
From Krylon

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:: Project LEGACY WASTE ::
	AUTHOR:			Zixaphir Kote Modnar
	BASED ON MATERIALS BY:	Francis Bealer (Nin-Krylon / "Systemeh Planeh"), Gregory Wheeler (Krylon)
	VERSION:		0.0.1
	VERSION MOTO:		"XML teaches to indent. HTML users teach you why you should."

(( "***" implies TODO ))
(( "..." implies incomplete. ))
(( "---" implies subject to change. ))
(( Nothing implies nothing. ))

INDEX (If you're reading this, you are here)
	INDEX (If you're reading this, you are here)

	APPENDIX I: Specifications

		1. Three Base Stat System
		2. Ability Based Skill Levels
		3. Evolving Skill Costs
		4. Krylon System Skill Pools
		5. Achievement/Ability Based Learning
		6. Races
		7. Items


		1. Base Stats ...
		2. Advanced Stats ---

	APPENDIX III: Initial Races

		1. Commons ...
		2. Elven ...
		3. Xenomorphs ...
		4. Mutants ...

	APPENDIX IV: Base Skill Pools

		1. Basic ...
		2. Strength ...
		3. Dexterity ...
		4. Knowledge ...

	APPENDIX V: Racial Skill Pools

		1. Commons ***
		2. Elvens ***
		3. Xenomorphs ***
		4. Mutants ***

	APPENDIX VI: Initial Items ***

		1. Healing ***

APPENDIX I: Specifications

1. Three Base Stat System:
	I'm somewhat a fan of the KISS Principle, I want to keep the basics simple. Most other RPGs tend to spam a ton of stats on you, I'd prefer to just spam 

three, and then spam hundreds of abilities which manipulate them.
		Strength: Handles physical strength and vitality.
		Dexterity: Handles accuracy, precision, and evasion.
		Knowledge: Handles scientific and magic knowledge, also handles charisma.

2. Ability Based Skill Levels:
	Whereas base stats handle basic ability, extensible skills handle special abilities.
		Evasion - Skill level at evading attacks.
			Effect:		EvasionRoll = Dexterity(SkillLevel/10) * Random(3)
			Base Cost:	20
			Max Level:	-1 // Implies no cap.

3. Evolving Skill Costs:
	The goal of "Evolving Skill Costs" is to prevent ease of capping out without having to plan ahead how much you want each level to cost and to remove the 

cliche of a level cap. (If Mike Tyson has has strength, and someone beats him in an arm wrestling match, how does that work, right?)
		Generic Skill Formula:		BaseCost * (SkillLevel * [10 + SkillLevel])
		Generic Base Stat Formula:	FLOOR( (Stat) / 3) * 100)

4. Krylon System Skill Pools.
	Basic - Open to all, handles languages, basic survival skills, etc
		Strength - Physical crap like hand to hand combat and endurance training
		Dexterity - Evasion, Gun/Bow training, ...sewing?
		Knowledge - Technological Knowlege, historical studying, magic knowledge...
	Progressing through each skillpool could unlock more specialized, advanced pools, such as Esper or Magician. Maybe.

5. Achievement/Ability-based learning:
	Bitten by a vampire? Vampirism Skill Pool opens.
		Level 3 Blood Apetite? Level 1 Cerberus Avatar unlocks.
	Achieved Force-sensitivity, you have? The Jedi Skillpool I see in your future.
		NOTE: "Jedi" is a registered trademark of George Lucas, used in this document for example and parody purposes, and does not reflect the inclusion 

of any George Lucas property in Project LEGACY WASTE.

6. Races:
	For the time being, official races will be "limited" to four, to keep things basic.
		Commons:	Pretty much humans. No specialization.
		Elven:		Specialized as ranged warriors. Contrary to the popular belief, they are shitty casters.
		Xenomorph:	Aliens, specialized as casters.
		Mutant:		Tanks, specializing in physical brute force.

7. Items:
	See the Items section. I want it to be basic. I can work on things like bullet and arrow drop later.


1. Base Stats
		Strength handles physical damage. If you're using your limbs to hit something, whether you're carrying a sword, club, or are just using your 

fists, or you're taking a hit from something, strength plays a huge role.


2. Advanced Stats
	Hit Points (HP):
		Generic, I know, but HP determines how much damage you can take.
		Base Formula: HP = Strength * 5 [[Modifiers]].
		Modified By: Cardiovascular Training.
	Skill Points (SP):
		SP determines is a measurement of your ability to use special skills and abilities.
		Base Formula: Strength + Knowledge * 3 [[Modifiers]].
		Modified By: Skill Efficiency.
	Experience (EXP):
		Experience is gained through tasks, such as fighting, completing quests, or successful skill checks, and is spent on increasing character 

		Base Value: 30
		Alignment is an opinion based statistic which the character's player assigns at creation time and can change before a campaign or with permission 

from the Game Master. If needed, such as a character acting against his or her alignment, a vote may be called to force a player to reassign an appropriate 

value. Those with any level of empathy may be quick to preceive based on alignment alone, allying with those of similar alignment and making enemies of those on 

the opposite side of the scale.
		Lawful Good		(4):
			A character is obedient of the law, and does not break it to accomplish their goals, which are usually well-intended.
		Chaotic Good		(2):
			A character will go to any extent to accomplish their well-intended goals. The law is meant to punish only those whom are bad, so you 

MUST be immune to it!
		Lawful Neutral		(1):
			A character will not break the law to accomplish their goals, which may or may not be well intended, but often have an alterior motive.
		(Neutral) Neutral	(0):
			The law isn't usually a priority, and choice to follow it is simply based on consequences verses advantages. Motives are dependent on the 

situations, again weighting consequence versus advantages.
		Chaotic Neutral		(-1):
			Consequences are for puss--- erm... personal motive usually is the deciding factor decisions.
		Lawful Evil		(-2):
			Motives are usually self-centered, to the fullest extent the law can provide. The law will be followed to the T, though the T generally 

means wiggle-room.
		Chaotic Evil		(-4):
			Every action is for one's self-pleasure. The law is unimportant and those that say otherwise can die by your hand (F*** the POLICE).
		NOTE: Numberical values ARE important.


