Zachary Andrews

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(Redirected from Dr. Zachary Andrews)

Dr. Zachary Andrews is a young doctor from America responsible for bringing Elizabeth and Ryou back together. He was intended to be a one time only character, but when the authoress required another male for one plot or another, he returned, and eventually turned out to be a mage on top of all that.


[edit] History

[edit] Before Kokoro

Zachary's mother died when he was young, and his father later remarried. He has no siblings by blood, however, he does have a younger stepsister.

[edit] Kokoro Days

Zachary was the one who brought Shirogane Ryou and Elizabeth back together while she was being treated in the hospital. He has reappeared since then, usually only to give Ryou a hard time or to look into some sickness in the family. He checks up on Liz from time to time, although he often regrets it when the woman orders him away and says that she can take care of herself. He later transferred to one of the hospitals in Tokyo.

He was fired from the hospital a few months after Noisel transferred out. He worked for a while as a host at Cafe Mew Mew but soon became bored of it all since most of the customers didn't find him incredibly friendly. He was later hired by Ryou as a personal doctor and secretary of sorts. Zachary handles a lot of the correspondence between "Ryou" and the companies that he has some investment in, but not without the blond's approval. Zachary's also somewhat of a busybody that keeps tabs on things and reports back to Ryou when he isn't present or vice versa.

[edit] Kokoro Draft Future

Not available.

[edit] Personality

He's a rather picky person who will give others a hard time when he can, having a sort of "holier than thou" attitude. Zach will often point out other people's faults. He tries to seem proper and grown-up which is most likely associated with his upbringing; though his family is not wealthy by any means, he's the type that wants to please by excelling in whatever areas possible and seeming well-informed.

While Zach's way of looking at things leaves much to be desired, he does concern himself a great deal with his patients and prefers keeping them on a short leash until he's absolutely certain they've gotten better. Unfortunately, most of Zachary's attempts at charity are interpreted as acts of spite and cruelty.

[edit] Lovelife

  • Zachary is somewhat enchanted by Elizabeth Shirogane. Due to the age difference and her being married, nothing much comes of it. He does, however, try to give her a hand from time to time, such as helping her find her husband's missing wedding band and telling Ryou that his mother was still alive in the first place. His reasons for liking her are pretty shallow and it doesn't help his popularity much at all, but to make a long story short, he considers her the "ideal woman" as far as beauty and grace goes.
  • While he seems oblivious to the pinings of Noisel Ridley, it's pretty obvious that he relies on his nurse very much. He was somewhat troubled after finding out that she may be leaving the hospital where he works.

[edit] Profile

  • Name Translation: "Zachary"- , "Andrews"-
  • Alias: Zach, Dr. Jekyll
  • Signature Colors: Blue
  • Age: 27
  • Birthday: January 26th
  • Zodiac: Aquarius
  • Hair Color: Blue
  • Eye Color: Hazel
  • Height: 6 feet 1 inch
  • Weight: 168 lbs
  • Likes: medical science, magic, baseball, desserts, aquariums
  • Dislikes: loud music, morbid gossip, people yelling at him for things that are out of his hands, children who cry or scream a lot, telemarketers
  • Fears: Death, Earthquakes
  • Allergies: He has bad sinuses in the fall and spring.
  • Talents: Correctly diagnosing people so they can get better, he's also a good baseball pitcher
  • Favorite foods: Danish wedding cookies, chicken wings, rice
  • Least favorite foods: anything really greasy (he's one of those people who wipes grease off his food)
  • Favorite beverage: Pepsi
  • Blood Type: O
  • Appearance: He's rather tall and looks very mature. One could say he's "easy on the eyes". He has broad shoulders and a semi-dark complexion. He wears dress shirts and khaki pants most of the time with dress shoes, although when laundry day comes around you'll see him in jeans, a t-shirt, and maybe even a baseball cap if you're lucky.

[edit] Mage Information

Zach gives priority to spells that recover health and reverse stats effects.

[edit] Weapon

  • Freezer Scythe: a scythe with a long clear handle, the curved blade is a blueish color. The whole thing looks as if it could have been carved from ice, but it is actually a mix of metal, quartz, and various minerals from the Magical World.

[edit] Abilities

  • Galaxy Transport: (Given by Ryou.) Zach can teleport himself to other locations within Kokoro.
  • Resistance: Because he controls ice, he can withstand freezing temperatures that most normal humans cannot. He also rarely wears heavy coats which can raise a few eyebrows.
  • Numbing Frost: He can use his abilities to numb a wound so that it will hurt less while he is healing it, either by magic or by medicine.

[edit] Signature Attacks

  • Snowstorm: After chanting, snow will swirl furiously down around an opponent. There's a fairly high chance of the opponent freezing. It takes quite a while to cast, however.
  • Polar Blade: Retracts part of the handle and uses a shorter version of the weapon for a close-range attack.
  • Gifted Miracle: Summons a healing snow to recover some HP and reverse limited status effects. Will work on both sides (him and his opponent).

[edit] Unison Attacks

  • Shine Aqua: Combines "Gifted Miracle" with Ryou's "Holy Judgment". The falling snow melts and becomes a rain of light that can temporarily blind and disorient opponents while healing both parties.

[edit] Stats

  • Strengths: Recovery/Offense
  • Average: Technique/Defense/Focus/Mentality
  • Weaknesses: Speed/Evasion

[edit] Trivia

  • Zachary was given the name his authoress would have been given had she been a boy.
  • At one point Zachary was supposed to be related to Murahara Sakura; this has been completely retconned.
  • His last name was chosen at random, but reminds the authoress of the ship designer from Titanic.
  • Zachary's lovelife was totally ripped off of Mihara Oujirou from Angelic Layer. Don't kill me.
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