Category:Daily Eugene Guard (1915)
From Lane Co Oregon
MARCOLA NEWS Mr. Walter Price has bought the general merchandise store of O. I. Circle and Company and is taking in inventory of the stock of goods.
MARCOLA NEWS The road viewers were in Marcola last week viewing a new road. This road will run on the other side of the Mohawk river and will be called the Volgamore road.
The silver pheasants which were turned out on Marsel
Arnold's place are doing finely.
Mr. Hill, game warden, was here Wednesday. He arrested several men for hunting out of season.
Mr. Burns and Mr. Workman finished tearing down the flume across Mr. Burn's place Thursday.
A bridge is being built across Cartwright Creek which will shorten the distance to the school house. The
building of new walks in Marcola is now under way.
WAYNE YARNELL IS FINED $ 100 IN JUSTICE COURT TODAY It cost Wayne Yarnell, of Mohawk $100 to testify for Bake Stewart, a Cottage Grove farmer, who was cleared of a charge of running deer with dogs. Stewart's defence was that he didn't own the dog, despite the fact that his name was on the dog's collar, and that he had kept him three years.
MARCOLA NEWS T. R. Dickenson and H. M. Anderson have opened the livery barn belonging to J. S. Churchill. They have grain and hay for sale at reasonable prices, and also do general delivery work. The Fischer Brothers and Company are building a new office which will soon be completed. The students of the tenth grade are preparing a debate on the question, "Resolved, That steam is more practical benefit to the world today than electricity."
COAST RANGE LUMBER Co., AT MABEL AND FISCHER LBR. CO. AT MARCOLA GET LARGE ORDERS FOR LUMBER The reopening of the Coast Range Lumber Company's mill at Mabel and the re-employment of 200 men this month, was announced by H. T. Gatke, manager of that plant, who was in Eugene yesterday afternoon on his way home from Portland. He also announced new orders obtained by this mill, one of which he says totals a million and a quarter feet of lumber to local brokers. The lumber situation appears to be better he states. The big plant at Mabel on the Mohawk river, twenty miles from Eugene, was closed down the first of the year, with the announcement that it would not be reopened until the lumber market materially improved. The planing mill was not stopped, but 200 men were taken out of the mill and out of the timber. They will be able to return to work about March 15, according to Mr. Gatke.
While the mill has been closed extensive improvements have been made. The old burner conveyor system
has been replaced with a more modern "long link" system. Heavier steel has been placed on the trackings
about the mill and other remodeling done. This mill is one of the most modern in the state, being somewhat
similar to the model mill of the Booth Kelly company at Springfield. It is almost entirely electrically operated, and
the lumber is hauled by an electric overhead monorail system. The Fischer Lumber Company, with a mill at
Marcola on the Mohawk river, only a few miles from the Mabel mill, this week obtained the contract to furnish
310,000 feet of lumber for the Salt Lake baseball park, to be constructed at once for the new league team. This
company is also making improvements, including the construction of a new office building.
MARCOLA NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Henry Huddleston have sold their farm near Marcola and moved to Eugene to live with Mr. Huddleston's mother. C. H. Gatke has announced that the big mill at Mabel will start work soon. John Lewis, J. V. Irish, W. J. Hennis and K. R. Workman were selected jurymen from Marcola.
MARCOLA SCHOOL SPELLING CONTEST Following is a list of the pupils who received 100 per cent in the spelling contest: Maude Sutherland Maudie Dial Ronald Maple Robert Neff Ethyl Neil Ruth Roowland Elsie Whitsell Helen Templeman Fay Price LeRoy LaPorte Robert Van Orden Clive Sutherland Fannie Marcum Leonard Briggs Mae Queen Laurence Briggs Arthur Paschelke Louella Cox Pauline Duguid Alsie Rogers
Laura Spohn
Iva Titus
Agnes Purcell
Mary Volgamore
Pearl Lewis
Odon Monjay
Sherman Maple
Wesley Frazier
Rose Emomns
Neva Workman
Alice Schwind
Catherine Bearden
Agnes Briggs
Edmond Hennis
Delia Wilkins
Martha Andreas
Wanda Dugan
Cleona Fisher
Nellie Dial
Ancil Page
Bennie Rogers
Alma Purcell
Walter Paschelke
Mary Landers
Cecil Evans
Troy Savage
Elma Miller
Edith Dial
Joe Queen
Gladys Van Orden
Hardy Queen
Pearl Findly
Goldy Gentry
THREE MOHAWK BROTHERS CHARGED WITH BURGLARY John Wolfer, Jake Wolfer and Cecil Wolfer, three brothers residing on the Mohawk river, were brought to Eugene last night and placed in the county jail charged with burglary. They were arrested yesterday afternoon by deputies of J. C. Parker, sheriff, and Springfield officials, given a hearing in
Springfield justice court and were bound over to the grand jury. One of the men was disarmed by Deputy
Sheriff George Croner at the point of a gun, as he attempted to escape from the rear of the house while
constable Thompson, of Springfield, went to the front of the house. The man came running out the rear door
with a loaded shotgun in his hands. He submitted to arrest without protest.
