
From Konberrant

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Excellencies – Same as in Exalted. Dice Cap = Ability + Quantum.
Mega-Excellencies? (Q5 min; replaces Mastery as LOLbroken Q6 stuff?)

Cost: 1q; Mins: Q1
Type: Reflexive
Level: 2
Keywords: Self, Combo-OK
Dice Pool: Stamina + Quantum
Duration: Instant

Converts HLs into quanta at 1-for-1 cost. Cannot be used to increase a nova’s quanta pool beyond its normal maximum.

Cost: -- ; Mins: Q2
Type: Permanent
Level: 2
Keywords: Self
Dice Pool: N/A
Duration: Permanent

This power allows the nova to survive nearly any adverse conditions with little difficulty. The nova can do without basic necessities of human life, such as food, water, or sleep. At Quantum 2, the nova is immune to various environmental hazards, such as fire. Once the nova has reached Quantum 3, he does not even have to breathe, and thus will be immune to drowning and most inhaled poisons. At Quantum 4, the nova can withstand the immense pressures of deep ocean trenches and the vacuum of space.

This power does not confer immunity to attacks of any kind, such as flame blasts or the like, only to naturally occurring conditions.

Appearance Alteration
Cost: 1q; Mins: Q1
Type: Simple
Level: 1
Keywords: Self
Dice Pool: N/A
Duration: Instant

This power allows the nova to alter their features and measurements. This power does not, however, allow a nova to copy a specific person.

Cost: -- ; Mins: Q1
Type: Permanent
Level: 2
Keywords: Self
Dice Pool: --
Duration: Permanent

The nova receives an additional +3/+3 soak, or +1 Hardness bonus. This power may be purchased a number of times equal to the nova’s Quantum + Stamina + Mega-Stamina.

Cost: 2q/die ; Mins: Q2
Type: Simple
Level: 2
Keywords: Self, Combo-Basic
Dice Pool: None
Duration: One Scene

This functions exactly as the Lunar First Attribute Excellency. It must be purchased separately for each attribute, and cannot add more dice than the nova’s Quantum + Relevant attribute.

Cost: 2q; Mins: Q1
Type: Simple
Level: 1
Keywords: Self, Combo-OK
Dice Pool: N/A
Duration: One Scene

When this power is active, the nova has a perfect sense of balance. He can balance on anything thicker than a human hair as though it were a meter-wide plank of marble.

Cost: 1q ; Mins: Q1
Type: Reflexive
Level: 1
Keywords: Self
Dice Pool: None
Duration: One Scene

By spending one quanta, the nova may augment her hand-to-hand damage. Her hand-to-hand attacks do lethal damage instead of bashing, and she adds a number of dice to her damage pool equal to her Quantum.

Cost: 5q+, 1w ; Mins: Q5
Type: Simple
Level: 3
Keywords: Self, (Extended, Reflexive)
Dice Pool: N/A
Duration: One Scene

Description coming soon

Cost: 3q, 1w; Mins: Q2
Type: Simple
Level: 2
Keywords: Self
Dice Pool: N/A
Duration: One Scene

This power allows a nova to perfectly duplicate a person down to their retinal print and fingerprints, but not DNA. It will not, however, duplicate powers of other novas, not can it be used on any non-human creature.

Cost: Varies; Mins: Q3
Type: Varies
Level: 3
Keywords: Suite
Dice Pool: Varies
Duration: Varies

Cyberkinesis is a Suite power. When purchased, a play may select two of the following powers. Others may be purchased for 1np or 5xp.

Alter Data: 1q; Simple; Intelligence + Computer; Instant; the nova interfaces with a computer, and can read, remove, or alter information on it as he sees fit.
Control: 3q; Simple; Manipulation + Computer; Scene; the nova controls a mechanical device.
Fool: 3q; Simple; Manipulation + Computer; Scene; the nova fools an electronic sensor into ignoring his presence. This removes his image from film, both traditional and digital.
Overload: 2q; Simple; Charisma + Computer; Instant; the nova overloads a given electronic or mechanical instrument. Mundane hardware and mass-producable hypertech is automatically overloaded, but custom hypertech artifacts may resist with the QDV of their creator.
Reprogram: 1q; Simple; Int + Computer; Special.