	For race-exclusive skills, please see APPENDIX V: Racial Skill Pools

1. Commons

		Commons are only called that cause they're everywhere. Being as flexible to change as they are, they've grown rather comfortable filling the 

niche of freedom of choice. Commons are pretty much able to go in any direction they choose, and as they also tend to populate everywhere, find the easiest time 

finding places to get what they need.

		Commons tend to be overtly aware of consequences, and therefore tend to sit on the lawful side of the scale, which tends to lead them to be 

prejudice against anything that threatens the comfort of their lawful civilizations.

		Strength:	5
		Dexterity:	5
		Knowledge:	5

2. Elven

		Ranged warriors of the forest. Contrary to folklore, Elven are no more adept at magic than commons. In fact, experienced Common mages are said to 

be far above the basic abilities of Elven. A very conservative race based on Druidic teachings, they hold closely to their religious beliefs and prominently 

feature basic Cleric skills and statistics suiting of the best archers and chemists. Elven are not known for using guns and their religious beliefs frown upon 


		Most Elven find themselves aligned as "Lawful-Good", but also overtly prejudice, especially against Commons.

		Strength:	3
		Dexterity:	8
		Knowledge:	4

3: Xenomorphs

		Unknown aliens. Xenomorphs consist of some of the best Espers and casters, also using some of the most technologically elaborate tools to get 

their quests done. 

	Most Xenomorphs do not find themselves sitting on the lawful sides of the alignment scale, though they're not necessarily evil, either. Despite their 

vast array of technology, Elven and Xenomorphs tend to be in good standings with one another. Perhaps it's because Xenomorphs aren't as much of a threat against 

Elvens Gaia-centric religious beliefs as Commons are?

		Strength:	3
		Dexterity:	5
		Knowledge:	7

4: Mutants

		Maybe somewhere a nuke dropped or something, but these guys got the worst of it. Twisted to all hell, you'd think they'd have died, but the 

phrase "What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger" went over two-fold here, and Mutants are back with a vengence. Best described as walking tanks, Mutants 

easily throw anyone from anywhere else across the room with ease, and if they have some sort of hand to hand weapon, they'll knock heads clean off.

		Mutants tend to find themselves sitting at either Neutral or Evil, with very little respect for any sort of law. They've been through hell, so 

why not bring some of hell back with them? Race really doesn't factor in on their judgements, whether one is Common, Elven, Xenomorph, or even another Mutant.

		Strength: 	9
		Dexterity:	4
		Knowledge:	2

APPENDIX IV: Base Skill Pools

1. Basic

	Description:		Basic skills, such as language, survival instincts, and basic needs skills.
	Unlocking Conditions:	Implied

		((Passive)) ((Languages))
		Common Language 
			Effect:		(lvl1) Knowledge of speaking the Common language. ((Implies Mutant Common Language lvl1))
					(lvl2) Knowledge of reading and writing the Common language.
					(lvl3) Advanced knowledge of the Common language, including awesome grammar, witty humor, and advanced puns. +2 Modifier 

to charisma checks involving the Common language.
			Base Cost:	15
			Max Level:	3

		Xenomophic Langauge
			Effect:		(lvl1) Knowledge of speaking the Xenomorphic language.
					(lvl2) Knowledge of reading and writing the Xenomorphic language.
					(lvl3) Advanced knowledge of the Xenomorphic language, including awesome grammar, witty humor, and advanced puns. +2 

Modifier to charisma checks involving the english language.
			Base Cost:	15
			Max Level:	3

		Celtic Language
			Effect:		(lvl1) Knowledge of speaking the Celtic language.
					(lvl2) Knowledge of reading and writing the Celtic language.
					(lvl3) Advanced knowledge of the Celtic language, including awesome grammar, witty humor, and advanced puns. +2 Modifier 

to charisma checks involving the english language.
			Base Cost:	15
			Max Level:	3

		Mutant Common Language
			Effect:		(lvl1) Partial knowledge of speaking the Common language. Comlex communication requires comprehension checks ((Implied by 

Modern English))
					(lvl2) Parial knowledge of speaking the Common language, implies 100% comprehension when receiving messages in Mutant 

Common Language.
			Base Cost:	5
			Max Level:	2

			Effect:		You have a sixth sense about things. You get a nice +((SkillLevel)) modifier to all communications checks and get an 

Empathy Check at the start of communications to find out if someones motives match your own, or if they're just feeling icky, but who does that?
				Empathy Check: if (Knowledge + SkillLevel) * Random(3) > TargetKnowledge * Random(3); success;
			Base Cost:	20
			Max Level:	3

2. Strength

	Unlocking Conditions:	Implied

3. Dexterity

	Unlocking Conditions:	Implied

4. Knowledge

	Unlocking Conditions:	Implied
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