Hempstead Voting Tendencies
From Journalism80
Hempstead, Long Island
In the town of Hempstead, Long Island, voting trends show that the majority of the residents have been voting Democratic in recent years. 52% of the people in Hempstead, NY are registered as Democrats. 46% are registered Republican. The remaining are independent at only 1%. Compared to the national number, where 48% of voters are Democratic, 52% vote Republican, and less than 1% vote Independent.
The median age of a Hempstead resident is 31 years old. An even 30% of people in Hempstead are married while 6% are divorced. 20% of people are married, with children. 17% have children, but are single.
Hempstead is one of the few towns on Long Island that isn't predominately caucasian. Only 22% of people are white, 53% are black, 1% are asian, less than 1% are native american, and 22% claim 'Other'. 35% of people in Hempstead, NY, claim hispanic ethnicity, which means 64% are labeled non-hispanic.