Density Decrease a
Cost: 2q ; Mins: Q2
Type: Reflexive
Level: 1
Keywords: Self, Combo-OK
Dice Pool: N/A
Duration: One Scene

This power causes the nova to become slightly fluid. This adds +1 to his DDV and subtracts -1 from his PDV. Also, he can slowly seep through small openings.

Density Decrease b
Cost: 3q ; Mins: Q3
Type: Reflexive
Level: 2
Keywords: Self, Combo-OK
Dice Pool: N/A
Duration: One Scene

This power gives +2 to DDV, -2 to PDV, and reduces all raw damage by half, but halve soak as well; however, the nova’s own raw damage is also reduced by half.

Density Decrease c
Cost: 5q, 1w; Mins: Q5
Type: Reflexive
Level: 3
Keywords: Self, Combo-OK
Dice Pool: N/A
Duration: One Scene

The nova is completely immune to physical damage. However, neither can he physically damage another. The raw damage of energy attacks is reduced by half, but also reduce by half the raw damage of the nova’s own energy attacks. Psychic attacks work as normal.

Density Increase
Cost: 2q+, 1w; Mins: Q3
Type: Simple
Level: 2
Keywords: Self, Combo-OK
Dice Pool: N/A
Duration: One Scene

This power adds +1 Strength and +2 Stamina (or M-Str and M-Sta, if their Strength or Stamina exceeds 5), as well as +1 additional soak against Bashing and Lethal. The additional Strength does not apply to either running or jumping, as the nova’s weight increases many times over as a result of this power.

Cost: 3q; Mins: Q2
Type: Simple
Level: 2
Keywords: Range, Combo-Basic
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Presence
Duration: (Quantum +1) Actions

For every success in excess of the target’s MDV, this power imposes a -1 internal penalty for the duration of the power’s effect.

Cost: 3q; Mins: Q3
Type: Simple
Level: 2
Keywords: Range, Combo-Basic
Dice Pool: Quantum + Science
Duration: (Quantum +1) Actions

For every success in excess of the target’s QDV (Quantum + Node / 2, round up), it imposes an external penalty on the use of that power. If the number of successes past QDV is greater than the target’s dice pool for it, he may not use the power at all.

Cost: 5q, 1w; Mins: Q4
Type: Simple
Level: 3
Keywords: Range, Combo-Basic, Servitude, Illusion
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Presence
Duration: Varies

For every success in excess of the target’s MDV, the nova gains an increasing level of control over the target. To resist this, the target must pay (the nova’s Quantum) in Willpower per scene, for a number of scenes equal to (10 – his own permanent Willpower). In addition, the target instantly forms an Intimacy to the nova, if he does not already possess one.

Eidetic Memory
Cost: -- ; Mins: Q1
Type: Permanent
Level: 1
Keywords: Self
Dice Pool: N/A
Duration: Permanent

This power allows the nova to perfectly recollect anything.

Electromagnetic Scan

Cost: 3q; Mins: Q1
Type: Simple
Level: 1
Keywords: Self, Combo-Basic
Dice Pool: N/A
Duration: One Scene

For the duration of the scene, the nova is able to perceive radiation spectra other than the narrow band of visible light. He must, however, shift his perceptions to a certain band; this is a reflexive action. Infrared vision allows the nova to perceive heat, UV vision negates penalties for low-light (though not total darkness), and by attuning to cosmic rays and other high-frequency radiation, the nova can see through walls at a range equal to (Perception + Mega-Perception) x 20 meters.

