Star Wars

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(<B>The Krath</B>)
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Perhaps not but where ever a jedi goes, exitement and adventure seem follow. In Star Wars: Tales of the New Jedi (coming soon to a white board near you), we will follow our heroes, a Jedi Knights and his Padawan as they traverse the Galaxy; fullfilling the councils mandates and searching their souls for the true meaning, and will of the force. This is a brief over view of the last 100 years in the Star War universe, according to Rick.  
Perhaps not but where ever a jedi goes, exitement and adventure seem follow. In Star Wars: Tales of the New Jedi (coming soon to a white board near you), we will follow our heroes, a Jedi Knights and his Padawan as they traverse the Galaxy; fullfilling the councils mandates and searching their souls for the true meaning, and will of the force. This is a brief over view of the last 100 years in the Star War universe, according to Rick.  
===<B>Skywalker's Politics</B>===
In the galaxy 100 yrs after the fall of the empire, there is great peril for these new Jedi. The galaxies citizens are still uncertain about how to feel about these guardians of peace and Justice, and the senate chafes at continued rejections by the Order to fall under it's priveiw.  
In the galaxy 100 yrs after the fall of the empire, there is great peril for these new Jedi. The galaxies citizens are still uncertain about how to feel about these guardians of peace and Justice, and the senate chafes at continued rejections by the Order to fall under it's priveiw.  
Master Skywalker adressing the senate, "...though it was the machinations of an evil genius that destroyed the republic and nearly destroyed my order, it was the greed and ambition of the senate and of public officials that were his greatest weapons. We are the jedi as you once new them, but we've learned from our fore-bearers mistakes. We serve the republic and it's people, we'll, if requested, assist the senate and office of the cancelor: but we will never again be the puppets of the political machinations of any one body or person."  
Master Skywalker adressing the senate, "...though it was the machinations of an evil genius that destroyed the republic and nearly destroyed my order, it was the greed and ambition of the senate and of public officials that were his greatest weapons. We are the jedi as you once new them, but we've learned from our fore-bearers mistakes. We serve the republic and it's people, we'll, if requested, assist the senate and office of the cancelor: but we will never again be the puppets of the political machinations of any one body or person."  
===<B>The New Jedi Order</B>===
It wasn't long after the battle of endor that Luke Skywalker began looking for others to train in the ways of the force. In those first years he was forced to choose student who were older, this he knew was dangerous, but his instincts served him well. He and these students became the 1st generation of the Jedi order rebuilt (note the my use of the 'generation' is only for orginazation, and it won't be used in game). These Jedi did their jobs well, though they all struggled W/the darkside they managed to maintain their focus and stay strong.   
It wasn't long after the battle of endor that Luke Skywalker began looking for others to train in the ways of the force. In those first years he was forced to choose student who were older, this he knew was dangerous, but his instincts served him well. He and these students became the 1st generation of the Jedi order rebuilt (note the my use of the 'generation' is only for orginazation, and it won't be used in game). These Jedi did their jobs well, though they all struggled W/the darkside they managed to maintain their focus and stay strong.   
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W/the older species seeing the emergence of these "true" Jedi, it brought a level of legitimacy to Skywalker's New Order they'd never had. He simply smiled thinking how such a small, innane thing as a Habbit and Tunic could make such a difference, then he remembered the tiny Yoda lifting his Xwing out of the Bogg on Dagobah.  
W/the older species seeing the emergence of these "true" Jedi, it brought a level of legitimacy to Skywalker's New Order they'd never had. He simply smiled thinking how such a small, innane thing as a Habbit and Tunic could make such a difference, then he remembered the tiny Yoda lifting his Xwing out of the Bogg on Dagobah.  
===<B>First Krath War</B>===
60 or so years after the destruction of the death star came the orders first dire test of strength and will. A major confliguration W/the Imperial sector was set off when, on orders from master skywalker a group of Jedi (Tetha Chon, Kay Aalan Mudorian W/his padawan Vin Orn Fa and Rorn Rye Ethon)  made a Sortie on to a contested world and rescued a refugee Princess who's ancestors came from old alderaan, this set off a war between the Jedi and Krath which was mirrored by the Impirial sector and the Republic. Near abouts the same time a mysterious warrior who'd later claim to be a Sith Lord (though master skywalker referred to him as an overly ambitious member of the Krath) stole on to Dagobah and slaughtered 2 Jedi masters and 17 Padawan and learners including Rye Ethons padawan Dara Lor. This war ended after 3 long years. Mudorian would lose his student Vin (who was at the time actually a full fledged Knight) but he inturn would slay the would be heir to the Sith, his student's killer. It was also discovered that it was Rye Ethons student who allowed the Leader of the Krath to infiltrate Dagobah and Master Ethon inturn put down his former student, Dara Lor.
60 or so years after the destruction of the death star came the orders first dire test of strength and will. A major confliguration W/the Imperial sector was set off when, on orders from master skywalker a group of Jedi (Tetha Chon, Kay Aalan Mudorian W/his padawan Vin Orn Fa and Rorn Rye Ethon)  made a Sortie on to a contested world and rescued a refugee Princess who's ancestors came from old alderaan, this set off a war between the Jedi and Krath which was mirrored by the Impirial sector and the Republic. Near abouts the same time a mysterious warrior who'd later claim to be a Sith Lord (though master skywalker referred to him as an overly ambitious member of the Krath) stole on to Dagobah and slaughtered 2 Jedi masters and 17 Padawan and learners including Rye Ethons padawan Dara Lor. This war ended after 3 long years. Mudorian would lose his student Vin (who was at the time actually a full fledged Knight) but he inturn would slay the would be heir to the Sith, his student's killer. It was also discovered that it was Rye Ethons student who allowed the Leader of the Krath to infiltrate Dagobah and Master Ethon inturn put down his former student, Dara Lor.
With this war over it ushers in the time of renewed faith in the republic, this my friends is your time. It's been 100 years since the Emeror Palpitine the last true Dark lord of the sith (Darth Sidious) was slain by Anakin Shywalker. In the intervening forty years the Jedi's number have reached to over 2000, but the Galaxy is inhabited by 10's of trillions of setient beings. Can you serve them as you should, are you more than a lot of talk and a Lightsaber, do you have what it takes to call yourself.......a Jedi Knight.           
===<B>Prior to the Crucible of the Bendu</B>===
With this war over it ushers in the time of renewed faith in the republic, this my friends is your time. It's been 100 years since the Emeror Palpitine the last true Dark lord of the sith (Darth Sidious) was slain by Anakin Shywalker. In the intervening forty years the Jedi's number have reached to over 2000, but the Galaxy is inhabited by 10's of trillions of setient beings. Can the jedi serve them as you should, do you have what it takes to call yourself.......a Jedi Knight.           
Judge me by my size do you? where you should not: for my ally is the force, and a powerful ally it is.
Judge me by my size do you? where you should not: for my ally is the force, and a powerful ally it is.
=Players in the Republic=
===<B>The Republic</B>===
===<B>The Imperial Sector</B>===
===<B>The Corporate Sector</B>===
===<B>The Jedi Order</B>===
===<B>The Krath</B>===
dont worry 'bout um...Gideon cleaned house.
=The Tale to Date=
===<B>The Crucible of the Bendu</B>===
=What Comes Next=

