out and moved to near Weston. It was here he spent the remaining
days allotted him.
It was now about October 10, 1872 and having seen the country, my partner's business all settled, we turned
our faces toward our homes in the Willamette valley. We traveled pretty much the same road as we came until
we crossed the John Day River. Here we took the emigrant road that led toward The Dalles. We followed this
road to the Deschutes. The country here and lying north toward the Columbia river is more level, but water is
hardly to be found, just a spring here and there. We crossed the Deschutes at Shearer's bridge, thence turning
southwest we passed through Tygh Valley.
VISITS PIONEER BARLOW We then traveled in a westerly direction to Barlow's gate at the eastern foot of the Cascades. Mr. Barlow the man who opened the Barlow Road in the year 1846 was riding here keeping travel. Mr. Barlow did not seem to be an old man at this time. his hair was black, he was straight and seemed to get about as well as anyone. I do not think he was much over 50. The toll gate was kept at Foster's on the Big Sandy which Mr. Barlow stated was 55 miles from his home at Barlow's Gate. We were up very early next morning, as there was no stopping place on the road until we reached Foster's. We arrived at this place very late in the evening, there were bad roads. There was much corduroy or puncheon laid on the swampy places on the road and these puncheons seemed to be floating about a foot high from the bottom of the road. This made our horses very shy about crossing these places.
We could not get down and walk, as the mud and water would reach halfway to the knees, so we sat on our
beasts and spurred them through, hoping they would not run a foot through the timbers and thereby break a leg.
As we passed along we noticed that there were two little streams that crossed the road that rose very high in
the afternoon when the sun would melt the snow on Mount Hood. During the night these would run down so that
they were not more than a foot deep, but in the late afternoon they were swift torrents, being midside to a horse
and very dangerous to cross. We had Mount Hood on our right all day and a part of the time the mountain
seemed quite close. The snow was quite visible through the timber. There is a steep hill on this road named
Laurel Hill. The emigrants found it quite difficult to go down. If they had had it to go up they would have found it
more difficult. As it was, it was bad enough. Trees had to be felled and chained to the hind axle of the wagon in
order to pass down with a degree of safety.
Leaving Foster's we came southwest, crossed the Clackamas river on through Howell Prairie, Waldo Hills, on
through the town of Silverton. We visited a few days at Turner with the Hunsakers and thence on home. Thus
ended a splendid trip to two young men in that early day. In conclusion will say that these men are still living, but
are no longer young.
Forty-three years makes quite an addition to one's years. I am pleased to say for them that they have
homes, children and grandchildren around them.
STAFFORD BRIDGE IS DAMAGED BY SNOW Weight of snow that has fallen during the last few days did some damage in various parts of Lane County. Sunday afternoon the roof of the Stafford bridge across the Mohawk river, on the "Hill" road, a few miles this side of Donna, collapsed, throwing the top chord out of alignment. This bridge was given minor repairs last summer, and was to be rebuilt this coming spring. The bridge is closed to travel until the extent of the damage can be ascertained.
SPRINGFIELD NEWS Saturday morning while playing with a rubber button, such as are found on hose supporters, little Forrester, the two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lemley, inserted the button in his nose. The child was hurriedly brought to the office of a physician to have the obstruction removed. There has been a crew of about eight men busy at the Booth Kelly mill during the closed period, laying concrete forms and foundations, for the installing of a new resaw, and in doing other extensive repairs around the mill.
SAWMILL AT MABEL TO RESUME WORK TUESDAY The Coast Range Lumber Company's mill at Mabel will resume operation next Tuesday, with a crew of 200 men, according to announcement of Charles E. Gratke, manager of the mill, who was in Eugene Thursday. Mr. Gratke states the logging camps will start Friday, and the mill proper will get under way in a few days. He adds that the company has a large number of orders, and he expects the mill will have a long run. The mill at Mabel is one of the most modern in this part of Oregon, and has been operating intermittently for several years past.
GIVES SKIN FOR GRAFTING A young lady of this city voluntarily had several strips of skin removed to be used to graft upon M. G. Bally Saturday morning. Mr Bally lost every atom of skin on both limbs from his hips to his ankles, about two months ago when he was severely scalded. He has been at the local hospital since the accident. Several people have offered strips of skin to use. Mr. Bally is doing nicely.
