National France

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National France is a part of the [[Entente]]. It has openly hostile relations with [[Commune of France]] and claims all of mainland France for itself.
National France is a part of the [[Entente]]. It has openly hostile relations with [[Commune of France]] and claims all of mainland France for itself.
[[Category:Countries]] [[Category:Entente]]

Revision as of 12:58, 12 March 2009

Quatrième République Franҫaise (France national)
French Fourth Republic (National France)

Flag of National France

Official Language French
Capital Algiers
Head of State Philippe Pètain
Head of Government Franҫois Coty
  - Proclamation of the 4th French Republic

Government Republic (currently under military junta)
Currency French African franc
Anthem Partant pour la Syrie
Area ca. 8 million sq. km.
Population ca. 27 million.

National France is a country in Africa, including most of the former colonial possessions of France in Africa. It neighbours Spain (northern Morocco and Western Sahara) and Germany (Morocco, Gambia, Sierra Leone) in the west, Libya in the north-east, Egypt in the east and Mittelafrika in the south-east.




The loss of the homeland and the relationship with the Commune of France dominate the politics of National France. It's clear to the military junta that the homeland has to be reconquered, considering the limited number of French nationals in the country and the fact that the tuaregs and other locals won't stand the military administration for much longer. There are strong monarchist sentiments, especially among the younger officers who have formed the "Young Guard" led by colonel Charles de Gaulle


The military has two main goals, one being the liberation of mainland France and the other is keeping the local dissidents in check. A huge share of national budget is reserved for the military so the military could achieve these goals. The military suffers from old equipment and the fact that the majority of the armed forces consists mainly of the locals, who don't share the ideals of the military command. Practically all officers are French.



The Marine nationale consists mainly of the units that joined the Nationalists during the French civil war. When defeat was certain, the Nationalist leaders fled the mainland to Africa and the navy followed. It's the strongest part of the armed forces of National France. Most of the ships are from the Weltkrieg-era and the country lacks the resources to modernize the navy. Still, some newer ships have been built in the Dakar dockyards.

Air Force

Foreign Relations

National France is a part of the Entente. It has openly hostile relations with Commune of France and claims all of mainland France for itself.

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