Category:Daily Eugene Guard (1891)
From Lane Co Oregon
Mr. J. C. Goodale, of the Coburg sawmill, experienced a considerable loss Wednesday night about 11 o'clock by the central part of his mill dam, about 60 Ft. wide, washing out. The mill had just finished sawing the order for the new bridge of the Oregonian Railway across the Calapooia at Brownsville. It will cost several hundred dollars to make the necessary repairs which will be delayed until a lower stage of water. In the meantime Mr. Goodale will get an engine from the Eugene Iron Works and connect it with one already in use at the mill, thus securing power to continue work. No logs were lost, they being secured by a strong boom above the dam.
The number of hogs have diminished and the larders are replenished of late. Bob Fields has been repairing the house on his claim, and last week he moved his earthly possessions thereto. Can it be possible that Bob is going to live a bachelor's life?
Alfred Drury visited his daughter at Lewisberg last week.
A petition has been circulated and readily signed asking that the mail on this route be increased to three times a week instead of the two as we have now. This is a move in the right direction and one that will be beneficial to the people along the Mohawk. The county papers would then reach this office on Saturday; now they won't get here till Monday.
Mrs. Pike died at an advanced age, at the home of Mr. Arnold, her son-in-law, Monday night of last week. The deceased has been an invalid for several years, and during her last illness she was almost devoid of reason. The remains were interred in the Isabel graveyard Tuesday. Thus the old land marks are falling and ere a few more years those who viewed Oregon as a vast wilderness will have passed. This week closes out our correspondence from Mabel. For the past four months we have endeavored from week to week to report the constantly murmured chain of murmurings and in so doing to have been fair with all and impartial to none.
Arlington, Ore. Dec. 14 John K. Tehan, an old logging camp hand, filled up on whisky Saturday night and by 9 o'clock was attacked with violent spasm. A doctor was at once summoned, but to no avail, and in the course of a few hours Tehan died, frothing at the mouth. It is said that he drank over fifteen bottles of whisky in two or three hours time.
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