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                 <center>'''<B> HISTORY OF ROKUGAN </B> '''</center>
                 <center>''<big>[[THE HISTORY OF ROKUGAN]]</big>''</center>

Revision as of 04:31, 11 August 2006


A lot of the beginning events are pulled directly from the books. Once again, I've altered a lot of the history after the Coronation of Toturi I. There's important information in the section about his coronation. Another important event was the founding of the Snake Clan. Pretty cool how it happened.

Scorpion Clan Coup: year 1123 The Scorpion Champion Bayushi Shoju discovers an ancient prophecy that indicates that the Hantei Emperor will become possessed by the dark god Fu Leng. Eager to save the Empire and under the thrall of the Bloodsword Ambition, Shoju launches a devious plan to prevent the prophecy by ending the Hantei line. He secretly places his army throughout Otosan Uchi, the massive capital city. Using his friendship with the Emperor to draw close to him, Shoju cuts Hantei XXXVIII down in cold blood, sending his troops throughout the city to suddenly and brutally seize control. Believing both the Emperor and his heir dead, Shoju declares himself Emperor. Shoju desperately stalls the armies of the clans until the Crab arrive, as he hopes Hida Kisada will ally with the Scorpion. The Crab does not, however, and the Scorpion army is crushed by the combined armies of the clans. Shoju himself is slain in a duel with Akodo Toturi, the Champion of the Lion. Believing the Hantei line to have been exterminated, Toturi declares himself the Emperor of Rokugan to prevent war among the clans.

Hantei Sotorii becomes Hantei XXXIX: year 1123 Having been rescued from the Coup by the Phoenix Clan, the heir to the throne returns to Otosan Uchi after a rushed gempukku ceremony. His first edict upon taking the throne is the dissolution of the Scorpion Clan following their treachery, and the disgrace of Bayushi Shoju by discarding his remains on a communal pyre. Akodo Toturi protests this treatment of an honorable foe, angering the new Emperor. As punishment for his insolence, the Hantei declares Toturi to be ronin and removes the Akodo family name from the Lion Clan. The new Lion Champion Matsu Tsuko quickly decrees that anyone bearing the Akodo name must either swear fealty to the Matsu, Ikoma, or Kitsu, join the Deathseekers, live as ronin, or die (either by seppuku or by her own hand). The revered sensei Akodo Kage is the single exception to this edict. As an afterthought, Hantei XXXIX takes Bayushi Kachiko, Shoju's beautiful young widow, as his bride to end the traitorous Bayushi line forever.

Yogo Junzo opens the first Black Scroll: year 1123 In anguish over the death of Bayushi Shoju and enraged at the audacity of the Emperor to so dishonor such a man of vision by destroying his family and clan, Yogo Junzo violates his clan's ancient duty and opens the first of the twelve Black Scrolls (see the Day of Thunder, year 42). The scroll creates a deadly Wasting Disease that begins to spread across Rokugan, bringing misery and death to all who contract it. The spell also transforms Junzo, corrupting him into one of Fu Leng's undead servants. A short time later, Junzo opens a second Black Scroll to craft his base of operations, an Iron Citadel in the heart of the Shadowlands.

The Naga awaken: year 1124 Although scouts have been awakening and active for nearly two centuries, it is not until now that the Naga begin to awaken in significant numbers. It is still a slow process, and one that will require months to complete, but at last the serpent folk begin to stir from their sleep of ages and move through the world again.

The Lion-Crane conflict erupts into war: year 1124 The constantly worsening conflicts between the Lion and Crane along their shared border explode after a pair of massive battles. The ancient rivalry between the clans is manipulated by Bayushi Sozui and the traitor Kitsu Goden, who instigate the Battle on the Plains of Gaiju Shindai and the Battle of the Forgotten Tide. Both battles are worsened by Goden unleashing the vengeful spirits of Toshigoku to possess the bodies of mortal warriors. Fortunately, a small band of samurai discover, expose, and defeat the two before their foul plan can corrupt all of Rokugan. The Lion and the Crane stand down from their battles for a few short months before eventually escalating once again.

