Carl von Schubert
From Kaiserreich
Carl von Schubert (* 15 October 1882; † 1 June 1947) was a German civil servant and diplomat. Schubert was from 1924 to 1930 a Secretary of State in the Foreign Office. Table of contents [hide] 1 life and working 2 writings 3 literature 4 Web on the left of 5 single checks Life and working [work on] Schubert was mütterlicherseits a grandchild of the Saarindustriellen Friedrich mute, from which he inherited a large fortune. Of Schubert wife Renata (1882-1961) was a born await oh and a daughter of the painter Ferdinand await oh. Schubert studied jurisprudence. Its study locked it 1904 at the University of Heidelberg with the graduation over the topic the entering of a partner the open commercial company. 1906 entered Schubert the foreign service of the empire. When imperial diplomat was among other things as Legationsrat at the German legation in Berne actively, where he stood for the German government, that made Lenin possible 1917 the return journey from its Swiss exile to Russia in connection with „the infiltration action “. In the recent Weimar Republic Schubert, starting from 1921 Ministerialdirektor, led first the England America department in the Foreign Office. Its per-British work attitude in this position brought in among other things meeting with hostility for it by Karl Radek, which Schubert called one „vulgären Anglophilen “. [2] In the year 1924 Schubert was finally selected by the minister of foreign affairs at that time Gustav Stresemann as its Secretary of State. It followed on this post its friend Ago of Maltzan, which as it had entered 1906 the office. In the function of the Secretary of State Schubert up to Stresemanns was death 1929 one of its closest familiar ones and a relevant Mitträger of its foreign policy. Beside Friedrich of gau that most important councellor Stresemanns in the five years of its co-operation Schubert participated in numerous international conferences, thus in the conference of Locarno, and belonged it - beside Stresemann and gau - to the dreiköpfigen German delegation with the Völkerbund in Geneva. Stresemanns successor Julius Curtius replaced Schubert finally in June 1930 as a Secretary of State by Bernhard von Bülow. In the same month Schubert was sent of the government Brüning as German Ambassadors with the Quirinal (Italian government) in Rome. In the year 1932 it was shifted into the retirement. Off the Foreign Office of Schubert house in the citizens of Berlin Magarethenstraße into the 1920er became years one of the centers „of the better society “of the realm capital, in which Schubert and its wife received politicians, diplomats, industrial leaders and other prominent personalities. The judgements over Schubert fail in the majority positively: Thus Craig calls it one „somewhat rough, methodical and immovable Junker “[3] Mowrer certifies to it meanwhile, he was talented „“. [4] Writings [work on] the entering of a partner the open commercial company, Berlin 1904. Literature [work on] Foreign Office [Hrsg.]: Commemoration ceremony to the sixtieth day of death of Secretary of State Ago baron v. Maltzan (31 July 1877 - 23 September 1927) and to the Vierzigsten day of death of Secretary of State Dr. Carl v. Schubert (15 October 1882 - 1 June 1947), Bonn 1987.