Current revision as of 05:21, 11 August 2006


The Galaxy Far Far Away

"...exitement ha, adventure ha, a jedi craves not these things..."-Yoda

Perhaps not but where ever a jedi goes, exitement and adventure seem follow. In Star Wars: Tales of the New Jedi (coming soon to a white board near you), we will follow our heroes, a Jedi Knights and his Padawan as they traverse the Galaxy; fullfilling the councils mandates and searching their souls for the true meaning, and will of the force. This is a brief over view of the last 100 years in the Star War universe, according to Rick.

Skywalker's Politics

In the galaxy 100 yrs after the fall of the empire, there is great peril for these new Jedi. The galaxies citizens are still uncertain about how to feel about these guardians of peace and Justice, and the senate chafes at continued rejections by the Order to fall under it's priveiw.

Master Skywalker adressing the senate, "...though it was the machinations of an evil genius that destroyed the republic and nearly destroyed my order, it was the greed and ambition of the senate and of public officials that were his greatest weapons. We are the jedi as you once new them, but we've learned from our fore-bearers mistakes. We serve the republic and it's people, we'll, if requested, assist the senate and office of the cancelor: but we will never again be the puppets of the political machinations of any one body or person."

The New Jedi Order

It wasn't long after the battle of endor that Luke Skywalker began looking for others to train in the ways of the force. In those first years he was forced to choose student who were older, this he knew was dangerous, but his instincts served him well. He and these students became the 1st generation of the Jedi order rebuilt (note the my use of the 'generation' is only for orginazation, and it won't be used in game). These Jedi did their jobs well, though they all struggled W/the darkside they managed to maintain their focus and stay strong.

During these early years while meditating dagobah, Luke found Yoda's second reason for hiding in such a vile uninviting place...the compressed data archive files (Think zip disc) that backed up what was once the greatest library in the galaxy...the Jedi archives. Though it would take the finest slicer minds several years to crack yoda's incryption code it was much like opening the greatest treasure trove imaginable.