HORSE DROWNS W. C. Wooley who lives on East Main street, unfortunately lost one of his horses Saturday. His two sons, Glen and William, drove the team down to the river near the rock crusher after a load of sand and returning from the sand bar the horses got into deep water. The heavy load and the harness drew them down. The boys swam to the shore but the horses were in the water for more than two hours until rescued. One lived but a few minutes.
LES FISHER HURTS ANKLE Lester Fisher, on Friday morning had his leg caught between two logs at the Booth Kelly mill, bruising that member quite badly. It is some better now.
BOOTH KELLY MEN TO GET JOBS BACK AFTER WAR All employee of the Booth Kelly Lumber Company who enlist for service will receive their old jobs or better ones at the end of the war, was the announcement made by manager A. O. Dixon this morning. "The company is encouraging its young men to enlist", said Mr. Dixon. "This applies to all branches of work; in the car shops, camps, mills, and offices" "Fight or work should be the slogan for every able bodied man in the United States", said air said Mr. Dixon.
SKIN GRAFTING FAILS TO SAVE M. G. BALLY'S LIFE M. G. Bally, superintendent of the Fischer Boutin Lumber Company's mill in Springfield, died last night as a result of scalds received three months ago. His injuries were received while he was at work under a boiler at the Springfield plant. He had started to repair a pipe, and believing the water to have been drained from the boiler, unloosened a joint of pipe. A head of steam which had formed in the pipes burst upon him.
He saved his face and lungs by burying his head in a pile of waste sawdust. His body was terribly burned. A
number of his relatives and friends submitted to the removal of skin from their bodies and this was grafted onto
Mr. Bally's body by the
physicians attending him in an effort to save his life. His death is attributed to the shock of the scalding steam
bursting onto his body from which he never fully rallied.
Mr. Bally was 42 years of age and was born at Hoxville Ontario Canada. He had been identified with the
lumbering interests of Lane County for several years. He is survived by his wife and two sons, Ray and Joseph
Bally, both of Springfield. He was a member of the Independent Order Of Odd Fellows and the lodge at
Springfield will have charge of the funeral services.
MYSTERY OF RED HAND IS SOLVED BY SECOND LETTER Lumber men up and down the Pacific coast have been in a state of wild excitement for several days and hundreds of special guards have been placed on duty at their plants because of the reception of each of them of a post card on which was crudely printed a blood red hand, and the words: "Three days more, We mean Business" The lettering was in pen and ink and the hand apparently the imprint of a rubber stamp. Every mill on the Pacific coast received what appeared to be the warning of some agency threatening violence and in each case, the managers immediately notified the authorities requesting protection and vigilance to protect their properties from possible harm.
SHERIFF PARKER NOTIFIED Sheriff J. C. Parker received appeals from virtually every mill in Lane county, including the mills on the Siuslaw. The mill owners stated that they were putting on appraisal guards, but desired the authorities to assist them in taking some precaution, and in reaching, if possible, the source of the evil looking post card. Today the mills received a second postal card, also carrying the imprint of the hand, but in green. Across the back, the words, "One more day. The last word," were scrawled in pen and ink. But this second notification was more explicit and carried an explanation of the purpose of the cards as follower "On account of the publicity of the press and the condition of the times, and the conception of the idea, I have decided to allay any possible misunderstanding and fear in the public mind, so the three days have been cut down to one and will be mailed tomorrow. Look for it." This card is signed by C. A. Stewart, Pacific Coast manager, of Clark Brothers company, dealers in sawmill machinery. Both officials and mill men condemned the method of advertising as a time when every nerve is strained by the possible suggestion of violence.
May 2
Floyd Martin of Marcola Dies
Floyd Martin, the 12-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Martin of Marcola, was brought to the Springfield hospital last Friday evening suffering from a fractured skull, the result of a kick from a horse, died Monday afternoon at the hospital. The body was shipped this afternoon to Marcola where services were held and interment was made. W. F. Walker of Springfield was in charge of the funeral arrangements.
