
From Jotowiki

Revision as of 08:12, 1 August 2006 by Admin (Talk | contribs)


Basic Post Shortcuts

  • To use bullets -> *(Shift + 8) Example *Pie greater than Cake. For sub bullets, ** Etc.
  • To use numbered bullets -> #(Shift + 3) Example #cat. For sub numbers, ## Etc.
  • To Bold a word or phrase -> ''' on both ends. Example '''Dog'''
  • To Italisize a word of phrase -> '' on both ends. Example ''Monkey''
  • To do both -> '''''on both ends. Example '''''Goat'''''
  • To Indicate a section -> =(Topic)= For sub categories ==(topic)== Etc. (Note, 4 or more sub or regular categories will result in a table of contents for that page)
  • To make a link -> [[followed by ]]. Example [[Spoon]]
  • To Sign a Signature -> ~~~

To make a new page; Click on any link that is colored Red and type. To edit a page; Click edit at the top of any article page.

Raid Zone Template

Name of Zone


Trash Mobs

Brief "what to expect" of the harder trash mobs

  • Mob - Attack

Boss Encounter Name

Lvl; Lvl xRating
Approx HP; Value
Auto Attack Damage; Type
Spell Damage Types; Other Types
Resists; List
CA / Spell Breakdown

  • CA Name; Target type Spell damage type DoT or DD
    • Recast timer

Special Note;

Multi Boss Encounter

Short description of what to expect

Boss Name

Lvl; Lvl xRating
Approx HP; Value
Auto Attack Damage; Type
Spell Damage Types; Other Types
Resists; List
CA / Spell Breakdown

  • CA Name; Target type Spell damage type DoT or DD
    • Recast timer

Special Note;

Boss Name

Lvl; Lvl xRating
Approx HP; Value
Auto Attack Damage; Type
Spell Damage Types; Other Types
Resists; List
CA / Spell Breakdown

  • CA Name; Target type Spell damage type DoT or DD
    • Recast timer

Special Note;

===[[How To:''Mob Name'']]=== Description Use if needed.

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