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República Federativa do Brasil
Federative Republic of Brazil
125px-Flag_of_Brazil.svg.png 85px-Coat_of_arms_of_Brazil.svg.png

Flag and Coat of Arms of Brazil

Ordem e Progresso (Order and Progress)
Hino Nacional Brasileiro
Official Languages Portuguese
Capital Rio de Janeiro
Head of State Artur da Silva Bernardes
Head of Government Fernando de Melo Viana
  - Indipendence from Portugal
      Declared September 7 1822
      Recognized August 29 1825
Republic November 15 1889
Government Presidential republic
Currency Real
Area 8 514 877 km²
Population About 40 millions

Brazil is a country in South America. It borders the Caribbean Federation, Dutch Guiana and Venezuela to the north, Colombia and Ecuador to the west, Bolivia to the south-west and La Plata to the south.



After the abolition of slavery in 1888, the ideals of republicanism gained much support from across all regions in the Brazilian Empire, and in 1889 a rebellion began with military revolt, ending with the declaration of the Republic of Brazil. The 1891 constitution was based on the U.S. constitution, granting considerable autonomy to the provinces, and under the first elected presidents the domestic situation stabilized. However, Brazil soon fell into serious economic trouble, lurching from crisis to crisis. In an effort to alleviate these troubles Brazil's foreign minister, Baron Do Rio Branco, oversaw the extension of the Brazilian territory through a series of treaties with British-Guyana, Colombia, Bolivia, Peru, and Uruguay, which saw the country's territory grow by over 250,000 square miles. Growing industries and a high influx of immigrants led to a strong industrial proletariat, and with these demographic changes so did Brazilian society too.The flourishing of Brazil’s export trades after the Weltkrieg contributed greatly to the wealth of the nation, but in the last three years trade started to decline and many fear that a global economic crisis could be approaching. A blow to the Brazilian economy already came in 1934, when Brazil decided to intervene on Bolivia’s side in the Great South American War. Despite a successful initial advance towards the La Plata River, Brazil was unable to withstand the pressure when Argentinean forces counterattacked in 1935, and the Brazilian troops were forced on a great retreat. With Argentinean forces poised to take Curitiba and her own armed forces in disarray, Brazil sued for peace.


President: Artur da Silva Bernardes

Vice-President: Fernando de Melo Viana

Ministry of External Relations: Otavio Mangabeira

Minister of Finance: Washington Luis Pereira

Minister of Justice: Riccardo Cassiano

Head of the Council of National Defence: Costa Neto

Field Marshal of Brazil: Henrique Teixeira Lott

Marshal of the Army: Goes Monteiro

Minister of the Navy: Jorge Martins

Marshal of the Air: Mourão Filho

At the beginning of 1936, the government of Artur da Silva Bernardes is being rocked by crisis time and time again by pressures from dissenting political factions, particularly from Getulio Vargas’ reformists. An emergency election has been called for March, and it seems that only a miracle can prevent the current government from falling.



Brazil has a medium-sized professional army for defence purposes, consisting in three infantry division (one with an artillery brigade), one cavarly division and a couple of badly-trained militias. After the defeat in the Great South American War in 1935, a rebuilding of the Brazilian Army (Exército Brasileiro) is expected.

Navy and Air Force

The Marinha do Brasil consists of two outdated battleships, two outdated light cruisers and six transport flotilla. The Força Aérea Brasileira comprise only a squadron of interceptors.

Foreign Relations

Very good relations with United States and Portugal.

Friendly relations with Italian Federation and Germany.

Unfriendly relations with La Plata.

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