May 4
W. W. Waite of Marcola yesterday morning bought the meat market fixtures from the county market on West Main Street from Al Montgomery and crated them and shipped to Marcola where he owns a market. Workmen for the past three days have been busy and nearly completed the tearing down of the old building on Mill and Main street known as the Walker estate. The building is an old land mark and one of the first to be built in the city. It has not been occupied for the past three years.
May 9
A patriotic demonstration was given at the home of Joseph betting Monday evening. Mr. Betting cut a flag staff 60 feet in length and before long the neighborhood in general had discovered the fact, and their patriotism was so aroused that the event was soon turned into a patriotic rally and the entire population assisted with the flag staff planting and the raising of "Old Glory." A flag salute was given and patriotic songs were sung. Several short talks were given on patriotism and the loyalty of German-Americans. Mr. Betting is a German-American and has shown his loyalty to the country of his adoption by his part in the demonstration. The ladies served light refreshments about 10 o'clock and with a closing talk from H. W. Gustin the gathering disbanded and left for their respective homes.
WOULD DRAFT TRAMPS FOR ARMY SERVICE City Councilman C. P. Devereaux proposes that all men found begging for food from house to house be drafted for service in the army. "Three husky individuals came to my house", he said "and asked for something to eat. I was surprised in view of the fact that farmers all over the state of Oregon have been making appeals for workmen. They want big strong men like these to help them with their crops. There ought to be a law to compel such men to enlist in the service of the country". Mr. Devereaux would form an organization in all cities and have all tramps who asked for food promptly turned over to the recruiting officers.
May 17
Marcola Boys And Girls Start Garden Project
The boys and girls of the Marcola High School are doing their bit to help the nation. They have responded to
the call to plant. Superintendent A. I. O'Reilly has been stimulating their interest with good marks on report
cards, but he says the
initiative came from the gardeners themselves. They have been carrying on their work much the same as other
schools of the state, but calling a call for a survey of agricultural
resources of Oregon, a farm and garden survey of the school projects was decided upon. The work of 35
students is
The reports show 16 1/4 acres of garden, eight acres of corn, 15 acres of potatoes and 6 1/2 acres of beans.
Gardens range in size from 24 by 24 feet to 346 by 252 feet.
The acreage tracts are being cultivated by the boys in the school. Superintendent O'Reilly gave students
time off from school upon written request from parents. The vegetables grown in the school gardens are onions,
lettuce, radishes, turnips, beets, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, peas, cauliflower, Kale, parsnips,
parsley, and spinach.
May 19
Claud Hammitts team, while tied at the Donna store Thursday, became frightened at the freight train and ran away. The horses collided with a telephone pole before going very far, breaking the wagon tongue, evener, and neck yoke. The harness was damaged some but the team escaped without injury.
May 22
Old Springfield Landmark Being Wrecked
Workmen, under the supervision of Albert Wauchmuth, are tearing down the old Mount Hood Saloon, which is owned by William McFarland and is an old landmark, on the corner of Mill Street and the race.
May 23
WENDLING NEWS The Booth Kelly Company is building six new houses, very neat and substantial, piping water to them and two at least will be fitted with modern bath rooms. They are about ready for the paint. Ej. Adams, formerly an employee at the Eugene cannery, is now working on the new Booth Kelly company houses here. Al Lundeman a carpenter from Eugene who has been working on the new Booth Kelly houses, had a nail fly from under the hammer and hit him just above the eye. The eye is pronounced in a very serious condition.
May 24
Springfield News (Register Guard 5-24-1917)
Mrs. Roy Palmer, who lives near Midway Park, while returning home yesterday afternoon, her horse became frightened at a steam roller which Welby Stevens was operating, near the railroad track, on South Second street. The horse shied, plunging the buggy into a ditch, which caused Mrs. Palmer to pitch out upon her head. She became fastened in the wheel, and was dragged several feet before she became loosened. Mr. Stevens picked up the injured woman, and brought her to a local physicians office. Mrs. Palmer was badly bruised about the face and head and three stitches were taken in her upper lip.
May 28
J. W. White, proprietor of the Belle Theatre, was painfully burned yesterday afternoon when a film in the projecting machine which he was operating caught fire the flame spreading to the operating and theater entrance. A comparatively small crowd in the building at the time escaped through an exit on the opposite side of the building.
