Magical World

From Kokorodatabase

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(Types of Mages)
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<b>Esori:</b> This family was responsible, along with a member of the Rycroft family, for establishing Esori Prepatory School. Like the Garrons, they are equal to the Hoshizen family in fame.  
<b>Esori:</b> This family was responsible, along with a member of the Rycroft family, for establishing Esori Prepatory School. Like the Garrons, they are equal to the Hoshizen family in fame.  
<b>Facete:</b> A French noble family. They're mainly known because of Lucas, the world's first (and only) artifical Renaldi.
<b>Garron:</b> This family established the French magical school, Garron School for Magical Creatures. Nothing else noteworthy of them, other than they are equal to Hoshizens in fame.  
<b>Garron:</b> This family established the French magical school, Garron School for Magical Creatures. Nothing else noteworthy of them, other than they are equal to Hoshizens in fame.  
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<b>Gijinka Mage:</b> A mage who specializes in transformation. For some reason, gijinka mages are extremely rare in the world, with the record high being ten. These mages are special in that they can undo the effects of the Mew Project: in a sense, they can reverse changes to natural DNA, as well as change DNA all together so that the object changes shape.  
<b>Gijinka Mage:</b> A mage who specializes in transformation. For some reason, gijinka mages are extremely rare in the world, with the record high being ten. These mages are special in that they can undo the effects of the Mew Project: in a sense, they can reverse changes to natural DNA, as well as change DNA all together so that the object changes shape.  
* <i>In the English speaking world, Gijinka has been translated as a 'Transformation' Mage, shortened even more as 'Rebirth' in some cases.</i>
* <i>In the English speaking world, Gijinka has been translated as a 'Transmutation' or 'Transformation' Mage, shortened even more as 'Transmute' in some cases.</i>
<b>Thunder Mage:</b> A mage who controls the lightning that strikes down on the earth, as well as the electricity and static that occurs in electronics. While they are unable to control the objects themselves, these mages can control the raw sources of power.  
<b>Thunder Mage:</b> A mage who controls the lightning that strikes down on the earth, as well as the electricity and static that occurs in electronics. While they are unable to control the objects themselves, these mages can control the raw sources of power.  

Current revision as of 02:33, 14 April 2008

Many dimensions - especially Kokoro - are filled with mages, though not many know of their origin or existence.

It is said that a long time ago, everyone in this world was able to cast magic. But as the years went on, people began to lose their faith in magic, and placed importance on other things in their life. Slowly, but surely, these mages were losing their ability to cast spells. One day, their magic faded away from them altogether.

Those who still had magic saw this as a disaster. Knowing that their co-existence with the now 'normal people' (lovingly nicknamed 'Norms' or 'Normies' by the mages) was threatened, they created a world separate from the normal world.

Today, these worlds are simply known as two: The Normal World and the Magical World, and both reside on the planet Earth. Many outposts have been planted in other dimensions and magical worlds, such as Symphony and Sonnefall.


[edit] Code of Conduct for Magical Beings

I.: Mages should not reveal their existence to outsiders or norms. [While this rule has been "broken" with the mew mews and gijinkas, they are considered artificial magical creatures, and thus accepted as part of the magical world.]

II.: Norms are NOT target practice for your spells.

III.: Don't attack non-magical beings. If a norm finds out about a magical cult, society, whatever... norms aren't your mindless pawns. Find some half-elves, angels, or whatever-you-want to brainwash instead, okay?

IV: While on this same note, norms must have their memories removed when they discover anything magic-related. Usually, the exceptions go for lovers or norms within magical families (ie, Elizabeth and Jishou Shirogane). On that note, the rulers heavily rely on trust to keep the worlds separate.

V.: Prejudice against other races is not tolerated. It's fine to dislike a member of one race, but it is another thing altogether to dislike the race altogether.

VI.: Free-for-Alls might occasionally have reporters at the scene of the event. Please do not attack the reporter or hog all the monsters for yourself, as that is unfair to everyone attending.

[These rules are, sadly, subject to change. Please look at it occasionally, alright?]

[edit] Science and Magic?

Many scientists have been trying to combine science and magic together, claiming that it will better our world. While data mages are the origins of such research, it is the general opinion of many mages that these two should never mix.

While it has happened on accident or on purpose, many mages will not grant funding to such experiments.

Magic came from within our natural world, many say. Science will just try to make us forget about real magic, and shall take our powers away before our time comes.

There are people who break the rules; these are the sort that you normally don't want to associate with.

[edit] The "Source" of Magic

Nature is the source of all magic in the beginning. It was nature and the heavens who granted magic to all; They will be the ones to take away magic in the very end, when the end of the world will come.

Many nature mages are sensing the tension in the flowers and plants when science is trying to duplicate magic... and they say that they don't like it.