Falcon Clan absorbed by the Crab: year 1125 After an unknown maho-tsukai ritual opens a rift to the spirit world, many members of the Falcon Clan are possessed by shuten doji. Although the ritual is reversed, many Falcon and peasants are killed, leaving the clan's lands in disarray. Acting on authorization from an Imperial shikken (one of the Emperor's peacekeepers), the Crab Clan formally absorbs the minor clan with the blessing of the Falcon daimyo. In time, the Falcon become the Toritaka family of the Crab.

The Hare Clan is reborn: year 1125 Following the heroic efforts of Usagi Ozaki and his companions to clear the Hare clan's soiled reputation, the Emperor reinstates the tiny clan's holdings and family name. Though their castle lies in ruins and many yet look upon the Hare with suspicion, they are a clan once more. The Hare begin the long, painful process of rebuilding.

Preparation for the Clan War begins: year 1126 With the mysterious Wasting Disease raging across Rokugan and apparently affecting even the heirless Emperor, the Great Clans of the Empire prepare for inevitable conflict. The Lion mass for war against their ancient enemies, the Crane. The Crab break their vows by forming a dark alliance with the Shadowlands. Crab Champion Hida Kisada believes that he can use the Shadowlands as a tool to seize control of the Empire for himself, afterwards using his power to crush the Shadowlands once and for all. Late in the winter, the Crab army begins its march north.

The Badger Clan falls: year 1126 When Emerald Magistrate Kaiu Osuki travels to the northern reaches of Rokugan to deliver an Imperial edict, he discovers that the strongholds of the Badger Clan have been destroyed. A monstrous oni, summoned by unknown parties, has slain virtually every living being within the northern mountains. The great beast is eventually destroyed, but at a great cost: the Badger Clan is all but extinct. Due to the Emperor's failing health, the name and Minor Clan status of the Badger are never formally removed.

The Asako Henshin are exposed: year 1126 Manipulated by the dire Kuni Yori, the families of the Phoenix Clan fight amongst themselves while the Empire begins to fall into war around them. Using the insane Asako Oyo as a pawn, Yori demonstrates the secrets of immortality held by the Asako family to the jealous Isawa, ensuring that the two families will spend the next few months completely occupied with their centuries-old rivalry and not the machinations of the Crab Clan.

The Elemental Terrors are created: year 1126 Coming together in an unprecedented meeting, the Dark Oracles of the Shadowlands combine their incredible power to corrupt the very essence of the elements themselves, creating massive elemental creatures of pure Taint: the Elemental Terrors. The Terrors are responsible for the destruction of the territory belonging to the Crippled Bone tribe of Nezumi, sending the creatures north toward the Great Wall where news of the Terrors' creation reaches the Hiruma scouts.

The Battle of Beiden Pass: year 1127 As an enormous force of Crab and their Shadowlands allies moves north through the Empire, it sacks several cities in the Crane and Scorpion lands. Intent on seizing Beiden Pass and crippling the Empire's trade routes, the Crab are surprised to discover a massive army awaiting them. Led by the disgraced ronin Toturi — once Lion Champion Akodo Toturi — the army is comprised of Dragon Clan troops, many ronin, Unicorn cavalry, and a small force of recently awakened Naga scouts. The battle is brutal, but in the end Toturi's superior tactics win the day against Hida Sukune and Hida Yakamo. The Crab are driven south. Toturi pulls his forces away and departs north, leaving the Unicorn to control the Pass. This battle is widely regarded as the true beginning of the Clan War.

The Phoenix open the Black Scrolls: year 1127 After the Master of Earth Isawa Tadaka returns from the Shadowlands with a Black Scroll stolen from Yogo Junzo, the Elemental Masters decide to open all four of the foul artifacts in their possession in hopes of better understanding the threat posed by the Shadowlands. Only Isawa Kaede, the Master of Void, refuses to participate, certain that this course of action could lead only to disaster. With Kaede absent, the remaining Masters open the four Black Scrolls, gaining much knowledge. Unfortunately, the corruption of the spells runs rampant through their bodies and spirits, infecting each of them with the Shadowlands Taint.

