Innis, J.B.
From Lane Co Oregon
5 acres in West Springfield, sandy bottom land good for garden.
384 acres 9 miles south west of Eugene. Good 8-room house and out
buildings. 125 acres in cultivation, 200 more can be cultivated. All well
fenced. Some timber on the place. Bottom land, spring water piped to
house. A bargain at $16.00 per acre.
2 new houses and 10 lots in Springfield, price $2,000 on easy terms.
House and lot in South Springfield, price $450.
A well improved place on West B street xxxxxxx and buildings, fruit and
xxxxree xxxx Price $1,800.
J.B. INNIS, East Main St. Springfield, Ore.
January 11, 1907 (Springfield News), Vol. V, No. 50., p. 4. Springfield Real Estate