Nature and Holy mages have the closest connections to the source, through the plants and the way their prayers are replied to. If something's up with the world, they'll know.

[edit] Artificial Magical Creatures

In other words, the mew mews. In a nutshell, they are defined as creatures created by artificial means, whether it's science, drawings, or what-not.

They are not looked down upon, but rather with much curiosity. While many don't like science and magic, they are intrigued by its end results. (Though, some have expressed disgust at a science experiment creating magical girls)

[edit] The Heartbeat of the Magical Community

(See Sutori Cafe)

[edit] Well-Known Magical Families

Esori: This family was responsible, along with a member of the Rycroft family, for establishing Esori Prepatory School. Like the Garrons, they are equal to the Hoshizen family in fame.

Facete: A French noble family. They're mainly known because of Lucas, the world's first (and only) artifical Renaldi.

Garron: This family established the French magical school, Garron School for Magical Creatures. Nothing else noteworthy of them, other than they are equal to Hoshizens in fame.

Hoshizen: They created Hoshizen Academy for Magical Beings, Tokyo's top school (and probably Japan's as well) for stablizing mages and their powers, helping them to better their world for the future.

Kagemori: This family was responsible for Sutori Cafe, and will continue to be responsible for generations to come.

Shirogane: Surprisingly, they didn't gain fame until the Mew Project was released. In the Norms' world, however, they've been known for using science in various ways, causing new breakthroughs.

[Over time, there may be more well-known magical families floating around. This, like other sections, is subject to change]

[edit] Types of Mages

Flame Mage: A mage who controls the element of fire. These mages are affected by the weather in that they live for the sun and the summer; their power becomes much stronger in that season. During the winter, fire mages tend to have less power than usual unless they have a strong heart or spirit.

Water Mage: A mage who controls the element of water. Usually, these mages seem to live for the rainy season - their magic becomes extremely strong while in the water, or surrounded by rain. Otherwise, they are rare in that they are not affected too much by the climate.

Wind Mage: A mage who controls the element of wind. Tornados, hurricanes, you name it: These mages become stronger during these happenings, and are able to easily stop them by diving into the line of fire. Unlike other mages, they aren't affected very much in terms of power and the climate, as their power cannot easily be decreased (only by an earthquake).

Earth Mage: A mage who controls the element of earth. They can cause or stop earthquakes, usually by emotion, though it's not uncommon if an earth mage accidentally causes high-scale earthquakes. These mages are not entirely in tune with nature, having only the power to control the bare earth and not the living beings within, but if they bond with the right mage, these powers can be granted to them.

Ice Mage: A mage who controls the element of ice. He or she can control pure ice, as well as cold weather, causing almost anything to freeze over if he or she desires it. Like a Flame Mage, Ice Mages are prone to the climate, preferring the winter and cold, chilly days to summer and warm days. There are rare exceptions to this, however, in the occasional mage. But their power does weaken during the summer, as a Flame Mage's would.

  • An Ice Mage may also be known as a Snow Mage.

Holy Mage: A mage who specializes in holy magic. While holy magic does indeed include the ability to heal and do miracles, most holy spells are used to hurt its foes mentally, except for a few rare spells. Most of the time, holy mages are usually angels, religious figures, or maybe a mixture of both.

Darkness Mage: A mage who specializes in dark magic. While practicing dark magic (also known as 'black magic' on some occasions, though not in the same context as a FF black mage), not all dark mages are evil, persay. Usually, in order to practice dark magic, one must either train under a shaman, have demon blood within them, or can have a mixture of both.

  • Note that Darkness Mages are more commonly known as 'Dark Mages'; this is just a formal name for their class.

Digital Mage: A mage who specializes in data magic. As this class of magic was created through a freak accident, it should be noted that there aren't currently many of these mages in the world, as they are a fairly new class. These mages have power over data and anything powered by batteries, electricity, and so forth in today's world.

  • Note that Digital Mages are more commonly known as 'Data Mages'; this is just a formal name for their class.

Gijinka Mage: A mage who specializes in transformation. For some reason, gijinka mages are extremely rare in the world, with the record high being ten. These mages are special in that they can undo the effects of the Mew Project: in a sense, they can reverse changes to natural DNA, as well as change DNA all together so that the object changes shape.

  • In the English speaking world, Gijinka has been translated as a 'Transmutation' or 'Transformation' Mage, shortened even more as 'Transmute' in some cases.

Thunder Mage: A mage who controls the lightning that strikes down on the earth, as well as the electricity and static that occurs in electronics. While they are unable to control the objects themselves, these mages can control the raw sources of power.

  • It should be noted that a Thunder Mage is occasionally called a Lightning Mage.

Weather Mage: A mage who can control the weather by changing cloud patterns. They can make rain, hail, sleet, snow... even thunder if the occasion calls for it.

