Fritz Kuhn
From Kaiserreich
Fritz Julius Kuhn (born on May, 15 1896 in Munich, Germany) is a German-born American politician. Along with Father Charles Coughlin and Dr. James Colescott, he is one of the leaders of the hardline within the America First Union Party.
Kuhn was born in Munich to Georg Kuhn and Julia Justyna Beuth in Germany. During the Weltkrieg, Kuhn earned an Iron Cross as an infantry lieutenant. After the war, he graduated from the University of Munich with a master's degree in chemical engineering. Having joined various Pan-Germanist movements in Germany, he rallied to the Grossdeutsche Volkspartei when it was created by Ernst Röhm. Candidate to German settlement in the United Baltic Duchy in 1924, he was however expelled two years later after having being convinced of violence against the Native populations. In 1928, he moved to the United States, and was greeted American citizenship in 1930. Some said that Kuhn took advantage of the help of then German ambassador (and current Reichkanzler) Franz von Papen, who planned to influence a bit US politics to the expense of Germany.
Entry in politics
Quickly rising in the German-American community (but most of them didn't recognized themselves in Kuhn's speeches), Fritz Kuhn quickly entered the rightist America First Union Party, first as a simple militant and later to a more prominent position. Under Huey Long's leadership, the AUS got rid of its most embarassing and rabid elements, such as leaders of the former Ku Klux Klan, and came as an authoritarian, militarist, anti-Marxist, ultranationalist and corporatist political force, but still respectuous of institutions and vowing to unite the many communities of America to get out of the crisis. The most racist, antisemitic and violent leaders of the AFUP, such as Father Coughlin and Dr. Colescott, to endorse Kuhn as their stooge. The latter criticized Long many times on its internal policies, judging them too soft, and often expressed national-populist views, such as the creation of an American Youth who would give to children a patriotic and military education.
Will Kuhn become Long's Vice-President?
Some newspapersmen, after Long's designation as the America First Union Party candidate for the 1936 presidential election, have seen Fritz Kuhn as a possible vice-presidential nominee, if Long wanted to form a very authoritarian ticket. Some members of the AUS claimed that Kuhn was precisely sharing such expectations. But Article 2 of the US Constitution, which defines the conditions to become a candidate to the Presidence, kills all these rumours: in fact, Kuhn could only be endorsed in 1942, after fourteen years of permanent residence in the United States...If he was a natural-born citizen. Thus, except for a violent power takeover or a new Amendment, Kuhn will never be able to enter the White House, by any legal means. In addition, many prominent AUS politicians see Kuhn as nothing less than a German spy.