The Second Day of Thunder: year 1128 After two years of war throughout the Empire, the clans finally unite against their common foe: Fu Leng. Marshaling their combined forces outside Otosan Uchi, the Great Clans join forces with Yoritomo's Alliance, the Brotherhood of Shinsei, and the Naga to engage the huge armies of Shadowlands creatures surrounding the city. It is an epic battle, larger than any since the dawn of the Empire. Many heroes are lost, but many threats to Rokugan are destroyed forever. Within the city walls, the descendant of Shinsei leads the Seven Thunders to face Fu Leng, who has possessed the body of Hantei XXXIX. The Emperor duels with Dragon Champion Togashi Yokuni, who reveals that he is in fact the Kami Togashi. Fu Leng slays Togashi and then turns to finish off the others who dare face him.

Hida Yakamo, Doji Hoturi, Mirumoto Hitomi, Toturi, Isawa Tadaka, Bayushi Kachiko, and Otaku Kamoko confront Fu Leng. Weakened after his fight with Yokuni, Fu Leng nevertheless mortally wounds Tadaka and Hoturi before he is blinded by a vengeful Bayushi Kachiko. Taking advantage of their foe's blindness, the dying Hoturi slices deep into the dark one's chest while Toturi claims Fu Leng's head with a single strike of his sword. The dark god is at last defeated.

Coronation of Toturi I: year 1129 After a bitter winter attempting to rebuild the Empire, Toturi I is crowned Emperor of Rokugan, Master of the Chrysanthemum, and Lord of the Seven Hills. His coronation is blessed by the appearance of Lady Sun hovering above Otosan Uchi for a full day, which all agree is Amaterasu's support of the new Son of Heaven. The conversations between Toturi and Shinsei's descendant over the winter are transcribed by Isawa Osugi and compiled as the New Tao. Toturi's first edicts as Emperor are to rebuild what was lost during the Clan War, and to detail the duty of each of the clans to the Empire. To symbolize the Empire's defeat of the Dark Lord, a new throne of jade is crafted for Toturi I, and Rokugan becomes known as "The Jade Empire." Toturi I marries the Phoenix Isawa Kaede, also known as the Oracle of the Void, which starts the tradition of marrying a Phoenix. The Scorpion are pardoned for their past treachery and the clan is once again accepted into Great Clan status. Bayushi Shoju is granted minor Fortune status, and is named Fortune of Sacrifice for his efforts to stop Fu Leng, sacrificing honor, family, and life for the Empire. Former Empress Kachiko is given back her title of Bayushi and made Daimyo of the Bayushi Clan and marries Bayushi Aramoro. The Akodo family name is returned to the Lion clan.

Naga at the Wall: year 1129 In the wake of Fu Leng's defeat, the Crab and Naga move to end the threat of the Shadowlands forever. While Kaiu engineers spend most of the year rebuilding the Kaiu Wall (which was severely damaged during the Clan War), the Naga work with Crab generals and sensei to combat the Shadowlands. The Naga leader, the Qamar, pledges that every Naga that is able will strike out against the Shadowlands with their new Crab allies when all are ready. As the Crab had been forced to spend their resources on rebuilding, plans are laid for an assault in the spring of 1130.

Creation of the Monkey Clan and founding of the Fuzake: year 1129 When Toturi offers the position of Captain of the Imperial Guard to his loyal follower Toku, Toku respectfully declines and confesses that he is not a true samurai. He is, in fact, a peasant wielding a katana taken from a dead bandit years ago. The bravery and honor Toku displayed during the Clan War leads Toturi not only to pardon Toku for his crimes and offer the position of Captain of the Imperial Guard a second time, but to bestow Minor Clan status upon the young samurai and his followers.

Shortly thereafter, a remarkable Yasuki named Garou (who had become a loyal follower of Toku during the Clan War) is also granted the Fuzake family name. This is mostly due to the sponsorship of the Doji, who found his tireless efforts to tend the wounded and bring humor to the Empire during the war inspiring. Fuzake Garou swears fealty to Toku and joins the fledgling Monkey Clan.