Elemental Mastery
Cost: Varies; Mins: Q3
Type: Varies
Level: 3
Keywords: Suite
Dice Pool: Varies
Duration: Varies

This power allows a nova to control and create a specific substance; it can be something basic, such as fire or water, or something more refined, such as metal, magnetism, bone, etc.

Alter Temperature: 1q; Simple; Intelligence + Science; Instant.
Blast: As Q-Bolt, save that Wits replaces Dexterity.
Elemental Shield: As Force Field, but Reflexive.
Enhance/Diminish: 1q; Simple; Intelligence + Science; Instant.
Movement: 3q; Supplemental; Scenelong; Adds (Quantum) to the nova’s movement multiplier, or +50 kph outside of combat.
Shape: 1q; Supplemental; Wits + Arts.

The following Techniques require Quantum 4.
Crush: 4q; As Q-Bolt, but undodgable. It also allows the nova to knockback the target (Quantum x10) meters in the direction of their choice.
Sphere: 6q, 1w; As Q-Bolt, but Area and unparryable.
Storm: 8q,1w; A constant, scenelong attack, centered on the nova. It is essentially a Quantum Bolt every five ticks. A reflexive Dexterity + Athletics roll must be made every action to remain standing, with a difficulty equal to the nova’s Quantum.

Empathic Manipulation
Cost: 1q or 4q; Mins: Q2
Type: Simple
Level: 2
Keywords: Range, Combo-Basic, Emotion, (Illusion, Area)
Dice Pool: Perception or Manipulation or Charisma + Presence or Performance
Duration: One Scene

Detecting emotion is a simple Perception + Presence or Performance roll, and only costs 1q. Creating or altering emotion is a social attack, with a force proportional to the number of successes by which the nova’s roll exceeded the target’s MDV. If this is used to create love towards a person, the target is considered to have an Intimacy to that person for the duration of the scene. This power works, by default, on only a single person at a time, but if the Area keyword is added, the option to use it on a crowd with Performance becomes available.

Enhanced Initiative
Cost: --; Mins: Q1
Type: Permanent
Level: 1
Keywords: Self
Dice Pool: N/A
Duration: Permanent

This power adds the nova’s Quantum to her Join Battle dice pool.

Entropy Control
Cost: Varies ; Mins: Q4
Type: Varies
Level: 3
Keywords: Suite
Dice Pool: Varies
Duration: Varies

Breakdown: 3q; Simple; Intelligence + Engineering; Instant; the nova overloads a given electronic or mechanical instrument. Mundane hardware and mass-producable hypertech is automatically overloaded, but custom hypertech artifacts may resist with the QDV of their creator.
Entropic Shield: As Force Field, but Reflexive.

The following Techniques require Quantum 5.

Probability Corruption: 4q, 1w; Simple; Quantum; Instant.
Bioentropic Storm: 10q, 1w; Simple, Instant; Quantum in dice of damage, aggravated.

Cost: 3q; Mins: Q2
Type: Supplemental
Level: 2
Keywords: Self, Range, Combo-OK
Dice Pool: Perception + Awareness
Duration: Instant

This power augments a Perception + Awareness roll, allowing it to project the nova’s senses to a distant location. Clarity varies depending on success on the roll, and extended distances add to the Difficulty of the roll.

Fast Tasks
Cost: 2q; Mins: Q1
Type: Supplemental
Level: 1
Keywords: Combo-OK
Dice Pool: N/A
Duration: Scene

This power allows a nova to complete tasks much faster than humanly possible. Simple tasks may take no more than a second or two; painting a wall, for example. More complicated tasks, such as taking an engine to pieces and putting it back together, could take half an hour. At the ST’s discretion, extended tasks could be reduced to simple tasks.

Activated in tandem with Hypermove, this power can even reduce complicated tasks to mere seconds of work.

