Mt. Vernon Pioneer Cemetery
From Lane Co Oregon
"Mother" Isabell Blakely 1843-1933 "Asleep in Jesus"
John Blakeley, Born Dublin Co. Il. Jun 20, 1829 Died Nov. 19, 1893
John E, son of J & L Blakely Born April 4, 1868, 9 yrs, Drowned July 17, 1890
Mary L, wife of T.J. Blakely Born Aug 3, 1870, Died Dec 7, 1898, Blakely
Thomas Winfrey Born April 18, 1810 Died January 25 1902 "... Fall ... the Hands I command the Spirit"
John C Winfrey Born June 24 1864 Died July 20, 1900
Sarah C Lathrop June 15 1856 to Oct 29, 1922
Abinidi Lathrop March 6 1852 to Sep 13 1928
Caswell Hendricks Died July 18, 1893, Aged 74 years
W.W. Hendricks Died Dec 4, 1877 Aged 20 years 9 months, 18 days
James Harkins Born Dec 19, 1836 Died Sept 6, 1896
M. Dempsy "Son of G.W & E.L. Ebbert" Born Sep 30, 1860 Died Oct 8, 1879 "Remember me as you pass by as you are now so once as I, as I am so you must be, prepare for death and follow me."