The men are charged with burglary of the Andrew Fisher residence Saturday night. A quantity of jewelry and
clothing alleged to have been stolen was found in the home of the three men, according to the officers who
obtained a search warrant in the Springfield justice court.
THREE COBURG MEN NARROWLY ESCAPE DROWNING Three men drenched in the cold McKenzie river, spent twenty-two hours on a log in the middle of the stream, until rescued by a band of searchers this morning. They were William Henderson, Lem Latham and Glen Ditto, all residents of Coburg. The men are said to have had a narrow escape from drowning yesterday morning at 10 o'clock when their boat struck a snag in the swift river, capsized and threw them into the icy water. They were washed against a log, fast in the stream, and each was able to cling to this. One by one they drew themselves out of the water, but none dared to risk themselves in the swift current to swim to shore for help. All day they stayed there. At night when they didn't return to their homes, apprehension was felt and a messenger was sent to the field where they had been planting potatoes. Their tools, horse and their dog was found waiting, but the boat was gone. Searching parties were formed, and over half the male population of Coburg, and many farmers living along the river searched all night until early this morning. A portion of the party returned at 2 o'clock this morning without any trace of the missing men, and another party started out at daylight this morning. A launch was started up the river from Harrisburg to meet the searching parties working down, and J. C. Parker, Lane county sheriff, was called to assist. The men were found, however at 8 o'clock this morning, just before his arrival. The night was cold and they had suffered from exposure on the log. Their return to Coburg was heralded with an ovation, for all were well known, two have families. The men state that after they had been on the log a while some matches carried by one of them dried sufficiently to use, and that a small fire was made from some driftwood that had caught on the end of the log.
COAST RANGE LUMBER CO. AT MABEL TO HAVE PAYROLL OF $16,000 H. T. Gatke, manager of the Coast Range Lumber Co. went to Portland today preparing to return early next week for the re-opening of the big mill at Mabel. He is as yet unable to fix an exact date for the opening of the mill further than he stated yesterday that everything is in readiness for beginning. The reopening of this mill means much to Eugene, Mr. Gatke stated today. "Our payroll was approximately $16,000 a month last year. Although the lumber situation is not very good, it is growing better, and we have orders sufficient to warrant starting. "We will operate our mill to full capacity, but we plan to operate for the present on one side of the woods only." This will require between 60 and 80 men and these are already engaged and we are getting together our equipment ready to start on a day's notice.
J. B. Duff Of Coburg Dies J. B. Duff died Tuesday morning, April 13, at his home after a brief illness. He was born September, 5, 1849 in Richard county, West Virginia, He married Emma Smith and lived in West Virginia until 1900 when he moved his family to Oklahoma. In 1903 he came to Oregon. Eight children have been born to them, three of whom are living, they are Richard A. of Coburg, Lorane L. and Walter S. of Portland. The funeral was held Thursday morning at 10 o'clock, the services being conducted at the home by Rev. Crenshaw of the M. E. church. Interment was made in the I.O.O.F. cemetery.
LANE COUNTY PIONEER MRS. AMERICA B. COCHRAN DIES The burial of Mrs. America B. Cochran in Eugene this afternoon marked the passing of another of the Oregon pioneers who crossed the plains by ox team and who was well known throughout the state. She died Saturday in Salem at the home of Mrs. Woodson T. Slater, after a long illness. The remains arrived in Eugene last night, and were buried today in the Masonic cemetery. She was 84 years old. She was born in Kentucky, August 16, 1830. On November 21, 1848, she was married to David M. Howe in Missouri. In 1863 the family crossed the plains, arriving in La Grande in the fall of the year. Mr. Howe died in November, and the wife and children were left to face a trip through the wilderness alone. The following year they crossed to Brownsville in Linn county, where the sons obtained employment. In 1869 she married Hon. R. B. Cochran, of Coburg, senator from Lane county for several years and who at one time was president of the state senate. In 1877 Mr. and Mrs. Cochran moved to Eugene, residing for years at the corner of Thirteenth and Mill streets. In 1888 they returned to the farm near Coburg, and in 1894 Mr. Cochran died, and Mrs. Cochran moved to Salem to reside with her daughter, Mrs. Slater. John M. Howe, pioneer who died near Eugene less than a year ago, was the last of her sons to survive. Four daughters are living. These are Mrs. Mary P. Slater, of Salem; Mrs. Sadie Gunters, of Salem; Mrs. Alcinda Keyes, of Seattle; and Mrs. Julia Cochran, of Colfax Washington. Hon. J. K. Weatherford, of Albany, whom she adopted as a foster son when he was a boy in Brownsville, also survives her.
