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Revision as of 17:31, 19 March 2007 by Garrett.Frey (Talk | contribs)

The Fulton Avenue Superfund Site is located in Garden City Park,Nassau County, NY. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, known as the EPA, has proposed a plan to clean up the site. The plan includes the removal of contaminants from the ground water, chemical injection to prevent further contamination as well as constant monitoring of the ground water. The site, which was shut down in 1974, was once a fabric-cutting mill. Tetrachloroethene (PCE), the chemical used for the fabrics, seeped into the ground and spread. The Nassau County Departments of Health and Public Works inspected the site in the late 1980's and found environmental hazards, including public safety wells. The EPA put the site on its National Priorities List in 1998, the NPL contains the most contaminated sites in the country.

(Now whats the story? How can you connect this to us, rather then being just another news story about what happened today? As it is written now, it need more human interest to be relevent. Who was hurt here, is it safe to go it, what can people do with the land,. who owns it?)

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