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La autoreferencialidad libera los sistemas intertextuales de significado.
La autoreferencialidad libera los sistemas intertextuales de significado.
de acuerdo con Henri Bergson descubrimos el fluir de nuestra personalidad a través del tiempo
de acuerdo con Henri Bergson descubrimos el fluir de nuestra personalidad a través del tiempo
Juego de los Abalorios
Playing the game well requires years of hard study of music, mathematics, and cultural history. Essentially the game is an abstract synthesis of all arts and scholarship. It proceeds by players making deep connections between seemingly unrelated topics.
Moritz Waldemeyer
Moritz Waldemeyer

Current revision as of 21:26, 12 January 2010

"Narrative" Design como en la obra de Stuart [ ] the suggestive power of objects, evocative, misterious iconicidad pictórica, posible en el lenguaje poético La autoreferencialidad libera los sistemas intertextuales de significado. de acuerdo con Henri Bergson descubrimos el fluir de nuestra personalidad a través del tiempo

Juego de los Abalorios Playing the game well requires years of hard study of music, mathematics, and cultural history. Essentially the game is an abstract synthesis of all arts and scholarship. It proceeds by players making deep connections between seemingly unrelated topics.

Moritz Waldemeyer

No es una tarjeta es una cajita/grid con objetos Los objetos son para que el que las recibe los pondere, sus caracterIsticas significado, su combinaciOn (rotaciOn), su sequencia, su procedencia

Los dos componentes a explorar son los diferentes grids y los objetos

El grid mas pequeNo tiene 1 objeto pero no tiene narrativa? [x]

Luego viene el grid de 2 que es la dualidad pero se puede orientar de muchas maneras:

[ [x] [x] ]

[X] [X]



ESPIRAL? (a lo vigotsky... cada "vuelta" es lo mismo pero diferente! expandido, enriquecido)

En tres dimensiones uno enfrente del otro

El grid de tres tiene otras posibilidades una de las mAs comunes siendo el triAngulo que aunque tenga porciones iguales tiene una en el Apice. El rectAngulo puede ser un grid de 3

El grid de cuatro es el tipico rectAngulo pero no tiene que ser solo esto.

Grid/cajita Fen-Shuei tiene X divisiones y puede contenter muchos objetos

You could pitch this to hallmark but then you will loose it. You will have to construct a system to create many combinations and then see if that is a lot to own it. You could do it with poems, with phrases, with stories, with so many things ann emptiness counts.

You could make a grid that is growable so as people get more pieces they grow their grid or they grow it themselves. They could pass them around a group of friends or family every member adding one. Could we do this only... es esta una versiOn del juego de los abalorios?

[ Un verso de Vallejo ] al lado o debajo, o sin conectarse pero esperando que alguien la conecte [Sofa by Frank Zappa tocado por Michael Hedges]

Made out of wire so that you could hang them

Mom could help me find so many old things in Colombia


los objetos pueden evocar pero pueden tambien sugerir ciertas direcciones. Por ejemplo, los objetos pueden tener caracteristicas o posibilidades. Un galgo con un pata rota, un reloj detenido en una hora, un objeto que se puede rotar pero solo en una direcciOn. Un objeto que cabe dentro de otro, etc. etc.

WHAT TO DO? Take 3-position-grids (which are the minimally interesting), 4 position grids, and 9 position grids and experiment with them. First creae a platform so that it would be extremely easy to create many (e.g. an html table where pics can be aeasily asigned)

Fill 20 of each and document them. Try some "anonimous" objects (white, not discrete) and empty positions (or missing positions) o siluetas o "archetipos' de objetos pero con caracterIsticas definidas (alto, ancho, roto/degradado). Estas figuras, a propOsito, se podrIan usar estos objetos para enseNar a los ninos la operaciOn cognitiva de "identificar" caracterIsticas de objetos.


Makit it a "meaning-making" game for kids not a competition game

[x] [?] [?] 

Make it so that people can write different "interpretations" online and have the interpretations play within their own grids :)

Is this like TAROT or ORACLE CARDS: "when X comes after Y then..." kind of but the language is much more varied and the interpretation more open, It has numerology because if you have n number of one object in one cell then you need to think about that

ABOUT NUMEROLOGY... what is the meaning of each one of the grid sizes: 1, 3, 4, 9?