Cost: -- ; Mins: Q1
Type: Permanent
Level: 1
Keywords: Self
Dice Pool: N/A
Duration: Permanent

The first purchase of this power allows the nova to stretch his limbs up to 2 meters further than normal. Every additional purchase doubles this reach. In addition, the nova can fit through any opening he can fit his head through. With three purchases, the nova can fit through any opening he can put his fist through. With five, he can fit through any opening he can fit his finger through. This power may be purchased a number of times equal to the nova’s Quantum.

Cost: 3q ; Mins: Q1
Type: Reflexive
Level: 2
Keywords: Self
Dice Pool: None
Duration: One Scene

For one scene, the nova is able to fly. He moves at a speed of (Quantum x4) yards per action in combat, and (Quantum x 50) kph outside of combat.

Force Field
Cost: 1q+ ; Mins: Q2
Type: Simple
Level: 2
Keywords: Self
Dice Pool: None
Duration: One Scene

For every quantum spent, the nova may add her Quantum in Bashing and Lethal soak to her soak totals, to a limit of her Quantum + 1.

Gravity Control
Cost: Varies; Mins: Q3
Type: Simple
Level: 3
Keywords: Suite
Dice Pool: Varies
Duration: Varies

Gravitic Blast: As Quantum Bolt.
Gravitational Field: 5q, 1w; Simple; Intelligence + Science; Scene.
Gravitic Flight: As Flight.
Gravitokinesis: As Telekinesis.
Gravitic Shield: As Force Field.

Cost: 3q; Mins: Q4
Type: Reflexive
Level: 3
Keywords: Self, Combo-OK
Dice Pool: N/A
Duration: Instant

The power confers the ability to soak aggravated damage from a single attack as though it were lethal damage. The nova does not have to be aware that the attack causes aggravated damage to use this power, nor must he use the power.

Cost: --; Mins: Q1
Type: Permanent
Level: 1
Keywords: Self
Dice Pool: N/A
Duration: Permanent

This power adds 6 to the multiplier for in-combat movement. Out of combat, this translates to +500kph. A nova may purchase this power a number of times equal to his Dexterity + Quantum + Mega-Dexterity.

Cost: --; Mins: Q1; Type: Permanent.
Level: 1
Keywords: Self
Dice Pool: N/A
Duration: Permanent

This power is actually three powers: one covering Hearing and Touch, one covering Smell and Taste, and one covering Sight. All three versions hyperexaggerate the sensory power of the nova, allowing him perceptions that no human could ever match. For example, the nova could read a book by feeling the ink on the page, or detect trace amounts of a substance with taste or scent. A nova with this power could perceive microscopic objects or objects a great distance away. This power is always on and costs no quanta to use.

At the ST’s discretion, multiple purchases of this power could allow even finer perceptions on the part of the nova (viewing molecules themselves, or even their component atoms, for example).

Cost: 2q; Mins: Q1
Type: Simple
Level: 1
Keywords: Range, Combo-OK
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Presence
Duration: Varies

For every success in excess of MDV, the nova gains an increasing degree of control over the target. While less than the control offered by Domination, this control persists for a number of days equal to the nova’s Quantum.

Cost: 4q; Mins: Q2
Type: Simple
Level: 2
Keywords: Range, Combo-Basic
Dice Pool: Dexterity + Martial Arts
Duration: One Scene

The nova makes a martial arts attack at range, and for every success over the DV applied, the target suffers a -1 internal penalty. In this eliminates his entire dice pool for any physical action, the only action he can take is Inactive.

The target can escape by rolling on attribute (usually Strength) vs a DV equal to the nova’s Quantum. This is a Speed 5 miscellaneous action, and must be performed first in any flurry.

Cost: 5q, 1w; Mins: Q2
Type: Simple
Level: 2
Keywords: Touch, Combo-Basic, Obvious
Dice Pool: N/A
Duration: One Scene

The nova becomes damaging to the touch, causing (Quantum x3) Bashing or (Quantumx2) Lethal damage dice during every tick of combat. This damage is also added to any unarmed martial arts attack.

