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This can be a delicious chicken meal for you to prepare in the home. The lemon sauce is tangy and clean and somehow I always end up eating a lot of :-).

It isn't the sort of thing and takes a bit to prepare you'd wish to make each nights the week.

But, it is worth the effort.

I often make it once in a little while as a special dinner for my husband. And it often ends up great.

Fortunate Fruit Chicken

4 complete boneless chicken breasts, skin off

Glass cornstarch (corn flour)

3 tbls water

4 egg yolks lightly beaten

salt, pepper to taste

shallots sliced

Orange Sauce

cup orange juice

2 teaspoon powdered chicken investment

2 tbls cornstarch (corn flour)

2 tbls honey

2 tbls brown sugar

1 teaspoon grated ginger

1 cups water

For the sauce, combine all the components in a saucepan and stir over a heat until it comes and then thickens.

Cut the chicken fillets into 3-4 items. Lay flat and pound somewhat with a mallet and other heavy object.

Position cornstarch in a pan and gradually add the water, and then add the slightly beaten egg yolks. Next add salt and pepper to your liking.

Dip the chicken pieces in to this mixture and ensure you drain well.

Place a couple of bits of the battered chicken at any given time, into deep hot oil and cook until lightly browned.

Drain on absorbent paper.

Piece chicken further if required.

Organize on plates of freshly cooked white rice. Sprinkle with spoon and shallots over hot lemon sauce.


Then finish the meal with a Chinese Fortune Cookie.

Put a message in each cookie to suit the mood of the dinner. This can be a fun solution to stop any food.

Happy Cooking

Francis Chang

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