Town Gown

From Journalism80

Revision as of 19:50, 16 March 2007 by Mfrosty17 (Talk | contribs)


I plan to uncover what effects that the town of Hempstead has on Hofstra University's campus,what the surrounding area really has to offer, and why it isn't doesn't have such a "college town" vibe, compared to other schools.

Key Information

Hofstra University is a private University, located in the heart of Hempstead, New York. The total university enrollment in 2007 is 12,700 people (that includes part-time undergraduate, graduate, and School of Law). The campus is 240 acres, with 112 buildings sprawled across the entire area. There are 17 restaurants on campus, along with 500 cultural events per year ( Surrounding Hofstra’s campus holds the town of Hempstead, with an estimated population of 56,554.

What's ahead

I plan to see what actually is available directly off campus for students, and juxtapose those stores/restaurants with campus's that are known for their college town, what they have that we do not. I plan to speak with a manager of the DIzzy Lizard Salloon (bar on hempstead turnpike) to find out what their plans are for the future (Dizzy Lizard's owner also owns the building to the left and right of the dizzy lizard).

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