Cost: 1q; Mins: Q1
Type: Permanent
Level: 1
Keywords: Self
Dice Pool: N/A
Duration: Permanent

The nova can no longer be surprised so long as he has a single quanta left.

Cost: 3q ; Mins: Q1 Type: Simple
Level: 2
Keywords: Self
Dice Pool: None
Duration: One Scene

This makes the nova transparent to light. It does not, however, mask other senses. If another character suspects the nova’s presence, rolls to notice the nova are penalized with an external penalty equal to the invisible nova’s Quantum.

Cost: --; Mins: Q1
Type: Permanent
Level: 2
Keywords: Self
Dice Pool: N/A
Duration: Permanent

Every purchase of Invulnerability provides +6 soak or +2 Hardness vs a specific type of damage. This power can be purchased up to (Quantum) times vs any specific source of damage (bullets, cutting, unarmed, etc). A Level 3 variant exists that protects vs broad types of damage (physical, energy, etc).

Cost: 2q; Mins: Q1
Type: Simple
Level: 1
Keywords: Self, Combo-OK
Dice Pool: N/A
Duration: One Scene

Normally, a Strength + Athletics roll allows a character to leap 2 meters per success horizontally. With this power active, a nova can leap up to a kilometer horizontally, or half a kilometer vertically. The nova may, of course, choose to leap a shorter distance. He cannot, however, change his direction or speed in midair. This power may also be used reflexively as a hopping defense, with the dodge roll substituting for the Str + Athletics roll, and can be used to dodge area of effect attacks. A nova can spend no more than his Quantum + 1 of quanta on this power for any task.

Cost: 1q+ ; Mins: Q1
Type: Supplemental
Level: 1
Keywords: Self, Combo-OK
Dice Pool: N/A
Duration: Instant

Every 1q spent on this power doubles the nova’s total lifting ability, 1q doubling, 2q quadrupling, etc. This power remains active for a single feat of strength or a scene, whichever comes first. This includes carrying a large amount of weight.

Matter Chameleon
Cost: Varies; Mins: Q4
Type: Simple
Level: 3
Keywords: Self, Combo-Basic
Dice Pool: N/A
Duration: One Scene

Matter Chameleon has three primary uses. The first is to duplicate the quantum signature of a specific sort of matter the nova is in contact with. This costs 5q, 1w, and triggers an Intelligence + Science roll. Every success allows the nova to duplicate a single power, Mega-Attribute, or Keyword. However, they must be in-theme for the matter being emulated, and typically cannot include powers such as Quantum Bolt, Mental Blast, etc.

The second use is to alter surface tension of liquids. This enables the nova, for a cost of 1q, to literally walk on water for a scene.

Finally, the nova may attune his own quantum signature to matter around him, enabling him to walk through walls at a cost of 3q per scene.

Matter Creation

Cost: 5q+, 1w; Mins: Q4
Type: Simple
Level: 3
Keywords: Touch, Combo-Basic
Dice Pool: Int + Science, Engineering, or Arts
Duration: Instant

This power allows the character to instantly construct any substance or object. Science is rolled to create chemicals and substances, Engineering for complex objects, and Arts for works intended to please. The difficulty varies depending upon the level od complexity involved. Cost varies according to size: handheld objects cost 5q, things one person could carry cost 10q, and car-sized objects cost 20q.

Mental Blast
Cost: 3q; Mins: Q3
Type: Simple
Level: 2
Keywords: Range, Combo-OK
Dice Pool: Int + Presence
Duration: Instant

Every success in excess of the target’s MDV inflicts 1 die of bashing damage; Willpower is used as soak. Damage crosses over to lethal as normal. This attack cannot be dodged or parried physically.

Cost: 4q; Mins: Q3
Type: Simple
Level: 2
Keywords: Range, Combo-OK
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Presence
Duration: (Quantum +1) Actions

Roll vs MDV; same as listed in Aberrant otherwise.

