Magic- KC

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Magic and You- how it works or doesn't work in Kingdom Chronicles

In other words, it's grown into a horrible monstrosity too long for the original article.

Oh, if only my webspace would acknowledge that the new layout's coded just fine. D: I could get to work on KC info

The nitty gritty

To be truthful, setting up a specific magic system would cause a giant trainwreck. After all, even though a lot of the characters hail from the various Final Fantasy worlds, magic still works differently in each one, whether it's by drawing magic from draw points, using materia, simply being born a mage, and so forth. Instead, everyone works with magic in their own special way.

Example- Darach and Ortzi


Using some male examples for once, our two not so charming Al Bhed teens come from a world where magic can only be used by those who were born with it, or those who use dresspheres. Now that Tsu thinks about it, these two are horrible examples, since they lack magic, and use machinery or explosives instead.

Right, then!

Using Rakka, Kanna and Vitani for examples-

Vitani was born a black mage {humans in this world}, so she's capable of using black magic from the start, though, due to her age and informal training, she can only use low level magic. Rakka is a summoner, but primarily, a sphere hunter. She is capable of summoning Aeons she has acquired after praying to the Fayth in temples across Spira, and classifies also as a white mage. She can change her character class temporarily through the use of dresspheres the Little Gullwings collect. Kanna, too, is a summoner, and low level white mage. He's not a sphere hunter, though. Something to do with a Lady Luck dressphere and some stuff he'd rather not speak about, apparently. Not that there isn't any evidence of the possible humiliating blackmail of him wearing Yuna's old outfit uh...stuff.

Example- Luca

Lovingly quoted from the Chrono Cross script

Sir! His innately INNATE
Element color attribute is...

That does it...!
Quick, attack him with
the opposite Element
attribute color...

How unfortunately unfortunate!
I do not seem to have any, Sir!

You nincompoop!
You should always carry
Elements of every color!
Then how about you

I'm shakin' in my shoes
to tell you this, Sir, but
I don't have any either!
We'll have to let you,
Sir Karsh, show us how
it's done...


It's them again...
those tough guys!
You said you brought a
shakingly awesome Element
with you, didn't you?

I have a brilliantly
brilliant Element
this time, Peppor...
It's a new...
 \'"\\Summoning Element!\\"'\\

It sure sounds good.
Well then, shake a leg!
Hurry up and use it on
these smart alecks!

Affirmatively affirmative!
Here I go, Peppor...

Nothing happened!
I wonder what went

I forgetfully forgot!
You can't use a Summoning
Element until all the
Field Effect attributes
are the same color!

You muddle-head!
Well then...hurry up and
turn all the Field Effect
attributes the same color
and try again!

But, Peppor...
You can't use the same
Element twice in the same +  
- battle. Any foolish fool +  
- knows that! +  
-   +  

- +

Solt: +  
- This time I made sure +  
- to bring a BLACK Element +  
- with me, Peppor! +  
-   +  
- Peppor: +  
- Good work... +  
- Well, shake it on up +  
- and attack him with it! +  
-   +  
- Solt: +  
- Affirmatively affirmative, +  
- Peppor... +  
-   +  
- Solt: +  
- Oh deary dear! +  
- ......? +  
-   +  
- Peppor: +  
- That was no BLACK ATTACK +  
- Element you used just now, +  
- was it!? +  
- It was a Black Element that +  
- makes your foe MORE SUSCEPTIBLE +  
- TO attacks of the opposite +  
- color attribute, WHITE, wasn't it!? +  
-   +  
- Solt: +  
- I'm afraid you're right... +  
- How terribly terrible! +  
-   +  