Opening of the Phoenix Gates: year 1130 After suffering the highest loss of life during the Clan War, the Phoenix clan (led by Clan Champion Shiba Tsukune) struggles throughout the first year of rebuilding due to lack of manpower. The Grand Master of the Elements, Naka Kuro, pledges his aid in helping the clan rebuild, swearing fealty to Lady Tsukune. With Kuro's help and Tsukune's offer of fealty to any shugenja that proves himself or herself worthy, the Phoenix slowly begin to reclaim their place in the Empire.

Death of Hida Kisada: year 1130' His health failing since being wounded by Fu Leng in the Clan War, Crab Daimyo Hida Kisada finally loses his struggle against death near the end of the winter. Though some see him as a traitor against the Empire for attacking Otosan Uchi during the Clan War, others (including Emperor Toturi) have come to understand his actions. In a funeral led by his son Yakamo, Kisada is given the funeral pyre of an honorable samurai. In thanks for his invaluable aid in planning the assault on Fu Leng's forces on the Second Day of Thunder, Kisada is granted minor Fortune status by Toturi I, and is now and forever the Fortune of Persistence.

Crab assault the Shadowlands: year 1133 Preparations complete, the Crab, Wasp (commanded to assist by the Emerald Magistrate) and Naga (Led by Mirumoto Daini) combine forces and march beyond the Wall into Fu Leng's Realm. Initial combat brings remarkably light casualties for the united groups, and the beasts of the Shadowlands seem unprepared for such a large invasion party. With the assault underway, the Naga, Wasp and Crab army forges its way to lost Hiruma Castle to reclaim the ancestral home lost centuries ago. It is still a hard fought battle, but only takes 3 months it to reclaim the Castle.

Naga/Wasp/Clan fall back: year 1134 After holding the Hiruma Castle for a few short months, the combined armies are forced back to the Wall as Hiruma Castle is retaken by the Shadowland hordes. The Naga are decimated during the stay at Hiruma Castle, almost to the point of extinction. The Wasp clan also receives a great loss as the clan Daimyo, Tsuruchi Yosura, is killed during the retreat back to the Wall.

Snake Clan is born: year 1137 The Naga return to the Shinomen Forest in hopes of rebuilding their nearly extinct race. Only a handful of Naga remain awake to protect and watch over the sleeping Naga. Emperor Toturi I offers Minor Clan status to Mirumoto Daini, and his followers are given the family name of Daini. Mirumoto Daini becomes Daini Hoto and forms the Snake Clan. The Wasp Clan, now without an heir or daimyo, is absorbed into the Snake Clan, giving a second family name of Tsuruchi to the new minor clan. The Snake Clan is offered the territory of the Shinomen Forest, with approval from the Naga. The Naga, remaining awake, join the Snake Clan, forming a united force of Naga and man. As a tribute to the Naga for their self sacrifice, Toturi I allows them to join the Snake Clan, declaring to have festivities once a year, to offer thanks to the Naga.

Toturi II is born: year 1138 Emperor Toturi I and Empress Kaede have their first child, Toturi Kaneka. Toturi Kaneka is blessed by the Grandmaster of the Elements, Naka Kuro.

Repairs of Otosan Uchi are finished: year 1139 10 years after the Coronation of Toturi I, the once Emerald Empire is rebuilt to a new splendor. The Clans show support for the New Jade Empire when all Clan Daimyos and Champions bring gifts of acceptance and once again swear fealty to the new Emperor. Festivities last for one full month as every person of importance in Rokugan are allowed time to show support. Hida Yokuma even leaves the Wall to pledge his allegiance and life to the New Empire. Toturi I commands all Clans, Great and Minor, to allow peace to flourish for one full year. At the end of the year, the Emperor declares that he will have a contest for a new position of the Empire which hasn't been necessary for centuries. The Jade Champion, whose duty will be to seek and destroy all maho and Shadowlands in Rokugan.

