
From Kokorodatabase

In the sport of beyblading, the Revivals, or New Revivals by the time of H-Note, are the current world champions. Their members are the children of another world-famous team, the BBA Revolution. While other teams are more focused on beyblading, the Revivals focus more on their passions outside of beyblading. Each member has a different passion: Takeshi focuses on kendo, Minoru practices magic and cooks, Shinnen draws, Renjiro practices martial arts, Natsumi reads, and Kouun wires computers.


Kinomiya Takeshi

As Kinomiya Takao's and his wife's son with an older twin sister by eight minutes, Koemi, Takeshi lives and breathes kendo. Takeshi is unlike Takao in this aspect: his father was supposed to be a kendo player, but he failed and became a beyblader instead. While Takeshi's also the captain of the Revivals, he originally knew nothing about the sport, despite his father being a world champion, and his uncle being the head of the BBA. Over time, however, he's become almost (if not just as) good as his father with his beyblade. Takeshi's bitbeast is Seiryuu, inherited from his father. As a Renaldi, his weapon is a long broadsword which he uses rather skillfully for being eighteen; in the beyblading world, his beyblade is the Dragoon D-Merge. Generally, Takeshi is rather cheerful and upbeat, though he can be stubborn, rude, and rather proud of his kendo abilities.

After the Revivals split, Takeshi went back to kendo and is currently practicing for his next tournament.

Mizuhara Minoru

Kon Renjiro

Showing off the beyblade, Renji?

Born to Kon Rei and Mao as their middle child, Renjiro (Renji for short) is the voice of reason within the Revivals. He's also the voice of reason within his family, for good reason - his older sister, Rin, is a little too happy-go-lucky and cheerful for her own good, and his younger sister, Feyen (Fei Yen),.. well, that's a different story. While he's not as skilled in the others when it comes to beyblading, he prefers balance and endurance, similarly to how he practices his passion: martial arts. He has been compared somewhat to the principles of Yin and Yang before - he can be calm, but be somewhat violent at the same time. His bitbeast, Byakko, was inherited from his father. As a Renaldi, he prefers to use his fists and feet in battle, though he has given in and uses claw gauntlets in battle once in a while. In the beyblading world, his beyblade is the Driger D-Merge.

Ironically, by the time H-Note comes into play, Renjiro and Minoru are the only members who join new teams for the love of beyblading. Takeshi goes to join a kendo tournament at first, Shinnen originally went back to Russia for art school, Makoto goes on a dig with his uncle, and Kouun gets delegated to ramen cooking. (Of course, this changes, as Takeshi, Shinnen [in the guise of Kaoru Tachibana], Natsumi, Makoto, and Kouun all come together to form the New Revivals)

When his group split, Renji headed back and is studying martial arts in his hometown in China.

Hiwatari Shinnen

The middle child of Hiwatari Kai and Tachibana Hitomi, Shinnen was born and raised in Japan with his siblings, Gou and Risa, and parents. Two years ago, a little before the beginning of F-Start, Shinnen went out to Russia to boarding school to be closer to his father (and possibly to win his affection, as Kai was a CEO of a huge company and didn't have much time for his children as of late). During F-Start and D-Merge (around those not in the Revivals), Shinnen acted like his father, possibly to get his father's attention. However, at heart, 'Nen' is an artist who loves to draw the world around him and the people in his world. His bitbeast is Suzaku, and like the others, his beyblade is the Dranzer D-Merge. When in the mage world, Nen is a fire mage who fights with a paintbrush (yes, a paintbrush) or a whip, depending on the situation.

During the time of H-Note, Shinnen takes on the name of Kaoru Tachibana and pretends to be Risa's older brother. (While this may sound weird as one knows already that Risa and Nen are related, this was not revealed until H-Note) Since Makoto is a useless coach, Kaoru takes on the role as the official coach for the Revivals and teaches Takeshi the art of beyblading. As Kaoru, Nen is a kind-hearted soul who tends to be more out-spoken, open, cheerful, and slightly stubborn - ironically, this is his true personality.

Shinnen headed back to his mother's home after the Revival split where he currently lives with his family. He's studying art at Toudai.

Sumeragi Natsumi

Natsumi is the oldest of Sumeragi Daichi's children, and the first to be really into the sport of beyblading. She was really the reason behind the existence of the New Revivals - when she needed a partner for the tag-team championship, Takeshi took the position. Normally, she's a pretty upbeat girl who doesn't try to let anything get in her way; it was this personality that led her to date Minoru. As a Radiance mage, she does pretty well with her giant axe (which is too heavy for any of the other guys on her team).

She headed back to her island home with her dad after the split, and is currently aiming to become a novelist after college.

Kinomiya Makoto

Makoto is the only son of Hitoshi Kinomiya, and is pretty much described as a useless beyblade coach. While he's the chaperone of the beyblading group because he's over eighteen, and thus old enough to watch the five teens, Makoto's really only helpful when it comes to archeology and anything revolving that subject. It's known that Mako is a decent cook, too, as well as a decent beyblader, having previously fought in tournaments with his own bitbeast. In battle, Makoto is actually a pretty decent Metal mage, though he doesn't use his powers - or fight that often.

After finishing college, Makoto became an archeologist. The split finally enabled him to go traveling across the world in search of rare artifacts and civilizations to dig up.


Kouun, more commonly known as 'Koutan', is the mechanic for the team. While he doesn't often fight in the mage world or in the beyblading arena, his knowledge about both worlds has been indispensible to the team when they were in tight spots. When he's not researching, playing video games, hanging out with his friends, or wiring computers, Koutan often helps his mother in the ramen shop his family owns. His weapon of choice is his computer, but as a Renaldi, he holds his own with a wrench.

Koutan got handed the ramen shop after the split, but he really wants to become a computer engineer instead. Right now, he's trying to juggle high school, the ramen shop, and his time with computers equally.


  • For those who actually follow BSB, correct me if I'm not following the correct procedure: the bitbeasts are named by their Japanese names, but the beyblades are called by the dub names of the bitbeasts.
  • Gou, Makoto, and Rin are actually the canon kids in BSB. However, their story has ended by the time their siblings has come along (or in Rin's case, it's beginning with the other kids). Makoto is no longer Takao's kid in this universe, but became Hitoshi's only son.
  • The plotlines of F-Start, D-Merge, and H-Note are indeed vital to understanding the team, but in a nutshell, they can be thought of as books, or seasons, in their lives. F-Start came first, then D-Merge a year later. H-Note would follow a year later as well (two years after F-Start)
  • F-Start stands for "Fresh Start," D-Merge stands for "DNA Merge" and H-Note stands for "High Note". Each season name is vital to understanding the main plot (F-Start is how the team came together; D-Merge explains the team's battle abilities and gives them stronger bonds; H-Note is basically "let's end this on a high note!" and despite the name, is not musically-based in the slightest.)
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