Coburg and Eugene Men Drowned In The Mckenzie River
Haggert Tronsen, the son of C. O. Tronsen, residing at 107 Lawrence St. in Eugene, and Charles Cole,
residing two miles below Coburg, were drowned in the McKenzie river, when their boat capsized and they were
thrown into the river. At a late hour today their bodies had not been recovered. Tronsen was a single man,
aged 22, and Cole was married and leaves a wife and several small children. The accident happened four miles
from Coburg, near the mouth of the McKenzie. The two men were in a boat taking some cattle across the river.
N. J. Hanson, uncle of young Tronsen, was on the shore of an island pulling the boat across by a rope. As they
were crossing, some of the cattle became tangled, and Cole dropped off the rear of the boat to release the
animals. At this point the rope on the boat broke, leaving it adrift in the river. Cole in his efforts to get into the
boat upset the craft. Mr. Hansen made desperate efforts to rescue the men. He could not swim, but he jumped
upon a horse nearby and waded the animal as far into the stream as possible. He was able to recover the boat,
but saw nothing of the two men. Using the boat, he crossed to the mainland and called for help. A large
number of men responded and all day long they worked in boats and along the bank seeking to locate the
A systematic search of the river was commenced this
afternoon in which several boats started out for Harrisburg, and motor boats were started upriver from
BODIES OF TWO MEN FOUND, ONE NEAR MARCOLA, AND ONE BELOW COBURG The body of an unknown man was found beside the fence along the railroad right-of-way about one and one half miles this side of Marcola yesterday afternoon about 5:30 o'clock by A. J. Price, who reported the matter to Coroner Veatch. There were no marks of identification to be found anywhere on the body. He was about 50 years old, weighed about 140 pounds, five feet five inches in height. His pockets contained nothing of value, parts of old newspapers being the only thing found on him. Death was due to natural causes according to the coroner.
BODY FOUND IN THE McKENZIE The body of Haggbert A. Tronsen, the 19-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Tronsen of Eugene was found in the McKenzie river today, and is being brought to Eugene for burial late this afternoon. Tronsen was drowned Thursday with Charles Cole, of Coburg, when their boat capsized in the river two miles from Coburg. The body was found this morning at 11:30 o'clock when it caught on a barb wire drag used by the searchers that have worked almost continuously since the accident. It was found on the south side of the river in an eddy in deep water near what is known as the Simmons bar, half a mile below the scene of the drowning, and two and a half miles below Coburg. The body of Charles Cole has not been located up to a late hour this afternoon, and the search will be continued.
The Lane Co. court today discovered that both the county and H. C. Veatch, of Coburg, who blockaded the
county road near Coburg were wrong. Mr. Veatch fenced up the road and moved a shed into the middle of it in
the belief that the county road should run on the other side of his property. He claimed that in early survey had
located it there, although the road has been located in its present place for over twenty years.
The county engineer discovered that the county road belongs about 30 feet to one side of the present
location, but not where Mr. Veatch claimed it did. It is probable that a petition will be brought asking that the
position of the road be formally changed to where the grade now is located.
BODY LOCATED IN WILLAMETTE A dummy body directed the searchers in locating the body of Lesten Craighead in the Willamette river above Springfield yesterday afternoon. The dummy had been prepared by E. O. Hills, to weigh approximately the same as the body of the missing 17 year old boy who was drowned Sunday morning, and was placed in the river at the point where the boy left the boat. A float at the end of the string enabled the searchers to follow it down the river to the point where it lodged. A search here with grappling hooks failed, but one of the searchers caught what was thought to have been the body, but which was lost before it could be raised. The dummy was then raised and allowed to continue until it stopped again. The body was found within a few feet of this point. The funeral was held in West Springfield today.
Booth Kelly Co. Loses Its Suit Washington, May 17-- The supreme court affirmed today the decision of the ninth United States circuit court of appeals in cancelling five patents to Oregon lands held by the Booth Kelly Lumber Co. because of fraud in entry.