Molecular Manipulation
Cost: Varies; Mins: Q4
Type: Varies
Level: 3
Keywords: Suite
Dice Pool: Varies
Duration: Varies

Animation: 3q; Simple; Manipulation or Charisma + Science or Engineering; One Scene.
Destruction: 4q; Simple; Intelligence + Science or Engineering; Instant.
Molecular Alteration: 4q, 1w; Simple, Intelligence + Science or Engineering; Instant.
Second Skin: Reflexive; One Scene; As Armor, but 2q for each “purchase” of armor, up to Quantum + Intelligence + Mega-Intelligence.
Shape: As Shape in Elemental Mastery.

Cost: 1q; Mins: Q1
Type: Reflexive
Level: 1
Keywords: Touch, Combo-OK, (Range)
Dice Pool: N/A
Duration: Varies

This power allows the nova to secrete a natural toxin with Tox = to Quantum and with a damage equal to (Quantum x3) Bashing or (Quantum x2) Lethal damage. The poison remains until the dose is delivered by an unarmed attack. If the Range keyword is applied, the cost increases to 2q and a Dexterity + Martial Arts or Firearms roll must be made.

Cost: 5q; Mins: Q4
Type: Simple
Level: 3
Keywords: Self
Dice Pool: Perception + Investigation
Duration: Instant (Dramatic Action)

Time frame viewable varies with successes on roll. Largely a ST fiat power.

Psychic Shield
Cost: --; Mins: Q1
Type: Permanent
Level: 1
Keywords: Self
Dice Pool: N/A
Duration: Permanent

This power adds +2 to the nova’s MDV for the purposes of resisting psychic assaults and unnatural mental influence. It can be purchased a number of times equal to Quantum + Intelligence + Mega-Intelligence.

Quantum Attunement
Cost: 2q; Mins: Q2
Type: Simple
Level: 1
Keywords: Self
Dice Pool: N/A
Duration: Instant

This power allows the nova to get a general sense for the power level of other novas, and can provide hints as to what their particular powers are. This is made as a simple Perception + Awareness check, with more successes granting a greater understanding.

Quantum Bolt
Cost: 1q+ ; Mins: Q1
Type: Simple
Level: 2
Keywords: Ranged, Scalable
Dice Pool: Dexterity + Athletics or Firearms
Duration: Instant

For every quanta, the nova may inflict a number of damage dice equal to (Quantum) lethal or (Quantum x2) bashing. The nova may only spend a number of quanta equal to his Quantum + 1.

Quantum Construct
Cost: 10q, 1w ; Mins: Q4, Force Field, Holo
Type: Simple
Level: 3
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Arts or Science
Duration: One Scene

The number of successes on the roll determines the size and power of the created construct. For simplicity’s sake, it may be best to pre-determine such constructs.

Quantum Conversion
Cost: 1q+; Mins: Q1
Type: Simple
Level: 1
Keywords: Touch, Combo-OK
Dice Pool: N/A
Duration: Instant

Every quanta spent generates a certain amount of energy. While the ST is the final arbiter of how much this is, a general guideline is that each quanta should be enough to power a TV for a couple of hours. In addition, every 1q spent can cause 1L or 2B dice of damage, up to a limit of the nova’s Quantum.

Quantum Imprint
Cost: 5q, 1w; Mins: Q4
Type: Reflexive
Level: 3
Keywords: Touch, Combo-Basic
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Quantum
Duration: One Scene

The nova rolls vs the target nova’s QDV. Success allows him to copy the power for the remainder of the scene. He may only copy a number of powers from any novas in a scene equal to his Quantum, though he may cease to copy one power in order to copy another if he has hit his limit.

Quantum Leech
Cost: 2q, 1w; Mins: Q2
Type: Reflexive
Level: 2
Keywords: Touch, Combo-Basic
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Quantum
Duration: Instant

Roll vs QDV; each success = 1 quanta stolen from the target nova. This power does not work on baselines.

