McMurphy, Robert

From Lane Co Oregon

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Robert McMurphy was born in Pierce County, Wisconsin on February 16, 1866. Robert came to Portland in 1889 to accept a position as personal secretary to George Andrews of the O & C Railroad. He had previously been with the office of the Great Northern Railroad Company at St. Paul. Robert eventually moved to Eugene and became involved in real estate and insurance.

Alberta and Robert McMurphy married on July 31, 1893. Robert McMurphy became manager of the Eugene Water Company (founded by his late father-in-law). In December 1901 McMurphy incorporated the Willamette Valley Woolen Manufacturing Company, of which he was president and general manager for a number of years. Robert was a member of a number fraternal lodges, active in the First Congregational Church, and one of the organizers and officers of the Eugene Commercial Club. Robert McMurphy died at Mercy Hospital in Roseburg on December 7, 1921.

Between 1894 and 1904, the McMurphys had four daughters and two sons. (Lois, Robert, Adah, Elsie, George and Lylah).

Alberta Shelton McMurphy, the only child of Dr. T.W. Shelton and Adah Lily Lucas Shelton, was born in 1872, and moved into the "Castle on the Hill" upon its completion in 1888.

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