FOUR YEARS IN COURT Portland, Ore., May 17- The governments case against the Booth Kelly Lumber Co. first came up in the United States district court four years ago. It was charged that Stephen, Alice, Ethyl M. and Lucy La Raut, relatives of R. A. Booth, who was then manager of the lumber Co., and Edward Jordan had deeded lands, located in southern Oregon, to the lumber company shortly after obtaining patents. The district cancelled the patents of the La Raut's, but upheld that of Jordan.
On February 24, 1913, the United States circuit court of appeals cancelled the patent of Jordan also, and the
case was carried to the supreme court.
GYPSIES ROB SPRINGFIELD MAN Five Women unarmed, held up a lone man and robbed him of $15.15 cents on the Springfield road last night, but the Eugene police pulled a coup when they stopped a gypsy band passing through Eugene a few moments later and held a sixteen-year-old girl hostage until her associates paid over $15.15. They protected vigorously, denied the theft, and declared that the money was paid to the officers as a ransom only to get the captured members of their party. The gypsies camped in the northwest part of the city last night and were promptly ordered out of town today by the officers. They left. The band is said to be the same which has given trouble all along the road. Some horses were stolen south of Cottage Grove, but they were later turned loose. Roseburg authorities had trouble with them.
MAN IS ROBBED The five women approached Dr. J. F. Heindon, a resident of West Springfield, shortly after five o'clock yesterday as he was wheeling a baby carriage in the road. He is nearly 60 years of age. The women insisted that he allow them to tell his fortune, and when he refused rifled his pockets. They did not take a valuable gold watch that he carried. The Springfield officers accompanied Heindon to Eugene and with the assistance of the Eugene police officers, rounded up the band. One of the girls was promptly arrested and held until the money was returned. She stated that the band was headed for Arizona. There were seven wagon loads of them, all Russian gypsies.
COAST RANGE WARRIORS AT MABEL, THREE SCALPS IN HAND CHALLENGE ALL COMERS The Coast Range team of Mabel defeated Coburg Sunday by the score of 21 to 2, Mabel scoring 26 hits to their opponents 4. "We have a team composed of well known players who could make good over most any team in the valley, and a bunch of hitters that can't be beat", declared George Dingle, the manager who claims to be in a position to know after handling the Portland "Orioles" during the 1913 season, winning twelve out of fourteen games. "We have so far this season defeated Wendling, Fairmont, and Coburg, all by large scores. The Mabel team has changed its lineup since last month and now is as follows: Catcher, J. Cunningham pitcher, Harry Preston first base, Bill Hifner second base, Mose Gambell third base, "Pat" Owen Cassidy shortstop, Roy Preston
left field, George Dingle
center field, Edgar Dowdy
Right field, S. O. Gatke
subs, R. Earnest
Sam Preston,
B. Fox
MARCOLA TALENT PLAY A local talent play will be given by workers and friends of the Christian Church of Marcola, at Dorena next Saturday night and at some later date at Marcola and Mabel. The play "Miss Topsy Turvy" or "The courtship of the deacon", is a comedy in three acts, and promises to be a good one. The receipts will be used to help pay off a church debt. Following is the cast of Characters: Nellie Clarendon, Belle McMurry May Golden, Bertha Goin Mrs Clardon, Cora Hileman Miss Spriggs, Grace Goin Lord Clarence, Charles C. Irish Frank Golden, Bert Mitchell Deacon Jones, Carlton Volgamors Ned Snowball, Ira Goin
FIRST WHITE WOMAN MARRIED IN LANE COUNTY IN 1850 Mrs. Nancy Griffith, aged 83 years, the first white woman married in Lane county, of Dexter, will reach the sixty-fifth anniversary of her marriage to William Norris Griffith who died in 1901. She has more than fifty grand children and great grandchildren most of whom live in Lane County where she has been a resident since her marriage. James M. Griffith, the son was a business visitor to Eugene today. He states that his mother, who has lived with him for twenty-seven years, reads the Guard every day and that she has been reading it an long as he can remember. The marriage took place at Coburg, July 14, 1850.
MABEL FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION The fourth of July celebration was a decided success, music by the Marcola band being a special feature. The Rev. H. C. Preston delivered an address.