  • A Weather Mage may be also known as a Star Mage.

Music Mage: A mage who specializes in the music field. Born with amazing singing voices, these mages are also capable of picking up just about any instrument and playing it as if they had taken lessons for many years. Like Gijinka Mages, however, these mages do not have strong in-battle music other than using their instruments to inflict various status problems, such as Confusion and Static.

Time Mages: A mage who specializes in time and space. These mages are able to cross dimensions and timelines easily, usually at the cost of their own energy. They are also able to manipulate time and space to work for them, such as speeding the growth, reversing time, and so forth.

Illusion Mage: A mage that specializes in illusions. An Illusion Mage is similar to a time mage in the fact that he or she can manipulate space, but not time. They are also able to make illusions of objects and living beings, usually to serve as a distraction in battle.

Summoner: A mage who can summon creatures from another world, usually because this mage has a bond with that specific being. These mages naturally get along with animals and so forth; however, it is their glaring weakness.

Phantom Mage: A mage that can summon the dead and can control the spirits of the deceased. As a result, some of them can sense spirits when they are nearby. However, no known Phantom Mage has been known to revive the dead, or visit the world of the deceased.

Radiance Mage: A mage that has power over pure energy. While one has the raw power from electricity and the energy from nature, he or she can only control the force - the power - coming from the object, and not the object itself. Occasionally, their power can grow to manipulating their inner strength for use in battle.

  • It should be noted that 'Love Mage' is a class of Radiance Mage. Also, Radiance Mage is a formal name. In reality, it's been shortened to 'Energy Mage'.
  • Love Mage: A mage that specializes in the emotion known as 'love'. Their ability to sense soulmates and love connections make them valuable outside of battle, but they are weak in battle, as they can only charm their foe to fall in love with them, and not much else.

Nature Mage: A classification of Earth Mage, Nature Mages specialize in flowers and the natural world around them. They know the language of the flowers, they can sense when the natural world's delicate balance is tempered with. In general, though, they're the mages that grow flowers. In some cases, however, the Nature Mage may choose to bond with animals instead, and become a 'tamer' in a sense.

Metal Mages: A mage that has the ability to control and bend metal to fit their needs. He or she can make any mineral bend to their will, and are able to form extremely beautiful pieces of jewelry, weapons, and so forth.

  • It should be noted that a Glass Mage is an subtype of a Metal Mage, but the two have similar abilities

Memory Mages: A mage that has the ability to unlock memories deep within a person's heart, and can rearrange memories bound in that same heart. While they can recall memories, sometimes it becomes too painful for them if they are emotional people.

(It should be noted that Gijinka, Data, Music, and Memory Mages are rare. For information on which elements are opposites, see Saica Mage System.)

[edit] Weapons

Many mages choose to have a weapon with them, in case their magic fails them in one point or another.

Bow and Arrow: An old-fashioned ranged weapon, but it serves many well, no matter what situation they find themselves in.

Gun: Must be older than 18 to attempt to master it, since a gun is a dangerous weapon, no matter whose hands it is in.

Musical Instruments: A rare weapon usually used by AIR or music mages; many choose more traditonal (and less surprising) methods, due to the fact that mastering an instrument takes years of practice and hard work.

Ofudas: These are pieces of paper charmed with various spells, and are usually used by Shinto priestesses or people working in the various shrines. While they do not work as well as a normal wepaon, they do the trick when needed.

Staff: The chosen weapon of many mages.

Sword: Not many mages tend to choose a sword, mainly because it requires close contact, something that many mages can't afford. [Rapiers, Sabers, etc are considered Swords]

Shield: Not many choose a shield, either, due to its unwieldy nature. However, those who choose to master it are well-off than others.

[Many choose to have combined weapons, such as a shield-blade or a staffblade, but it all depends on the owner.

Like many sections, this one is highly subject to change.]

[edit] Organizations Within the Magical World

There are many groups and clubs within the magical world; many don't tend to matter to the magical world in general, since they're just organizations that help the members out in some way.

Angel Council: In the magical world, the Angel Council is the head of the court system, due to their high sense of honor and good upbringing. However, not all Angels are actually on the court system, as the members are elected. The Angels just keep it running smoothly.

Anti Alcohol Revolution: The teen government used in major cities across the magical world. Why don't you see the main article?

Demon Council: The Demon Council runs the government. Go figure, but many of the demons in the magical world aren't actually evil. However, they are trustworthy enough to keep the government smoothly running. Likewise, the government isn't completely run by demons. Many magical creatures also work in the government - it's just that the demons are known for running the show from behind the scenes.

[edit] In Conclusion

This article is in no way whatsoever complete; there are many holes in the magical world that need to be completed and figured out.

At the very least, this should give one an idea of how the magical world works, and how the magical beings live within it.

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