Tasuku Limone

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Smile for the Camera

Tasuku Limone is the only child of Tasuku Meguro and Shirayuki Berii in Mirror Mew, and is a mew mew that actually doesn't mind working in the cafe. She's highly involved in the beyblading community, or rather: she was before she became a mew mew, much to the disdain of one of the Akatsukis of the dimension, Shugo. She and Kyr actually don't get along well, due to the fact that Mione finds him easy to tease, often calling him a 'sourpuss' or 'meanie boss' when the occasion calls for it.


Mew Mew Information

  • DNA: Suzaku [Hitawari Kai's bitbeast in Bakuten Shoot! Beyblade]
  • Injection Mark: Red fire outline
  • Mark Location: Left ankle

Weapon and Attack

Since she is a beyblade mew mew, Limone's weapons are naturally based off the beyblades used in Bakuten Shoot! Beyblade, as well as her attacks. Her main (and so far, only) weapon is the Dranzer Gigs Beyblade, which is a beyblade that Kai used in V-Force. The best way to describe it is that it's a red metal spinning top with silver spikes in between each layer of red.

Limone gains two attacks, which are:

  • Ribbon, Limone Flame Turbo!: Limone's beyblade turns into a giant flame upon contact with the foe
  • Ribbon, Limone Launch!: Limone releases her beyblade, causing it to rapidly hit the foe.


Mione's abilities as a mew mew haven't quite shown up in the roleplay. However, with her DNA, she has gained a higher tolerance of heat, as well as the ability to communicate with birds. She can fly while in mew form, but not for very long as her wings are weak.

Otherwise, Mione is very active physically, often skateboarding everywhere and attempting tricks while she does so.


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