Both of Mr. White's hands were very severely burned and his face was blistered. He was removed to the Springfield hospital and was reported to be resting easily today. The fire occurred soon after the first show for the afternoon had started, and the damage to the theater building was small.
June 2
MARCOLA SCHOOLS CLOSE SCHOOL YEAR There will be four graduated from the Marcola High School, Wednesday, June 5, and eight from the eighth grade. The exercises will be held in the M. W. A. hall. The class will be presented by A. I. O'Reilly, superintendent of the Marcola schools and the diplomas will be handed them by M. Johnson, chairman of the board of education.
High School diplomas will be awarded to: Letia Harris Jennie Turner Alma Dickert Earl Walker
Those completing the eighth grade work and who will receive diplomas are: Ethel Wood Ida Whitsell Edward Harris Neva Workman Anna Page Lawrence Baxter Arthur Paschelke Earnest Sother
June 19
Herbert Galvin Adams William Bradford Herschel Eben Bailey Roy Clifford Brower Joseph Walter Bly Delbert Levi Bennett Ralph Burgdorf Frank Henry Burnett Joe Henry Bolin Derris Glenn Bennett Arthur Winton Caskey Ed Lee Cofer Garland Harry Campbell James Weaver Cole Bertie Eugene Cox Robert Gordon Campbell James Weaver Cole W. W. Carter Louis Isaac Dompier Oli Taylor Arnold Thomas Terhert Burver Kenneth Duncan John Henry Downing Elvin Boff Deadmond Clinton I. Emra Charles Etchison Toffolin Ermenegildo Earnest Reason Endicott Earl Ellison Fred Honsley Fritts Forrest Elmer Fritts Arlie Andrew Fitzwater Leslie D. Franklin Guy William Fair Victor LeRoy Gillespie Percy S. Higgens Vernon Roy Huck Fred Edward Harriman Charles Clinton Hoeflein
John Hill
Robert William Hughes
Harry Goodson Hamilton
Joseph Henneman
Elvin Dellard Hickson
Henry Walter Howard
Walter Marvin Holt
Howard Humphrey
William Haward
Louis Walter Irvin
James Darwin Jeans
Elbert Cecil Jeans
Earnest Johnson
Marvin George Kloster
Bruce Edward Lansbery
Oskear Sigfrid Larsen
James Larsen
James Lewis LaJoie
Joseph P. Lawler
Paul Ervin Lansbery
Charles Elbert Libby
Roy Fremont Maxwell
Gordon Carel McCann
Louis Moscavich
Herman Hickman Mode
Joseph Parwell Maginnis
Lloyd E. Moore
Clarence Elmer Neet
Robert Russell Neet
George Theodore Nelson
Joseph Stone Phillips
Loren Russell Perkins
Gerald LeRoy Perkins
Steve Pascovich
Domenico Quaglia
Ralph Redding
Ray Leone Redding
Robert Cooster Redding
Roy Sourbeer
Clarence LeRoy Sutton
Arthur Stout
Charles L. Sigman
William F. Sayles
Leo Alva Silver
Frank D. Sperger
Charles Loyd Shultz
Robert Charles Stratton
Milton Giles Hutchinson
Fred Earnest Thomas
Jesse Winifred Tucker
Andrew Burns Taylor
Arnold Thomas Termert
Burton Gorham Thompson
Matt Vladich
Walter Hamilton VanOrden
Andy Vladiah
Albert Winifred Wooley
Wesley Walter Ware
Samuel Winstead
Julin Emery Wallace
Roy Thomas Waggoner
Clyde Abbott Wendell
Boyce A. Young
June 23
John Anest Nesuke Azuma Y. U. Azuma Harry Leslie Argetsinger James Mike Agorastakis Edward Beasley Antonio Catanzurit Charles James Christiansen Oren Francis Duval George Reuben Dingle Reigh Taylor Earnest John Bradford Fox Robert Moulton Gatka Frank Galse Battisto Geddo Sewall Charles Gatka Edward Clow Handoaker John Cleveland Hileman Reyozo Hasuike Henry Thorvald Jorgensen Thorg Andrew Johnson Elmer Marvin Johnson Fred Eric Johnson John Walter Johnson
John Fredric Kalberg
John June Kennedy
Posey Lacey
Mike Lagos
Edward Russell Leckley
Arthur Vivian Lucus Luigi
Shimajiro Minetayo
Paul Earnest Martin
