
From Journalism80

Revision as of 13:17, 15 March 2007 by Garrett.Frey (Talk | contribs)
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Here is how I would like you to format your stories.

Go to the Template page and hit the View source, JUST CLICK HERE! for an example.

I would like your headline at the top of the page.

To make a Headline, type what what ever you want inside four equal signs. To see an expamle, hit edit on the top of this page.

Headlines Look Cool on Here!

So the First line of your page will be the headline of your story.

Under that, type me your proposal.

Then make a new section, call it information or something.


Write your facts in here. As many as you have.

Lastly, create a section called Sources or External links or anythign of that nature.


For this use the link button in the edit box to put in your links to your sources and websites and stuff.

  • Put an asterisk infront of the links to make them bulleted!
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