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<b>Jondy // X5-210</b>
<br>Designation Number: 332340090210
<br>Birth Date: 11/30/2000
<br>Birth Place: Vivadyne Labs
<br>Height: 5'3"
<br>Weight: 102lbs
<br>Eye Color: Blue
<br>Hair Color: Brown
<br>Group: X5
<br>Blood Type: O Negative
<br>I.Q: +200
<br>Genetic Content: X5-Specific (feline)
Heightened sensory capacity: hearing/olfactory/night vision/telephoto vision/balance; Partial increase in muscular fiber density: Unit semi-optimized for hand-to-hand combat; Muscular speed - blurring capacity; Eidetic and photographic memory; Highly developed procedural memory.
<br><b>Disciplinary Action</b>
<br>Disciplined 7.15.2006 - Infraction of rules regarding disrespect toward a senior officer; <br>Disciplined 9.21.2006 - Infraction of rules regarding disobeying a direct order; <br>Disciplined 5.14.2007 - Infraction of rules regarding possession of contraband material & disrespect toward a senior officer;
<br>Disciplined 10.10.2007 - Infraction of rules regarding disobeying direct orders; <br>Disciplined 11.7.2008 - Infraction of rules regarding disrespect toward a senior officer;
<br>Note: Extreme psychological independence; Euthanasia recommended by handlers, but not implemented by order of Lt. Colonel Donald Lydecker.
<br><b>DNA Markers</b>
<br>Homo Sapien DNA package  (Caucasian-female-heterosexual)
<br>Feline DNA package (Acinonyx jubatus-Siamese Thai)
<br>Muscle enhancement #12 and X5-specific (feline); neurological enhancement #5 and X5-specific (feline); bone/cartilage enhancement #2 (medium) and X5-specific (feline); cardio-vascular/cardio-pulmonary (heart/lung) enhancement #3; glandular enhancement #7 and X5-specific (feline); blood/bone marrow/immunology enhancement #9; sensory enhancement package X5-specific (feline) plus retina/iris adjustment (vision magnification); intelligence enhancement #21; emotional/psychological make-up #19; physical characteristics #49 (facial features/sexual specifics), (hair/eye color - brown or dark brown hair possibilities/blue-grey eye color possibilities), (small build/stealth-light combat package)
<br>It should be noted that X5-specific (feline) DNA must be successfully integrated into several of the subject's systems in order to support the overall X5 package; glandular/neurological/emotional side-effects of this infusion are considered to be at tolerable levels. Also, this Unit is a night combat-enhanced Unit that is designed to operate with a 1-hour minimum of REM time each 24-hour period in order to operate at maximum levels.
<br><b>X5-210 Enhancement Specifics</b> (compared to human)
<br>Strength: 2X
<br>Reflexes: 4X
<br>Flexibility: 5X
<br>Bone density/cartilage: 2X
<br>Sensory: 2X (auditory/visual/olfactory)
<br>Healing: 3X
<br>Neurology: 7X (neural net/synapse enrichment)
<br>Metabolism: 2X (basal body temperature 101.8 degrees F)
<br>Cardivascular/Cardipulmonary: 3X (lung capacity test 1: 3 minutes, 04 seconds; lung capacity test 2: 6 minutes, 18 seconds)
<br>X5-210 is genetically engineered to be a light combat/stealth soldier with design specifics suitable for solo mission (i.e. assassin) classification. Unit will be best utilized for long term black ops missions requiring a soldier/agent of enhanced strength/speed/sensory/intelligence capability who can blend in with the general human populace and quickly adapt to changing scenarios/situations.

Current revision as of 17:00, 11 August 2012 =-=



Physical Description
Jondy is an elite superamped fighting machine, engineered to keep the target down and the Ordinaries stupid. She is small and compact, at just 5'3" and 100lbs of concentrated strength. Her body is toned, muscular and firm which is all from her kick ass genes because she can literally eat anything and not gain a pound due to her lightning fast metabolism. Her dark hair is long and straight and is normally worn down, leaving her barcode hidden. Her eyes are wide and blue and are her most striking feature. They are possibly due to part of the feline in her DNA.

[edit] HISTORY

Jondy is an part of one of the X5 series units. Born November 30, 2000, she is also one of the youngest of her unit and as such is normally looked down on by her siblings just for being younger. She ignores it. She's incredibly smart with a beyond genius level I.Q. She is also intrinsically inclined to computers and the inner workings of most electronic or mechanical devises. When she was just six years old she broke into the Manticore central mainframe and perused files until she was caught and sent to solitary confinement for disrespecting a senior officer. Two months later she did it again and this time was sent to Psy-Ops for disobeying a direct officer, though the punishment did nothing to erase what she had read. Her handlers recommended euthanasia because the young transgenic knew all too much, but Lydecker was adamant about keeping her alive. (Which she knows nothing about, other than Lydecker telling them not to keep her in Psy-Ops.)

In February of 2009, Jondy's unit escaped after two of their own were killed (Jack by a termination for a seizure and Eva by a gun shot). Out of the thirteen attempting escape, ten made it out. Eva was killed by Lydecker during the escape and Zack stayed behind in order for Jondy and Max to make it to safety. Zack and Seth escaped days later though.

During the escape, Jondy and Max were scaling the perimeter fence when a member of the TAC (Tactical Arrest and Containment) team aimed at the two escaping transgenics. Zack managed to take him down long enough for the girls to escape, but Jondy now has an irrational fear of fences. While the were running, Max- who was Jondy's escape partner, fell in some ice and Jondy had to choose whether to stay behind with Max or to keep running. She ran.

She went north, to Prince George, British Columbia and was picked up by Ken and Martha Dunham who became her unfortunate foster parents. After being emotionally and physically abused for four years, Jondy ran away at the age of thirteen and ended up in San Francisco. She was befriended by another young runaway, Danny, and together they managed to survive sufficiently. Danny did not know that she was a transgenic.

When she was sixteen she got a job at a local bar and bought herself an apartment that had a view of the Golden Gate Bridge. Danny got the apartment next door. After a scuffle at the bar, Gary the manager, found out what Jondy was and still kept her around though he used her identity as blackmail on more than one occasion.
When Eyes Only went public with the transgenic cause, Jondy was forced into hiding because of Ames White.


-- She only needs one hour of sleep a night, but can function well on one hour of sleep a week.
-- She has an irrational fear of fences and the dark.
-- Unlike her siblings, she isn't afraid of water in the slightest and enjoys skinny dipping.
-- She is ambidextrous, but favors her left hand.
-- She is slightly addicted to strawberry milk.
-- Her motorcycle, a 2007 Ducati 1098 S Tricolore, is her baby and was bought illegally. She doesn't mind.
-- She has nightmares about her time at Manticore, another reason she forgoes sleep.
-- Her favorite animal is the hippo and she wants a pet pig.


Jondy/X5-210 is not mine, alas! I am merely borrowing her and roleplaying as the character. I am making no money from this. Please don't sue me as I am poor and enjoy what I have to write. I am NOT Alexis Bledel who is used as her PB.

AIM: littlepsychicava

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