Frank S. Mc Queen
Jennosuke Matsuda
George Malos
John August Gotfried Magnuson
Floyd Selvester Morrison
John C. McQueen
Flans Almot Malberg
Earl John McMullin
Vincent Kohaco Monaco
Geovanui Nudo
Edwin Olsen Ostgard
Herbert George Brooks
William Alfred Piquet
G. Harold Palmer
William Henry Paris
Robert Henry Pierce
Clayton Lester Pierce
Albert Amos Piquet
Donato Pietromonaco
Neffie James Rutley
Franke Ogle Riggs
George Samuel Riggs
Joe Romano
Pietro Romano
Harry Raymondg Stafford
Booker Worthen Snipes
John Harley Sullivan
Tadataka Teshima
Michele Varriano
George Eastman Windham
Thomas C. Workman
Roscoe Henry Wilson
Earl Wayne Whitbeck
James Rose Windham
Louis Frank Zeller
George Washington Ashbaugh Archie Gerald Briggs James Howard Blakely Solomon Abraham Banta Ulla Davis Brandel Millard Donald Cole Loren Eugene Collins John Condos William John Darling Claud Roy Downing Jasper William Dial Clint Frazier Alva Frazier Arthur Fairbanks James Loren Fredenberg Henry Olaf Gregerson Louis Gower Alfred Allen Gentry Clark Wharton Howard Clarence Edgar Higinbotham Henry Holmes Floyd Harris Howard Hathaway Hymes Samuel Lawerence Higinbotham Alva Lester Hills John Victor Irish Fred Lee Jones Henry Fausto Lyons Milton Delaware Lyons Frank Elmer LaJoie Andrew Franklin Mode Elmer L. Monjay Henry Clay Mode Thomas A. Morley Clarence Lafler Monjay Hermon Mason George Mason Fred McCornack George Edman Pierce Johnathan William Purcell Alvin Andrew Price Charles H. Paris
Robert W. Purcell,
Rudolph Reichenbach
John Robert Sowles
James Lee Schrader
Paul Henry Smith
Jess Lee Savage
Sherman Spong
Henry Schwind Jr
Edward Smith
Chancy Kirk Troxel
John Calvin Taylor
Carl Paul Templeman
James Perry Turner
Jesse Green Triplett
Newton Eugene Volgamore
Leon Anton Vogl
Carlton Frederick Volgamore
John Howard Volgamore
Guy Houston Wiltse
Charles Lenord Wetzell
Frank Ellsworth Williamson
Wilbur Wiltse
Albert Lewis Wachsmuth
Samuel Ward Yockey
Carl Clifford Yancey
Irvin Washington Yancey
DRAFT REGISTRATION LIST FOR MOHAWK OREGON Joel B. Cowden Guy Cassill Edward Dowdy Wayne Everett Elliott Homer Wiauer Gustin Elgin Clair Hadley Wilson V. Hawk Herbert J. Hill Raymond Johns Harry Raymond Stafford Alfred Raymond Sunderman Lee B. Seavey James Benjamin Stafford
Glenn W. Stafford
Roy A. Speelman
Ustle Venson Talman
June 28
Charley Adams $2
Jonathan D. Adams $1
H. C. Auld $50
Mrs. Fannie Borger $2.50
F. C. Crenshaw $5
H. W. Conley $2
J. B. Green $1
Mrs. H. W. Guatin $2
Mrs. Mary Goodell $.30
W. S. Gillispie $2
J. R. Hayden $1
Mrs J. H. Hammitt $1
R. G. Hammitt $1
Mrs. S. H. Hammitt $4
George W. Hill $1
Monroe Hill $5
W. A. Heck $1
H. J. Hill $2
H. V. Hammitt $2.50
J. H. Kennedy $1
J. M. Kennedy $1
Abraham Kelly $2
Alex Lewis $2.50
Maynie Lewis $2.50
Chris Larsen $1
Everett McGee $1.50
J. R. McGee $1
Evelyn and Donna Nicholson $1
F. A. Nicholson $1
J. C. Nicholson $2
J. B. Robertson $2
Mr. and Mrs. Roberts(E. L.) $5
Frank Rohne $1
A. C. Sunderman $3
L. B. Seavey $1
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Seavey $5
Glen W. Stafford $3
Frank Spores $1
Mrs M. F. Stafford $1
M. F. Stafford $4
Ray Stafford $2
M. L. Westherman $1
C. W. Zumwalt $1
Yarnell Man Has Good Cow
J. A. Cowden of Yarnell has a full-blooded Jersey four-year-old cow which has the record beaten so far for butter fat. Every day for a month Mr. Cowden had the cream tested; the test was 6 1/2. Three pounds of butter fat per day, 90 pounds per month at 38 cents. This cow brings the owner $34.20 per month.