The prizes for the races and sports were as follows; Boys race, under 12 years, Oliver Barr, first, $1; Leonard Young, second 50 cents. Girls race, under 12 years, Dora Page, first $1 ; Hazel Miller, second, 50 cents. Boys race over 12 years, Ancel Page, first, $2; Curtis Blakely, second, $1. Girls race, over 12 years, Ruth Jorgenson, first, $2; Hattie Hanaley, second, $1. Ladies race, Miss Knapper, first, $3; Mrs. Arthur Sautorie, second, $1.50. Mens race, 100 yards, Ray Earnest, first, $3; Mr. Lansinger, second, $1.50;, Sack race, Ray Earnest, first, $2; Percy Hews, second, $1. Three legged race, Arthur Lucas and Perry Hewes, first, $3; R. Earnest and Lansinger second, $2. Pie eating contest, Jim Parris, first, $1.50; Sydney Martin, second, 75 cents. Ball throwing, W. Preston, first, $1. Horse racing, Mr. Van Norten, first, $l0; Alfred Piquat, second $5. Log rolling, Morgan Workman, first $5, Greased pole, R. Pierce, first, $5.
The ball game between Mabel and Fairmont, was very exciting and resulted in a score of 4 to 2 in favor of Mabel which team won the $25 prize.
COBURG GRANGE TO TAKE CENSUS OF MILK COWS A record of all the milk cows owned by members of the Coburg Grange will be kept, according to a decision reached at the regular meeting of the grange, Saturday. A committee of five dairymen was appointed to see the plan carried out. This movement is part of a general movement being organized throughout the county. Miss Cowgill, of the Oregon Agricultural college, gave a canning demonstration, and R. B. Coglon, Lane Co. agriculturist, addressed the Grange.
MOONSHINERS PROPOSE SALE TO DETECTIVES The change from a wholesale to a retail liquor business, and a desire for a partner in expansion is held by the officers to be responsible for the arrest of James Williams and Mark Broom, alleged "moonshiners", now in the Lane County jail.
For years the two are said to have manufactured their product in the McKenzie River mountains and sold it
by means of middlemen in the lumber camps of Lane county, in Eugene, and to several smaller saloons about
the state. Federal officers have been aware of the still on the McKenzie and several times have made, it is
stated, vain efforts to catch the operators.
A very extensive system is believed to have warned them, and the place in the mountains is said to be very
inaccessible. The manufacture is believed to have been more or less intermittent, depending upon the activities
of the officers. The officers do not believe that they have been peddling whiskey themselves until recently.
DETECTIVES GOOD CUSTOMERS Two detectives employed jointly by J. M. Devers, district attorney, and J. C. Parker, sheriff, are said to have been such good customers of the near-famous McKenzie White Mule brand whiskey, that partnership was talked, and in the course of the transaction the property in question had to be visited, a requisite to conviction by the government. This happened last May. Then the original proprietors smelled trouble, and the sale was off. The federal officers had two detectives on the river at the same time. They had been there as fishermen, but missed the still by about twelve hours. One night they heard the stealthy sound of men crossing the river at night. The next morning they came upon the furnace where the elusive still had been operated.
ARRESTS ARE MADE After this activity on the part of the officers relaxed in order to allay suspicion, until last weeks events, were climaxed Saturday night with the announcement of Sheriff Parker that the men were in jail, and that the site of the still, hidden in a pocket of the McKenzie, had been raided that afternoon. Broom lives in Springfield, where he has a family. Williams has no definite home. Neither knew that they were charged with anything but the sale of liquor until Saturday night. For five years "moonshine" whiskey has found its way into Eugene, say the officers, and furthermore they claim to have known that it was manufactured on the McKenzie river and the identity of its manufacturers all the time. For five years these two men are said to have so terrorized the neighborhood that no assistance has been available, and the mountains are wild and rugged. Three furnaces, where stills have been, have been found on the north side of the river, and one on the south side.
SENSATIONAL CHASE GIVEN Broom was arrested early in the morning hours before daylight after a sensational twenty-mile chase in which Sheriff Parker in a motor car overtook him before he reached safety in the mountains. He was heavily armed, but submitted to arrest without resistance. In the vehicle was a five gallon keg of Moonshine whiskey, it is stated.
"We can tell it is moonshine whiskey because there is none other like it", said Mr. Parker. The officers say it
has been sold as "White Mule" whiskey, because of its kick. Broom was arrested early Wednesday morning
and Williams was arrested Thursday afternoon. Neither knew the other was arrested until late this afternoon;
nor did the public at large, until after the raiding of the still today.
"We know they were doing it all the times said Mr. Parker. The people on the McKenzie have been
terrorized. They know where the liquor was coming from; they feared to tell. The still was not in a cabin, It was
in a little cave, deep in the brush, near the creek. The furnace was made out of rocks and dirt, and was the
same as the other furnaces that have been found in different parts of these mountains, but the still was always
gone. "I know of 75 gallons made on this still last month. We have two confessions, and have the complete
goods on them."