- +

Solt: +  
- This time we shall not be beaten! +  
- I shall blow them to pieces with +  
- one of those powerfully powerful +  
- Elements you bought me, Peppor! +  
-   +  
- Peppor: +  
- You mean one of those +  
- \'"\\Summoning Elements?\\"'\\ +  
- Now we're shaking! +  
-   +  
- Solt: +  
- How tragically tragic!!! +  
- I hate to tell you this +  
- Peppor, but... +  
- I just remembered that I +  
- lost the Summoning Element +  
- I had with me! +  
-   +  
- Peppor: +  
- ......!? +  
- What do you mean, you \'"\\lost\\"'\\ it? +  
- Don't tell me you dropped it or +  
- your dog ate it or some other +  
- stupid excuse like that! +  
- You're asking for a darn +  
- good shaking if you do! +  
-   +  
- Solt: +  
- No...I'm not that stupidly +  
- stupid, you know, Peppor! +  
- Actually, if you must know... +  
- that centipede monster in the +  
- Hydra Marshes stole it from me! +  
- And I was enjoying that +  
- excitingly exciting expedition +  
- in the marshes up till then, too...! +  
-   +  
- Peppor: +  
- What do you mean, a centipede +  
- monster stole your Element??? +  
- What, he snuck up behind you and +  
- picked all your pockets with his +  
- hundreds of legs or something...? +  
-   +  
- Solt: +  
- No Peppor... +  
- When I say stole, I don't +  
- mean he picked my pockets +  
- or anything like that! +  
- I mean he took it from me by +  
- laying a \'"\\Trap Element\\"'\\ in +  
- which my Element got caught! +  
-   +  
- Peppor: +  
- What in spice's name are +  
- you talking about? +  
- Would you kindly +  
- explain to me what a +  
- shaking Trap Element is. +  
-   +  
- Solt: +  
- Well... +  
- Errrh... +  
- It's difficultly difficult to +  
- explain in words, Peppor, so I +  
- will give you a demonstration... +  
- I will lay a Trap in front of +  
- you, Peppor, and then get you to +  
- use one of your special Elements. +  
-   +  
- Peppor: +  
- Alright. +  
- Let's give it a go... +  
-   +  
- Solt: +  
- 10-4, Peppor! +  
-   +  
- Solt: +  
- Now, you see how I took your +  
- Element there, Peppor? +  
- I used a Trap Element +  
- designed exclusively to +  
- capture \'"\\BlackHole\\"'\\ Elements! +  
- You see...each Trap Element +  
- only works on one kind of +  
- Element. +  
- They can't capture any +  
- Elements other than the ones +  
- they were designed to capture! +  
-   +  
- Peppor: +  
- Shaking! +  
- Hmmm... +  
- I see what you mean about +  
- having your Summoning +  
- Element stolen there... +  
- Alright, now I understand. +  
- So you can give me back my +  
- BlackHole Element now! +  
-   +  
- Solt: +  
- Oops! +  
- I should have told you. +  
- I can't give it back to you. +  
- You can't get that Element +  
- back again unless another +  
- monster is silly enough to +  
- have its Element captured... +  
-  +  
- Peppor: +  
- Huh......? +  
- Well, I guess it doesn't matter, +  
- seeing as you've got your hands +  
- on it now... +  
- So...why don't you hurry on up +  
- and use that Element you just +  
- trapped on the enemy! +  
- Come on... +  
- what are you waiting for...? +  
- Huh......? +  
-  +  
- Solt: +  
- You know you can't use an +  
- Element until you have +  
- equipped it properly! +  
- So we'll have to wait +  
- until after this battle +  
- is over before we can +  
- re-equip it and use it! +  
- ...... +  
- Oops! +  