Quantum Regeneration
Cost: -- ; Mins: Q1
Type: Permanent
Level: 1
Keywords: Self
Dice Pool: N/A
Duration: Permanent

This power adds 1 to the number of quanta the nova regenerates per hour, regardless of his state of rest. It can be purchased a number of times equal to the nova’s Quantum.

Quantum Vampire
Cost: 8q, 1w; Mins: Q4
Type: Reflexive
Level: 3
Keywords: Touch, Combo-Basic
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Quantum
Duration: Varies

Roll Int + Quantum vs target’s QDV; retain stolen power for one hour per extra success.

Cost: 2q/action; Mins: Q2
Type: Extra-Action
Level: 2
Keywords: Self, Combo-Basic
Dice Pool: N/A
Duration: Instant

This power allows the nova to act much more quickly than any human. The nova may take up to (Quantum + 1) actions per charm use.

Cost: 2q+; Mins: Q1
Type: Reflexive
Level: 2
Keywords: Self, Combo-OK
Dice Pool: N/A
Duration: Instant

This power allows a nova to regenerate wounds. He cannot regenerate more wounds per use of this charm than his (Quantum +1).

Sensory Shield
Cost: --; Mins: Q1
Type: Permanent
Level: 1
Keywords: Self
Dice Pool: N/A
Duration: Permanent

Each purchase of this power adds a -2 External penalty to the use of any sensory overload power or equipment against the nova. This includes powers intended to confuse (such as Holo). This power may be purchased a number of times equal to Quantum + Stamina + Mega-Stamina.

Cost: 5q; Mins: Q4
Type: Simple
Level: 3
Keywords: Self, Combo-Basic
Dice Pool: Quantum + Stamina + Mega-Stamina
Duration: Indefinite

The nova spends 5q and rolls the dice pool; each success allows the nova to duplicate a single power, dot of Mega-Attribute, or Keyword. Unlike Matter Chameleon, this power explicitly allows physical powers such as Quantum Bolt to be emulated, provided a physical basis for them exists (a fire-breathing dragon, for example).

Reverting to normal from a shapeshifted state is a Reflexive action and costs 1q.

One success on the roll is enough for the nova to alter his appearance in any way he chooses. Emulation of specific persons functions like any disguise, with Shapeshift successes contributing to the overall disguise, save that it can also replicate retinal patterned, fingerprints, blood type, etc.

Cost: 4q; Mins: Q2
Type: Simple
Level: 2
Keywords: Area, Combo-OK
Dice Pool: N/A
Duration: (Quantum +1) Actions

This power imposes external penalty to all Perception rolls equal to (Quantum).

Sizemorph (Grow)
Cost: 2q+, 1w; Mins: Q2
Type: Simple
Level: 2
Keywords: Self, Combo-Basic
Dice Pool: N/A
Duration: One Scene

Every 2q doubles the nova’s size and cubes his weight. This adds +2 Strength, +1 Stamina, and one Bruised HL. The nova may only double his size a number of times equal to his Quantum.

Sizemorph (Shrink)
Cost: 2q+, 1w; Mins: Q2
Type: Simple
Level: 2
Keywords: Self, Combo-Basic
Dice Pool: N/A
Duration: One Scene

Each 2q spent halves the nova’s size and eighths his weight. This subtracts -1 from his Strength and from all offensive pools, but it also adds an automatic success to any Stealth rolls he makes. In addition, he can often go places his larger comrades cannot.

Cost: 4q; Mins: Q2
Type: Simple
Level: 2
Keywords: Area, Combo-OK
Dice Pool: Charisma + Performance
Duration: (Quantum +1) actions

Success over the target’s MDV renders use of the chosen sense impossible for Quantum +1 actions).