MOHAWK BRIDGE MAY BE REBUILT County Commissioner Harlow and County Engineer Libby yesterday afternoon made an examination of the lower bridge of the Mohawk with a view to making plans for a new structure. The timbers in the old bridge have rotted to the extent that it will no longer withstand heavy traffic and the commissioners believe it is becoming dangerous. Thursday, Commissioner Harlow refused to permit a thresher to cross and made arrangements to have the ford put into condition for temporary use. The bridge is a span of about 80 feet.
COBURG CHILD SWALLOWS IRON RING AND DIES Dale Thomas, four-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thomas, of Coburg, swallowed an iron washer, about the size of a quarter, which lodged in his throat, Monday. The little fellow coughed violently and his parents tried in vain to remove the obstruction. He was brought to Eugene and operated upon in the Northwest Eye and Ear hospital. He died at 1:20 o'clock this morning. The body was sent to Walla Walla, Washington, for burial.
FIRST ODD FELLOWS LODGE IN LANE COUNTY IN EUGENE The beginning of Odd Fellowship in Lane County, like many other Lane County things was in Eugene. The official title of the Eugene lodge is Spencer Butte Lodge No. 9 - This number indicates that it is the ninth oldest lodge in the state. It was instituted July 21st 1860, with James Monroe, Enoch Smith, Garrett Bogart, Isaac Swearington and James Phillips as charter members. It has had its days of shadow as well as sunshine but on the whole it has shown a good determination to keep abreast of things in Eugene.
It is said that it was part owner in the first two story commercial building in the city, that then it grew up to two
stories, then it went to three, and then climbed to five; That it installed the first passenger elevator used in the
city. It has maintained one of the two main cemeteries used by the community. The oldest Odd Fellow in
Lane County is the Honorable B. F. Dorris, who has been a member for 64 years.
The Independent order of Odd Fellows consist of 25 lodges in Lane County, of these 15 are known as
subordinate lodges and are for men only. Ten are known as Rebekah lodges and are for men and women. The
management of the latter however are almost exclusively in the hands of the women members. Some of the
lodges and membership are as follows; Eugene, 320; Springfield, 130; Coburg, 111; Walterville, 54; Marcola,
81; Creswell, 53, all subordinate lodges.
Rebekah Lodges and membership is as follows: Eugene, 260; Springfield, 120; Coburg, 71, Marcola, 49;
Walterville, 19.
BEN KING'S HOUSE ON THE MOHAWK IS BURNED A house belonging to Ben King and occupied by his family, on the Mohawk, was totally destroyed by fire last night about midnight. King who is alleged to have made a sensational escape from a posse last week after thirty shots had been fired at him, is a prisoner in the county jail, awaiting the October grand jury. He is charged with the theft of grain sacks. Deputy Sheriff Thomas Bailey left for the Mohawk this afternoon for the purpose of making an investigation and bringing King's family, reported to be in distress, to Eugene.
WENDLING MILL TO START WITH 200 MEN MONDAY The Booth Kelly Lumber Company announced that its Wendling mill will resume operations Monday, September 6, employing 125 man in the mill and seventy-five in the timber. The mill has been closed since July 20 for repairs. The Wendling mill has been generally overhauled and put into first class shape, A. C. Dixon, manager of the Booth Kelly Co., stated today. "Since we closed down a force of sixty man has been at work making repairs. We have built a new dam and installed new saw husks, a new carriage, new trusses over the boilers, and concrete foundations." "We will start with a force of but seventy-five men in the woods, cutting only for the Wendling mill. We will not ship to Springfield from this point, as the Springfield mill is being supplied from Coburg." The Springfield mill is at present working one ten-hour shift a day.
Albert Shield Walker, first mayor of Springfield upon its incorporation in 1885, and prominent in the civic and
social life of Springfield, died at his home here yesterday morning after an illness of a year. He was 69 years of
age and had lived in Lane co. 62 years. In 1868 he married Miss Sarah Higgins of Salem, who survives him.
There are also eight children, Herbert E., W. F., Ralph, Joy, Mrs. O. C. Woolf, of Albany, Mrs. H. F. Parsons,
Jessie and Grace, of Springfield. Mr. Walker was a charter member of the Springfield Methodist Church, the
Springfield lodge of Odd Follows and Eugene lodge of Woodman of The World.
Interment will be made in Laurel Grove cemetery.
Mr. Walker was born in southwestern Missouri January 1, 1846, and when he was six years of age his
people started for Oregon by the overland trail. Returning immigrants, with tales of cholera on the way, deterred
the party, they returned to their home for the winter, but in April, 1853, they again started for Oregon, and arrived
in Lane county in October of the same year. His parents William and Mary Shields Walker, took up a donation
land claim eight miles south of the present site of Springfield.