Literature Tarot was used as early as the 16th century to compose poems, called "tarocchi appropriati", describing ladies of the court or famous personages. In modern literature, two exceptional examples of novels centered on the Tarot are The Greater Trumps (1932) by Charles Williams and Il Castello dei destini incrociati (1969) (English translation: The Castle of Crossed Destinies [1979]) by Italo Calvino. In the former, the Tarot is used by the main characters to move through space and time, create matter, and raise powerful natural storms. In the latter, Mediaeval travellers meeting at a castle are inexplicably unable to speak, and use a Tarot deck to describe their stories, which are reconstructed by the narrator, calling forth implications of the nature of communication, fate, and the presence of the transcendent in daily life. Tarots also appear in T.S. Eliot's modernist poem The Waste Land (1922), in connection with the figure of Madame Sosostris, one of the characters which appear in the first part, "The Burial of the Dead". Some of the cards mentioned in the poem really exist in the tarot deck (the Hanged Man, the Wheel), some have been invented by Eliot. The 2007 novel Sepulchre by British author Kate Mosse features a fictional Tarot deck.

A GRID THAT HAS 10 "lines" for ten key words of a "dEcima" Piedra de sol estA escrito en 584 endecasIlabos! (11 sIlabas)

[edit] Psychological Carl Jung was the first psychologist to attach importance to tarot symbolism.[21] He may have regarded the tarot cards as representing archetypes: fundamental types of persons or situations embedded in the subconscious of all human beings. The theory of archetypes gives rise to several psychological uses. Since the cards represent these different archetypes within each individual, ideas of the subject's self-perception can be gained by asking them to select a card that they 'identify with'. Equally, the subject can try and clarify the situation by imagining it in terms of the archetypal ideas associated with each card. For instance, someone rushing in heedlessly like the Knight of Swords, or blindly keeping the world at bay like the Rider-Waite-Smith Two of Swords.

More recently Timothy Leary has suggested that the Tarot Trump cards are a pictorial representation of human development from infant to adult, with the Fool symbolizing the newborn infant, the Magician symbolizing the stage at which an infant begins to play with artifacts, etc. In Leary's view the Tarot Trumps may be viewed as a blueprint for the human race as it matures.

Immaterial Culture folklore, beliefs, values, ideologies, philosophies, customs, traditions, legends, idioms, humour, methodologies, music, science, the sublime & the ridiculous.

Piedra de Sol tiene 584 lineas, como dias tiene el periodo synoidea de Venus. Pregunta... ese periodo es un perido medido en dias de la tierra o en dias de Venus. Los dias en Venus duran 24 horas de la tierra? Lo dudo... pero por lo menos la definiciOn de "dia" es la misma" salida y puesta del sol?

Como era otra vez esos shatzkys en el peru? los nuditos aquellos usados para grabar y reconstruir memorias? QuE eran las filas y las columnas?

Que lindo que serIa hacer una piedra solar con "celdas" en las que en cada una se pone un elemento de cada una de las lIneas del poema de Octavio Paz... no toda la frase pero un objeto que evoque la frase... sauce chopo surtidor viento o

un sauce de cristal, un chopo de agua, un alto surtidor que el viento arquea, U NAL TO SUR TI DOR QUE EL VIEN TO AR un árbol bien plantado mas danzante, U NAR BOL BIEN PLAN TA DO MAS DAN ZAN TE un caminar de río que se curva, avanza, retrocede, da un rodeo A VAN ZA RE TRO CE DE DA UN RO DEO y llega siempre: Y LLE GA SIEM PRE = 5

                                 un caminar tranquilo        UN CA MI NAR TRAN QUI LO  = 7

de estrella o primavera sin premura, agua que con los párpados cerrados mana toda la noche profecías, unánime presencia en oleaje, ola tras ola hasta cubrirlo todo, verde soberanía sin ocaso como el deslumbramiento de las alas cuando se abren en mitad del cielo,

un caminar entre las espesuras de los días futuros y el aciago fulgor de la desdicha como un ave petrificando el bosque con su canto y las felicidades inminentes entre las ramas que se desvanecen, horas de luz que pican ya los pájaros, presagios que se escapan de la mano,

una presencia como un canto súbito, como el viento cantando en el incendio, una mirada que sostiene en vilo al mundo con sus mares y sus montes, cuerpo de luz filtrado por un ágata, piernas de luz, vientre de luz, bahías, roca solar, cuerpo color de nube, color de día rápido que salta, la hora centellea y tiene cuerpo, el mundo ya es visible por tu cuerpo, es transparente por tu transparencia,

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