Beaumont Flower Shoppe

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Liz and Shou outside the flowershop.

The Beaumont Flower Shoppe was built by Elizabeth's Grandfather Beaumont for his sickly wife who loved flowers. Roses were her favorites and became Liz's as well after she finally visited the place. Details about the shop itself remain obscure, since her grandmother ended up passing away tragically, but there's at least love there as a foundation. As her grandfather became older, Liz started helping him out with maintaining the store and began working there during the summer and after school as a teenager. Here Liz met her best friend, Kotoko, as well as some of her other friends, including her future husband, Shirogane Jishou.

The shop is situated near the heart of downtown New York City, and can be a bit difficult to find for some, although those who visit regularly have no trouble with the shop's location. Liz eventually took over as manager of the shop after she graduated from college, but after the accident at the Shirogane Mansion, the shop was closed and abandoned. It was some years later before it was discovered again by James Beaumont (Jishou) and restored to its former glory with the help of Kotoko. After regaining his memories, Jishou turned the keys back over to Elizabeth.

The Beaumont Flower Shoppe is well-known for its connection with Operation Black Roses. It also played a major part in reuniting Shirogane Ryou with his father, as it was here that he learned that Shou had been revived, and also here where Shou admitted that he remembered who his son really was.

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