MARCOLA NEWS The home of David Hill at Fisher's mill near here, caught fire from an oil stove Thursday morning and was completely destroyed. Mr. Hill's invalid mother was carried from the burning building none too soon. Marcola citizens were aroused from slumber Wednesday night by a chivari given for Mr. and Mrs. Charles Irish, bride and groom who had just moved into their new home. Ora Wilson, Alberta Mathews and Mary Been Wright, all Marcola teachers, took a weekend hike to Leaburg, on the McKenzie last week. They went up the mountains on the log tram from Wendling, then followed a seven-mile trail through the forest. They returned Sunday by motor car and train. Dr. Williams, who had been planning to return home in England, has postponed his departure Indefinitely.
Arthur Ham, who was quite seriously injured at the Booth Kelly mill two weeks ago, both legs being almost
broken, returned from the Eugene hospital yesterday for a short time.
He is still very weak, but is able to walk without
COBURG PEOPLE COME TO SPRINGFIELD Recently a number of families have moved from Coburg to Springfield, and as a consequence some of the vacant houses about the city are being taken. The majority of those coming in are employees of the Booth Kelly mill. When the mill at Coburg was closed down the men were thrown out of employment but found work here.
Frank Spores, jointly indicted with Ben D. King for the theft of 150 grain sacks from a neighbors barn on the
Mohawk, this afternoon entered a plea of guilty, and threw himself upon the mercy of the court.
Judge Skipworth placed him on parole with the understanding that he should report to the sheriff at least
once every two months. Judge Skipworth sentenced Spores to serve from two to five years in the state
penitentiary. Attorney L. Bilyeu
representing Spores asked that he be paroled. District Attorney Devers did not oppose such action. He said
that since the other defendant had been paroled and that Spores was in much the same position as the father of
a large family, including small
children, he would not oppose parole if the court saw fit to grant It. Judge Skipworth informed the defendant that
violation of any city or state law, no matter of what importance, would constitute a violation of his parole and that
he would be taken to the penitentiary without further hearing.
MARCOLA NEWS A valuable cow belonging to Joel McCornack was struck by the train coming down from Mabel Thursday morning and killed. One car was thrown off the track and traffic held up for a short time. Apparently unable to wait until Halloween a crowd of Marcola boys have been making things lively for the citizens here for several nights past, by tictacking windows, wiring doors shut, and making sleep generally impossible. Several victims have declared that they will load guns with salt in preparation for the next onslaught.
BEAR ATTACKS OSCAR DRURY OF FALL CREEK Report reached here today of the narrow escape of Oscar Drury of Big Fall Creek, had from being killed by a bear while hunting near Big Fall Creek bridge recently. Mr. Drury had succeeded in treeing a bear, in the spirit of sportsmanship, he allowed the wounded bear to get out of the tree. As the bear reached the ground Mr. Druy's dogs attacked the bear, but they were badly bitten. When the bear saw he had the dogs sufficiently whipped, he started off. Mr. Drury took off after him. The bear wheeled on Mr. Drury. He drew his gun, but found it empty. The bear seized Mr. Drury's leg, but fortunately Mr. Drury had on high boots and the bear was able to do little damage. Mr. Drury then took the stock of his gun and started hitting the bear on the nose trying to break his grip. He was unsuccessful. At the time things looked most serious for Mr. Drury, a companion arrived on the scene and killed the bear.
Fire about 4:30 this morning practically destroyed the building on Mill Street known as the old Mt. Hood
saloon. It was owned by W. L. McFarland and was occupied by Albert Vachmut, who lost some of his effects
through damage by water. The loss to the building is estimated at $400 with no insurance. The fire originated in
the woodshed at the rear of the building and indications are that it was the work of an incendiary.
W. A. Redmon Perhaps Fatally Injured At B. K. Mill W. A. Redmon was perhaps fatally injured at the Booth Kelly sawmill in Springfield at 1:15 today when a pile of lumber which he was unloading slipped and pinned him under it. Redmon had been in the employ of the company for but fifteen minutes. He has previously worked for them on some repair work, but was laid off. He was rehired at 1 o'clock today. Redmon and A. C. Travis were unloading lumber at the mill to a timber slip. The pile on which they were working is said to contain about 12,000 feet of lumber. The timber was wet. On the incline from the mill to the slip, the lumber started to slide and pinned both Travis and Redmon between it and the truck which they were loading. Travis escaped with but slight injuries. Redmon's nose was broken, his cheek bone crushed, his skull cut and internal injuries are feared. He was brought to the Eugene hospital.