- + - In short, magic in Luca's world is determined by Elements. Everyone has their own Innate Element color, which they are strong against, but at the same time, they are weak against Elements of the opposite color. A character's innate color can also be changed with certain Element spells. For example, if Luca's innate color is Red, she is weak versus Blue Elemental spells, but can be weak against Red Elementals simply by casting TurnBlue on her. At the same time, one can capture the other's Elements by using Trap Element spells specifically designed to capture the spell in question. This can range anywhere from a simple Aquabeam spell to perhaps the Frog Prince summon. + - + - Also, each individual has their own specialized attacks, called 'Tech' attacks. Again, using Luca, one of her Techs in question is RedPin, which only she can use {and technically Kidd, but that's another story}. However, up to three people can combine certain Tech skills to create one skill used between the three of them, such as TheOld1-2-3, which is used between, er...Luca and two other people who have yet to be named. Oh, shut up. + - + - Elements can be purchased or traded for at certain shops in Luca's world. However, the more high powered elements, like Summons, appear to be rare finds, and it has been rumored that one could, once upon a time, be granted summon elements from the seven dragons, but, as the dragons are no more, this would seem to be just that, a rumor. + - + - ====Example- Eithne==== + - + - In Eithne's version of Ivalice, one cannot use certain magicks or weapons unless they've purchased the appropriate licences. This isn't too hard, technically, as one doesn't need to be armed to the teeth in order to fight some of the most basic of beasts, such as the Cockatrice or the Cactoids. Simply put, licenses are earned through slaying beasts. Magic itself is purchased at various shops around the world, or from traveling merchants. + - + - There are no specific character classes in Eithne's Ivalice, though through purchasing licenses of certain types, one can forge their own path. Eithne for example specializes in archery. + - + - ====Example- Magdalene==== + - + - Magic works in an extremely odd way in Maggie's world. Nobody shares the same skills- everyone has their own specific abilities and spells that they use, and not all of them are necessarily healing or attack skills. + - + - In a world that focuses mainly on combat through Gears-- giant robots, magic is more or less just something only a handful of people are good at. + - + - ====Example- Charice==== + - + - Materia. Also, character classes. Being a Cetra, Charice is a White Mage, specializing in healing spells such as Curaja, Poisona, and so forth. While anyone can use materia to heal minor wounds, it's best to leave it to a white mage to heal major injuries. + - + - of course, no Full-Life spell or Phoenix Down can cure plot-required deaths, unless we never saw the character actually die, in which case it's PERFECTLY OKAY for them to come back in the movie sequel and be interrupted when they try explaining how they survived + - + - ===Example - Shikari=== + - + - Basically, the system used in KH. Magic is granted to you by various people throughout your journey, as well as its upgrades. Special abilities that go with magic are learned by leveling up or from various people, depending on what it is. Not much to it, really. + - + - ===Example - Eilwen=== + - In FF9, magic cannot be used unless you have the ability to use magic, either by being from Maidin Sari, being one of the Black Mages, or being descended from either. And even then, one has to equip weapons in order to learn the various spells by spending time using the weapon. Once a spell is learned permamently, the weapon can be discarded or exchanged with a new one to learn new abilities, or you can keep the weapon that's currently equipped. Summons, on the other hand, are learned by equipping stones that hold the innate power of summons, or Eidolons. In order to actually be able to summon, however, one must be from Maidin Sari, or have a parent from the village. + - + - It should be noted that the Final Fantasy Tactic Advance system is quite similiar, save for a few differences. One is that races determine whether one can use magic - All races can use them, but in different classes, such as Black Mage for Moogles, Humans, and Nu Mou (I believe), Bishop for Bangaa, Illusionist for Nu Mou and Humans, and Red Mage for Viera. There are requirements occasionally for changing to a magic-using class, by learning abilities from classes learned from the very beginning, but once the requirements are filled, anyone can change classes to be able to use magic. Only Viera can be Summoners, while only Humans, Moogles, and Nu Mous can be Black Mages. All races except for Bangaa can be White Mages. + - + - ===Example-Tallulah=== + - + - Magic is found in draw points scattered across the world, or can be drawn directly from one's foes. It's considered consumable, only available in a limited amount at a time, so magic users are encouraged to think wisely as to how to best use their spells. Spells can be used without junctioning a GF {Guardian Force}, though junctioning seems to have somewhat of a benifital effect on the spells. At the same time, though, it is rumored that continued usage of a GF can result in memory loss, so this isn't really well known at this time. + - + - Sorceresses are capable of high level magic, although there is only ever one at a time per generation. They are considered dangerous, and highly feared, even hated in some cases. They have the ability to pass on their powers to another person, and as a result, at one point in time, young girls were once kidnapped in a search for the sorceress Adel's sucessor. Ellone Loire, whom is capable of time related magic {including Time Compression, in which the past, present, and future are merged into one to allow passage to another dimension}, was one of these.

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