June 30
Springfield Man Injures Feet When Speeders Collide
Friday morning Peter Neilson, who is employed on the section crew of the S. P. had his foot badly injured
when a speeder loaded with ties, which he was operating, collided with another speeder loaded with ties
operated by Mike Bower, section foreman. Mr. Neilson's foot was caught between the cars. The heel was
badly lacerated.
Mr. Neilson was taken to his home immediately where he is suffering much pain. The accident occurred on
the crossing on Third and Main streets.
New House Near Hayden Bridge To Be Built Miss Margaret Morris who lives on the late James A. Ebbert place, near Hayden Bridge, is planning to build a new house. The old one has been moved from its former site, and the new one will be located in place of it. Bids are being advertised for.
July 11
Alfred Drury, an old resident of Lane county, died at his home at 366 West sixth street in Eugene this morning of paralysis. He was aged over 69 years, having been born in England on January 23, 1838. He came to America when he was 11 years of age, and came to Oregon from Minnesota in 1876. Settling in the Mohawk valley in that year, he resided there continuously until about four years ago, when he removed to Eugene. He was married at Charles City, Iowa, December 24, 1867, to Miss Sarah Workman, who survives him together with three daughters, Mrs. Emma Spores, Mrs. Maude Spores and Miss Kate Drury. He also leaves one brother, William Drury, in Idaho, and numerous other relatives. The deceased was a veteran of the Civil War, serving in Company K, sixth Minnesota Infantry, from July 31, 1862 to August 19, was a member of the Dunkard Church and lived a consistent Christian life. He was a good citizen and will be sadly missed by his many friends and a sorrowing family. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at the family home with interment in the I. O. O. F. cemetery. Rev. L. H. Trimble, Pastor of the Humphery Memorial M. E. church will conduct the services at the house and also the burial service at the grave. While the deceased was not a member of the G. A. R., the members of the local post will act as pall bearers at the funeral.
July 20
L. A. Teller $10
E. R. Leekley $5
Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Kenyon $5
J. D. Jeans $1
Jas. Francis $3
R. L. Garrison $3
W. McFarlane and wife $5
A. Gatanagarito $2
H. G. Pennington $2
R. H. Pierce $1
B. C. Shuley $2.50
P. Lacey $5
C. H. Matteson $1
C. L. Pierce $1
Earl Banze $2
B. W. Snipes $2
C. W. Spiering $2.50
W. J. Ritter $2
Brad Fox $5
A. J. Taylor $2.50
James J. Cahill $5
W. J. Smiley $1
Vincent Monaco $2.50
C. Begoni $1
H. L. Argetsinger $2.50
J. B. Cordonato $1
Geo. Marella $1
B. Geddo $1
B. Neeland $2
R. R. Hughes $1
Peter Afthimas $1
L. Bonano $1
P. Romano $1
Amy C. Golluci $1
J. C. Haffey $3
Geo. Campbell $1
J. McCormick $1.50
T. B. Cowling $2
W. B. Brown $1
J. R. Stephens $5
John Bern $1
Gus E. Francis $2
Pete Nanoglos $1
C. Nudo $1
S. Schepani $1
D. Petremonoco $1
M. Varriano $1
Chas. Howe $2
James Beasley $2