NEWS OF BOOTH KELLY SPRINGFIELD MILL A large force of men are excavating for the foundation of the new refuse burner which is being erected by the Booth Kelly Company. It will be one of the largest on the Pacific coast when finished. The shell of the burner will be cone shaped, seventy feet in diameter at the bottom and twenty feet at the top and eighty-four feet high. It will be completed about January 1. George Magill, an employee of the Booth Kelly mill, while working in the slab department about nine o'clock this morning, was struck on the head by a slab which flew from a machine, cutting his ear severely. He went to the company physician and had the wound dressed. It is not of a serious nature.
OLD ARMITAGE PLACE IS FIRST ELECTRIC FARM The first of a series of "electric" farms to be established by the Oregon Power Company, has been started by A. S. Moerly, manager for H. W. Bond, of Boise Idaho, on the old Armitage, or Jack Rodman, ranch between Coburg and Eugene.
Two motors have already been installed. The larger one, a five-horse power motor, will be used to grind the
feed, to cut enslage to fill the silos and to saw all the wood used around the ranch. The smaller motor, which is
one-half horse power, will be used to run the power milker, churn, vacuum cattle cleaner, power clipper and all
other similar farm appliances. Further uses for which the motors will be put to are, the operating of a 1000 pound
milk separator and pasteurizer, the pumping of all water used about the ranch and for household purposes. All
the ranch buildings will be electrically lighted and current will be available for electric cooking, ironing and other
domestic purposes.
MARCOLA LAND CASE DECIDED 12-10-1915 Notice was received in Eugene today that the United States general land office, in Washington, D. C., has affirmed the decision of the registrar and receiver in the case of Mary Cole vs. William D. Monjay. This case involved part of the townsite of Marcola and was originally started by Mary Cole to protect property which she had sold. The case was appealed and today the United States land office affirms the claim of Mary Cole. Monjay was represented in the case by the firm Swafford and McGinnis. S. D. Allen and E. O. Potter were attorneys for Mary Cole.
HAYDEN BRIDGE NEWS Mrs Emmit Boggs' horse got beyond her control Friday, running over a mile before anything serious happened. As they were passing the barn of L. T. Spores the horse turned and darted into the barn before anyone could stop him. The men at the barn heard Mrs. Boggs calling for help and had gone into the road to do what they could. Little Mildred Spores who was standing in the open barn door was knocked unconscious for a few moments. She was bruised quite badly but not seriously. Mr. Cowden drove the frightened horse home for Mrs. Boggs. John Spores has rented his farm to Francis Dowdy, and is moving to Eugene.
Marcola News Claude Downing of Marcola, and Frank McQueen, a homesteader in the hills above mabel, while hunting near Mabel Friday, surprised a big cougar eating a four point buck it had just killed. The dogs chased the big cat up a tree, where the men shot it. It measured eight feet from nose to tail tip. Mark, the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Volgamore, was thrown from a wagon Wednesday afternoon when the team he was driving got beyond his control and ran away. He sustained a sprain that will keep him indoors for some time. The body of Mr. Redding, an aged man who was formerly a resident here, and who died in the Springfield hospital Saturday, was brought here for burial Monday morning. F. F. Maple was confined to his home Wednesday and Thursday with an attack of la grippe, Miss Hazel Whitmore took charge of Mr. Maple's store and the post office during his absence.
Edward Bradley Killed In Accident Edward Bradley died at the Eugene hospital at 3:30 this afternoon, as a result of injuries sustained this morning, while at work at the Booth Kelly mill, at Springfield. Bradley who is survived by a wife and two children, has been working for the company for about two weeks. He was working today about the grounds of the plant when a block of wood fell from a conveyor, striking him on the head.
SPRINGFIELD NEWS The large wire cable which draws the log carriage at the Booth Kelly mill, broke yesterday and the men were laid off at 5 o'clock. The cable was repaired during the night by Mr. Wootten, the company's bely expert. The mill resumed operations this morning.
BLAST KILLS BIRD DOG 12-31-1915 Marvin Drury, who lives on a farm near Walterville, reports the loss of a bird dog on Tuesday, while blasting stumps. Mr. Drury set a blast in a large stump and lit the fuse. He ran a safe distance away and upon looking back saw his bird dog sitting peacefully on top of the stump. He tried whistling and every known means of coaxing him away, but all in vain. The dog was unmovable and in a few minutes was soaring in mid air. The dog was picked up a few minutes later in sections. The concrete piers on the south side of the new timber crane at the Booth Kelly mill were finished Wednesday and will be allowed to set for about ton days before the superstructure is put into place.
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