Cost: 1q; Mins: Q2
Type: Simple
Level: 1
Keywords: Range, Combo-OK
Dice Pool: Dex + Martial Arts or Firearms
Duration: Instant

This power causes (Quantum x3) dice of stun damage, which only incapacitates, and fades without lasting effect at the end of the scene.

Cost: 1q ; Mins: Q2
Type: Supplemental
Level: 2
Keywords: Range, Combo-OK
Dice Pool: N/A
Duration: Instant

This power allows a nova to manipulate objects with his mind. All rolls are made as normal, save that Strength is replaced by Intelligence and Dexterity by Wits. This power supplements a single action, and explicitly can be used to make ranged Martial Arts attacks.

Cost: Varies; Mins: Q3
Type: Varies
Level: 3
Keywords: Range, Combo-Basic, (Surreptitious)
Dice Pool: Varies
Duration: Varies

Telepathy has three primary functions: reading minds and speaking mentally, sensing or searching for minds, and alteration of memory. These applications cost 3q, 5q, and 5q, respectively. The first is supplemental, and the final two Simple. To sense a mind or alter a memory, an Intelligence + Investigation roll must be made.

Cost: 3q; Mins: Q3
Type: Simple
Level: 2
Keywords: Self, Combo-OK, (Safe Blind, Reflexive)
Dice Pool: Perception + Awareness
Duration: Instant

This power allows a nova to disappear from one location and reappear instantly in another. The number of successes rolled determines the total distance the nova is able to travel.

Temporal Manipulation
Cost: Varies; Mins: Q4
Type: Varies
Level: 3
Keywords: Suite
Dice Pool: Varies
Duration: Varies

Internal Clock: Permanent; the nova is always aware of the time, and the passage of it.

Age Alteration: 10q, 1w; Simple; Manipulation + Quantum; Instant.

Accelerate Time: 2q/action; Extra Action.

Dialate Time: 3q/tick; Reflexive; 3q for every tick added to enemy action, up to Quantum.

The following powers require Quantum 5.

Lockdown: 8q, 1w; Simple; Intelligence + Quantum vs QDV; Indefinite.

Stop Time (The World): 12q, 1w; Reflexive; This power expands a single tick to (Quantum x2) ticks, but only for the nova using it. Any attacks the nova makes during this time are unparryable and undodgeable, though they only resolve once the power has run its course; in theory, a second nova with this power could enter the Time Stop and counteract them (doing so requires an Intelligence + Quantum roll vs the original nova’s QDV).

Cost: 2q; Mins: Q2
Type: Supplemental
Level: 2
Keywords: Range, Combo-Basic
Dice Pool: N/A
Duration: Instant

This power functions when a nova attempts to trick or fool someone, making this attempt unnatural mental influence.

Cost: 6q, 1w; Mins: Q4
Type: Simple
Level: 3
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Dice Pool: Perception + Awareness
Duration: One Scene or until cancelled

This power functions essentially the same as Teleport, save that it creates a portal that allows others to pass through it. Pressure does not equalize across the portal; that is to say, a nova could not open a portal to the center of the sun and let scorching hot plasma pour through it (he would have to buy Quantum Bolt and Agg to get that effect). He could certainly throw someone through the portal, however.

Ultraperipheral Perception
Cost: 1q ; Mins: Q1
Type: Simple
Level: 1
Keywords: Self, Combo-Basic
Dice Pool: N/A
Duration: One Scene

This power allows the nova to perceive everything in a 360 degree field of vision. He cannot be surprised from behind.

Weather Control
Cost: Varies; Mins: Q3
Type: Varies
Level: 3
Keywords: Suite
Dice Pool: Varies
Duration: Varies

Alter Temperature: As the Elemental Mastery power, save that each success raises or lowers the ambient temperature by 2 degrees Celsius.

Fog: As Shroud.

Lightning Bolt: As Quantum Bolt.

Windriding: As Flight.

The following power requires Q4.

Weather Alteration: 8q, 1w; Simple; Intelligence + Quantum; Instant.

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