Luke, and his disciples began looking for those who'd become the 2nd generation of new Jedi. Where as Lukes first class was a spectacular success, his second class had it's share of near catostrophic failures. Trained on Yavin 4, in the Jedi Praxium (the interum home of the jedi until the Temple on Coruscant was re-founded), these students though younger were trained en mass W/little or no one on one Master/Padawan relationship. This class of Jedi would boast atleast 20 or so rogue or fallen Jedi. These nascent jedi would cause Master Skywalker no end of heart ache and trouble. These new Jedi were some what unruly, and few outside the order ever even realized they were Jedi untill a Lightsaber was brandished. They looked and acted more like scoundrels and fringe characters than Jedi. In spite of this, many of these students were competent individuals and slowly began to shine W/in the order.

During this time a mysterious cult of nare-do-well force user began to emerge calling themselves the Krath. They appeared to the layperson to be Jedi, they dressed in the same Rogueish manner and commanded mysterious powers and wielded lightsabers. Though rarely was any one of these Krath as powerful as a Jedi, they made up for their lack of training W/numbers.

Around 30-40 years after Endor, the third generation of Jedi came of age. THese Jedi were different than their forebearers though. Raised on coruscant or Yavin these were truly children of the order, lukes first attempt at reproducing master Yoda's training regimine. These young Jedi were raised not on the tales of the first and second generations' deeds and prescedants, but on the stories and histories of the Jedi archives. They didn't see themselves as errant warriors fighting for rightous causes (though they understood that was part of what they were). They grew up reading and even watching the deeds of great Jedi like, Odan-urr, Yoda, Carnar, Elana doe Ror, Mace Windu, Dooku, Thren Don and Obi Wan Kenobi. They were a monastic order and they new it, and aspoused those older principles. They Began dressing themselves in the manner of these older Jedi and they, unlike the second generation of Jedi, took Master Skywalkers calm, slow approach to being a Jedi to heart.

The importance of their choose in clothing (as innane as it sounds) became obvious when Jedi Master Golth Yune Hoy attempted to settle a trade distbute between a Wookie colony and an ithorian world ship. Master Hoy (a renowned Jedi of the 2nd generation) was accompanied by his padawan Tetha 'Chon. Teth was in the garb of a traditional Jedi and the Wookies and Ithorians looked from his master to him, then made a double take. They (both being very long lived species) Bowed low to the young padawan and asked if he as a wise Jedi could help find an amicable solution to their distbute. (Tetha'Chon is now a revered member of the Jedi Councel)

W/the older species seeing the emergence of these "true" Jedi, it brought a level of legitimacy to Skywalker's New Order they'd never had. He simply smiled thinking how such a small, innane thing as a Habbit and Tunic could make such a difference, then he remembered the tiny Yoda lifting his Xwing out of the Bogg on Dagobah.

First Krath War

60 or so years after the destruction of the death star came the orders first dire test of strength and will. A major confliguration W/the Imperial sector was set off when, on orders from master skywalker a group of Jedi (Tetha Chon, Kay Aalan Mudorian W/his padawan Vin Orn Fa and Rorn Rye Ethon) made a Sortie on to a contested world and rescued a refugee Princess who's ancestors came from old alderaan, this set off a war between the Jedi and Krath which was mirrored by the Impirial sector and the Republic. Near abouts the same time a mysterious warrior who'd later claim to be a Sith Lord (though master skywalker referred to him as an overly ambitious member of the Krath) stole on to Dagobah and slaughtered 2 Jedi masters and 17 Padawan and learners including Rye Ethons padawan Dara Lor. This war ended after 3 long years. Mudorian would lose his student Vin (who was at the time actually a full fledged Knight) but he inturn would slay the would be heir to the Sith, his student's killer. It was also discovered that it was Rye Ethons student who allowed the Leader of the Krath to infiltrate Dagobah and Master Ethon inturn put down his former student, Dara Lor.

Prior to the Crucible of the Bendu

With this war over it ushers in the time of renewed faith in the republic, this my friends is your time. It's been 100 years since the Emeror Palpitine the last true Dark lord of the sith (Darth Sidious) was slain by Anakin Shywalker. In the intervening forty years the Jedi's number have reached to over 2000, but the Galaxy is inhabited by 10's of trillions of setient beings. Can the jedi serve them as you should, do you have what it takes to call yourself.......a Jedi Knight.

Judge me by my size do you? where you should not: for my ally is the force, and a powerful ally it is.


Players in the Republic

The Republic

The Imperial Sector

The Corporate Sector

The Jedi Order

The Krath

dont worry 'bout um...Gideon cleaned house.

The Tale to Date

The Crucible of the Bendu

What Comes Next

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