
From Kv17events

All your frequently asked questions answered.



The Grand Chapiteau (big top) at The Oval, Melbourne Park

Can I take photos?

  • You may take photos on the Cirque du Soleil site
  • You may NOT take photos in the main performance tent (Le Grand Chapiteau)
  • Ushers will confiscate your camera and quite likely evict you if you attempt to take photos during the show
  • Obviously this goes for video footage as well as still shots

What can I buy?

  • Food and drink
  • Cirque du Soleil merchandise
    • Varekai souvenir programmes = $19
    • Designer clothes
    • Accessories (scarves, keyrings, wallets)
    • Artisan hats and masks
    • Bags
    • DVDs, soundtrack CDs, posters, books

Further help

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