Bastion's Diary

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Revision as of 16:09, 12 August 2006 by Paxton (Talk | contribs)

DAY 1 : I got myself a brand new diary today, so figured I might as well get some use out of it. Pay no attention to the looks of the book. Some of the first few pages were of my "private" memories that I really wish I didn't write down. So I tore them out and decided to start all over. And then some fool and to go and write his name all over my new book. The nerve of some people. But all is good. I managed to make him pay for the inconvienace of having his name there (even if he doesnt realize it quite yet). Have to teach people lessons you know.

DAY 3 : I was walking along today and a piece of paper blew into my face. I quickly grabbed it, planning to tear it in two for ruining a perfectly good stroll, when I happened to glance at it. Now, I have know a magic user or two in my time, and I knew this was some sort of arcane writing. If it was some spell of mass destrustion or if it cooks my food I do not know. I had better hang on to it tho. Something like this shouldnt be in the wrong hands.

DAY 4 : So there I was at the local tavern, playing some cards and enjoying an ale. Lady luck was on my side once again (as she usually is) and I was taken aback by the sheer ammout of money some of there people were willing to lose. One of them even accused me of cheating. Me? Cheat? The nerve. Just because some bloke cant help but gamble his savings away and lose doesnt mean he has to resort to name calling. I figured it was best to just let the matter drop, and get out of there before he became even more unruly (and the fact the city guard was on the way helped my decision even more). As I made my way out, I happened to look down and and saw my satchel was glowing. "What the feck?!?", I said to myself. It was that piece of paper I had found. Hmmm, I should look deeper into this.

DAY 8 : After spending a few days searching, I found a elven mage willing to help me out with my parchment problem. He requested payment up front, which I felt uneasy about since I know there are thieves in this world. But I did as he requested and handed him over the paper. After looking at it for a few moments, I noticed his eyes widened and his lip quivered slightly. He turned to me and told me that it was a spell, but nothing more then something a first year student would know. A "simple illusionary spell" as he put it. He also said that he wished to keep it, seeing as it would be of no use to me. I protested, of couse, because well, it was mine. But the mage seemed very insistant about it. Its one thing to have an elf disagree with you, its another for him to be pushy to the edge of madness. So, not wanting to take it any father, I walked over to him, shook his hand and thanked him for his services. But as I left, I felt very uneasy about the whole thing...

DAY 8 AGAIN : As I looked into one of my scroll cases, low and behold I found the paper within it. Perhaps the mage (whos name I have forgotten. All elvish names sound like gibberish to me) had misplaced it into one of my cases insted of his own. Also odd, one of the rings the mage was wearing I fould in my boot cuff. It must of fallen off his hand when I was shaking it. I wish I could return the items to the poor mage, but alas, my boat has already set sail.

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