O. Ridenaur $2
John Crusan $1
Percy Banto $1
Frank Howard $1
Geo. Augustine $1
Geo. Haynes $1
Charley Juckals $1
Thos. Cowling $1
Geo. C. Bozarth $2
Tom Davin $1
L. McCoffrey $2
Lee Bianco $1
C. Harlod Palmer $15
Sidney E. Johnson $15
H. H. Ritter $5
Chas L. Peters $5
Chas. Matlock $2
Fred Kalberg $1
Henry Jorgensen $2.50
J. H. Sullivan $5
A. V. Lucas $10
James Agorastakes $2.50
T. M. Martin $2.50
Geo. Malos $2
Tom Theodosis $1
Chas. A. Howe $2
John Anest $3
John Polales $2
W. Wilkinson $1
L. R Triplett $1
Ole Danielson $2
John Carson $1
Pete Ehn $1
Merle S. Moore $1
Mike Lagos $2
F. E Johnson $1
F. Magnusan $1
Arnold Hill $1
Geo. Napper $1
Alfred Bush $1
E. Olsen $1
Thorg Johnson $1
Herman Johnson $1
Ben Ryberg $5
C. Groce $5
Wayne Whitbeck $5
J. S. Ford $2
C. A Brown
July 31
Ole Amundsen $5 Fred Braithwaite $5 Harry Lee Aman $2 David Albee $5 Clarence Alford $5 N. C. Adams $5 J. H. Pullen $1 W. N. Abeene $5 N. L. Barber $5 Delbert Bennett $5 Marvin Bailey $3 Phil Bishop $6 A. H. Bossan $5 J. H. Blakley $3 N. F. Pailey $5 Harry Braithwaite $2 Mike Byman $2
F. W. Blackburn $5
A. N. Boyed $10
Catherine Bearden $5
Thos. A. Billings $5
C. D. Bedell $5
O. Reirce $1
M. M. Bradford $2
C. H. Bennett, $4
Clayton Barber $6
H. R. Cook $5
Bert Calloway $2
J. B. Carlile $3
Cecil Carlile $4
M. Currier $5
Pete Comachia $4
Lou Crow $8
Chas. Carter $5
W. M. Cellars $5
Robert Campbell $5
W. W. Coffron $1
Walter W. Carter $1
E. L. Cofer $5
A. M. Caskey $2
M. P. Corbin $5
W. A. Cox $5
A. Z. Cofer $5
A. Clark $4
Edgar Dugan $4
Addison Dugan $6
F. Dorsey $5
J. F Dyer $5
E. D. Deadmond $5
W. H. DeNore $5
Toffalon Ermenegildo $5
C. I. Emroe $5
E. R. Endicott $15
Lewis Erickson $3
Clarke Fisher $5
T. H. Fritts $5
Toney Fritts $5
Leslie Fisher $5
J. Felereisen $5
Mrs. Rosa Frost $20
Raymond Finnen $3
L. D. Franklin $1
W. Fisher $10
W. A. Godlove $5
Victor Gillespie $4
John Green $l
Harold Hunnicut $4
Hugo Halin $15
H. M. Harkins $5
V. R. Huck $5
Kenneth Hooker $2
Ralph Hooker $2
H. G. Hamilton $2
Frank Y. Hooker $5
Elvin D. Hickson $5
Arthur Hickson $5
D. D. Hooker $2
W. J. Hembaugh $5
William Howard $5
Henry Howard $5
J. H. Hunter $2
M. G. Hutchinson $2
Charles E. Hoeflein $7.50
Lou Irwin $5
Herman Johnson $7
A. Josephsen $5
A. W. Jackson $2
J. W. Jarvis $1
J. D. Jackson $16
P. A. Johnson $5
Press Jackson $5
Earl Knowler $5
Pete Kulbeda $4
C. O. Krriper $5
W. M. Kitz $10
F. K. Kintzley $2.50
Fred Larson $5
James Larson $5
Ed LaJoie $5
Carl Lansbery $5
C. F. Libby $3
George Long $5
Arthur Lott $5
T. C. Littrell $2.50
J. A. Langtry $10
N. M. Lassen $3
James LaJoie $5
Tom Murdock $3
G. C. McCann $5
John N. Mathews $5
Sam Mathews $5
L. E. Moore $5
John Murdock $3
Racy Matteson $12
E. B. Miles $10
Pete Mostachetti $1
J. E. Mundell $5
D. H. Mack $4
J. P. Maginnis $4
J. A. Nix $2
J. F. Nesbit $2
Robert Neet $1.50
Carl Neilsen $3
Fred Peterson $4
Clay Parker $10
Joe Parrish $5
Parrell Parker $5
Myron Perry $1.50
Harry Parks $4
L. R. Perkins $5
Ira Parks $4
W. I. Prons $5
George Puckett $2
Walter Post $2.50
E. E. Robertson $8
Oscar Rood $2