The Jade Champion: year 1140 After a year of peace, Otosan Uchi holds the first tournament of the Jade Champion. All Clans, including those of minor clan status, send their best Shugenja. The Phoenix Isawa Natsuko wins the tournament and she is granted command over the last 3 winners: Isawa Aki, Kuni Nori, and Kitsu Taka. They are named the Jade Magistrates and are expected to protect the Empire from supernatural enemies and attacks.

Toturi Satomi is born: year 1141 Toturi Satomi, the second child of Toturi I and Empress Kaede, is born. She is visited by Togashi Hoshi, son of the Kami Togashi Yokuni, blessing her with wisdom of the Dragon.

From this point, there is the typical warring between Clans. Scorpion and Lion battle for Beiden Pass. Crab fight at the Wall and contest against the Crane over land. The Mantis Clan remains a Great Clan and is finally fully accepted after about 100 years. Toturi II takes the throne after Toturi I'sts death, which he lives to a ripe age of 83. Basically, 150 years pass as this, with no major events occurring. The next major event happens in the spring of 1291.

The Emergence of Diagotsu: year 1291 In the spring of 1191, a young man claiming to be of Hantei blood, born in Jikogu and raised in the Shadowlands emerges and lays claim as the Son of Fu Leng, and new Lord of the Shadowlands, true heir to the Throne of Rokugan. He demands Toturi VI to lay down the throne and swear fealty to him. Emperor Toturi VI refuses and declares for all Clans to man the Wall. He plans on bringing the fight to Diagostsu and his Shadowland creatures.

Diagotsu attacks Rokugan: year 1292 Diagotsu arrives at the Wall during the winter, bringing Oni, goblins, Bakemono, and the feared Lost, along with many other foul creatures of the Shadowlands. The Clans of Rokugan are waiting for him, with Emperor Toturi VI at the command. In one of the fiercest battles seen at the Wall, the Shadowlands are forced back and the Clans of Rokugan are victorious. The war becomes known as the Battle at Heavens Barrier. Toturi VI battles Diagotsu man to man, and destroys Diagotsu, ending the threat of Diagotsu but not before he receives a mortal wound. Diagotsu's followers retreat back into the Shadowlands.

Coronation of Toturi VII: year 1293 Two months after the Battle at Heavens Barrier, Toturi VI dies of his wound that he received in the duel with Diagotsu. Toturi VII receives his Coronation and becomes the next Emperor of Rokugan.

Death of the Tortoise Clan: year 1322 An unknown disease claims the lives of the entire Tortoise Clan. The disease is contained in the city of the Tortoise (located very close to Otusan Uchi) by the Asahina shugenja of the Crane clan, and no other Rokugani lose their lives due to their efforts. The remaining Tortoise are absorbed into the Mantis clan due to their experience as seafarers and become the courtiers for the Mantis clan, bringing with them the Tortoise family name of Kasuga.

Monkey Clan becomes Minor Clan representatives: year 1323 After many argued meetings within the Minor clans, the Monkey Clan is finally accepted as the representatives for all the Minor clans, taking the now vacant position due to the death of the Tortoise clan. Emperor Toturi VII approves of the decision and holds a Coronation for the new position of the Monkey Clan.

Coronation of Toturi VIII: year 1345 Toturi Tsutomu becomes Emperor Toturi VIII.

Soshi Yori becomes Jade Champion: year 1348 During the tournament for the next Jade Champion, all clans are surprised at the outcome. For the first time in History, a Scorpion wins the position of the Jade Champion. The Phoenix are outraged and accuse Soshi Yori of foul play and claim he had assistance from an unknown source. Emperor Toturi VIII declares that the tournament was won fairly, and all Clans are forced to accept Soshi Yori as the New Jade Champion.

Failed Assassination Attempt on Emperor Toturi VIII: year 1349 While visiting villages near Otusan Uchi, assassins garbed in black, attempt an assassination on Emperor Toturi VIII. Many believe the assassins to be the mythical Ninja. The assassins are fought back and defeated by Emperor Toturi VIII and his guard. No remains of the assassins were found after the smoke cleared. Many are blaming the Scorpion for the attempt (albeit, under their breaths). The Scorpion, of course, deny any such involvement with the assassinations or Ninjas. File:Example.jpg

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