From Journalism80
This Wiki will be focused on the drastic economic and cultural gap between the bordering cities of Garden City and Hempstead, NY. I will not just be focusing on the topic of drastic economical difference but also that of race and diversity.
My Secondary research
Center for American Progress- The Failures of Integration- http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/kfiles/b64636.html
State of New York Comptroller- Economic Trends in Nassau County http://www.osc.state.ny.us/osdc/rpt10-2007.pdf
The Community Allicance Blog- http://thecommunityalliance.blogspot.com/2007/02/republicans-from-lis-senate-delegation.html
Garden City- A Newton Community Blog- http://thegardencity.net/
Hempstead Community Development Ageny- http://www.hempsteadcda.org/healthy.php
New York Times Archives- Open Arms, Closed Doors and Racism - HTTP://QUERY.NYTIMES.COM/GST/FULLPAGE.HTML?RES=9F0CE1DF133DF931A15751C0A9629C8B63&SEC=&SPON=&PAGEWANTED=3
My Primary research will consist of interviewing the public and public figures in the area.
- I will focus on making comparisons between the minorities in both Garden City and in Hempstead. See how they differ and how they feel about the inconsistencies between the two cities. - I will communicate with the Mayors offices to see if I can get some political insite on the issue and see what is being done about it. Hempstead Mayor's Office
99 Nichols Ct
Hempstead, NY 11550 (516) 489-3400Digg
The Garden City News
821 Franklin Avenue Garden City, NY 11530 (516) 294-8900
(If you plan to contrast the economic and racial differences, can you get sources and interviews that will speak for both groups? If the mayor is of one group and backround, who will you get to repesent the other?) -