
From Krylon


Shy Guy Skill Pool

*Insert squeaky Shy Guy sound here*


Shy Guys do some odd crap. Odd crap done by Shy Guys. To do such odd crap, unlock this odd crap, so you can then do odd crap.



Race: Shy Guy


10 EXP

Active Skills

  • [500 EXP] Super Mode: (Requires 15 Agility, 3/4 of EP) Allows character to enter Super Shy Guy mode. In this mode, the character flashes, like a starman pickup, and has it's agility multiplied by three times, and strength brought down to a third. This can be coupled with any form of riding, such as ballons, stilts, or especially propeller. Returning to normal mode costs 3/4 of total EP as well. Only one mode can be engaged at a time.
  • [500 EXP] Tribal Mode (Requires 15 Strength, 3/4 of EP) Allows character to enter tribal Shy Guy mode. In this mode, the character is adorned with paints, and feathers, and has strength and vitality at 2x. Charisma and intelligence is dropped to half. This can't be used with any form of riding. The character gains a 2x bonus at use of spears. Returning to normal mode costs 3/4 of total EP as well. Only one mode can be engaged at a time.
  • [500 EXP] Western Mode (Requires 15 Precision, 3/4 of EP) Allows character to enter Western mode. In this mode, the character has two revolvers that have a weapon value of 1/3 of the character's charisma, if no weapon is being wielded. Precision is 3x, and agility 2x. Vitality is dropped to a Sixth of what it was. Pistols have a 1.8x bonus in damage. Returning to normal mode costs 3/4 of total EP as well. Only one mode can be engaged at a time.
  • [500 EXP] General Mode (Requires 15 Charisma, 3/4 of EP) Allows character to enter General mode. In this mode, the character is dressed in military uniform. Charisma is 3x and agility dropped to a third of what it was. The character also gains a 2x bonus in using mobile flamethrowers, or tanks. Returning to normal mode costs 3/4 of total EP as well. Only one mode can be engaged at a time.
  • [100 EXP] Water Plants (5 EP) Allows character to grow plants when used when a watering can is equipped. Also lets the character water plants already growing to grow them. The effect is up to the GM.
  • [200 EXP] Slingshotgun: (Requires slingshot equipped, 8 ammunition for shot 15 EP) Fires 8 shots. Precision is dropped to 3/4 of what it was. If each shot hits, a bonus of 1.8x is given to the total damage that was given.

Passive Skills

  • [100 EXP] Precise Mischevious slingshot: Gives a 1.2x bonus to precision when using a slingshot in combat.
  • [100 EXP] Speedy Mischevious slingshot: Gives a 1.2x bonus to agility when using a slingshot in combat.
  • [300 EXP] (Levellable) Tank Pilot: When in a tank, this skill gives the vehicle 2 extra agility per level.
  • [300 EXP] (Levellable) Flamethrower Pilot: When on a mobile flamethrower, this skill gives the vehicle 2 extra agility per level.
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