From Jsarmi
The epiclesis (greek επίκλησις - invocation), (also sometimes spelled epiklesis, being a transliterated Greek word) is that part of the anaphora, or Eucharistic prayer, by which the priest invokes the Holy Spirit (or the power of His blessing), in some Christian churches. [1] Some Eastern Orthodox theologians hold that the epiclesis is essential to the Eucharist, since the entire mystery is based on the action of the Holy Spirit. The term epiclesis can also be used for the prayer over water to be used to perform a baptism.
epikaleîn call upon, f. EPI- + kaleîn call
Ulysses and the Irish god By Frederick K. Lang This book is a lucid, detailed, and provocative study of how Joyce radically transvalues and transmutes key elements of Scripture, theology, and liturgy in Ulysses.