Percy Rossman $4
Bert Ramsay $2.50
C. A. Ridgeway $5
J. C. Root $4
Peter Rossmissen $2.50
Ralph Redding $2
Richard Rathbun $2
Clarence Sutton $2
Jack Stephena $3
T. C. Sewell $5
A. B. Smith $2.50
P. Stokes $1
C. L. Schultz $5
Leo Silver $2.50
W. S. Stearns $1
A. D. Stout $10
H. C. Taylor $15
A. B. Taylor $10
Hezekiah Tucker $4
Jess Tucker $3
A. T. Terherat $5
Thos. Thompsen $5
Abe Tidd $5
Fred Thomas $10
Harry Vogt $5
Howard Volgamore $3
A. W. Wooley $5
Wesley Ware $5
Robert Watson $3
John C. Wood $5
George Wills $3
Jess Wildgrube $1
F. A. Wildgrube $2
W. Warner $1
Fred M. Wilson $7.50
R. L. Young $4
Boyce A. Young $3
Chas. Zohrn $5
Bob Hughes $2.50
Mrs. C. O. Stolberg $3
Joe Stuckie $5
J. T. Varney $5
Fred Shepard $3
Claude Young $5
J. S. Phillips $5
J. C. Mulvey $5
C. H. Stidham $5
Luella Hileman $5
G. C. Sumner $5
Sophronia Hoffman $5
Leonard Mathews $5
D. G. Bennett $20
B. K. Reimenschneider $5
J. M. Picklin $5
C. J. Chandler $10
Irving B. Dugan $4
F. C. Matteson $7.50
W. E. Parrish $5
J. R. Knowler $3
Geo. Godfrey $6
F. H. Snodgrass $20
Laster E. Hufstader $5,
L. S. Rankin $4
Luke Fisher $5
D. Crespo $2
Ed Post $5
George Young $2
Percy Higgins $5
Paul Lansbery $5
H. C. Bishop $5
Domino Coglin $5
Garland Campbell $5 Lomenica Morgl $2 Jno. Mathers $10 Charles F. Kupkufski $5 P. C. Little $10 F. A. Hills $10 Faye Abrams $25 F. C. Mattison $2.50 G. C. Sumner $5 N. S. Neilsen $25 H. Schuman $5 Dr. George J. Fanning $5 J. R. Knowler $2 Clifford Edwards $10, Carl Anderson $6 W. F. Sayles $5
August 9
Mitchell Wilkins And Daughter Pinned Under Car
Mr. and Mrs Mitchell Wilkins and Daughter, of Coburg, had a narrow escape from death Monday when the car they were driving from Coburg to Newport went over a grade on the Alsea Mountain. Mr. Wilkins and little daughter were pinned under the machine when it rolled over, and Mrs. Wilkins was thrown about 15 feet and she and the little girl received some minor bruises. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Stoneberg who were following them in another car went to their rescue and took them to Newport. The car was badly damaged.
August 13
SPRINGFIELD NEWS John Tomseth, former Booth Kelly Mill superintendent of this city, arrived Saturday morning from Weed California, en Route to Spokane Washington, on business. He states owing to the lack of male help at Weed where he is superintendent, that they are employing forty women in the sash and door factory, taking the place of the young men who have gone to war.
Roy Humphrey's slashing caught fire accidentally and he had quite a fire.
August 17
SPRINGFIELD NEWS A man called the human fly, climbed the front of the I.O.O.F. building Wednesday evening at eight o'clock, following a small collection from the crowd which had gathered to witness the performance. The object of this performance, is to test the wonderful strength of his hands, and mind, which eliminates all fear. He had set the task of climbing the Woolworth building in New York as being the supreme test.
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