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Government: Kingdom
Capital: Araluen
Area: 10,070
Population: 2,518,216
Language: Smaugin
Religion: Sifianism
Currency: Giouli

Smaug, is a small and independent kingdom bordering the country of RUSKIN. It is not a part of the HEXARCHY and had been independent and free from conquerors and invaders since its foundation in 2032 after several baronage and manors grouped together to form a new sovereign nation under the rule of one duke. During the nations early stages several of the barons fought one another to become and in 2132 a baron whose name is only known as Ortwin of the Marsh rose to power after defeating most of the other barons and subjugating the rest. Since then the house founded by Ortwin had become the ruling family of the kingdom, this house is the Royal and Noble House of the Þeudoar. The kingdom is governed by the duke from the capital of ARALUEN, a planned city and one of the few free towns in the country the serfs may escape to gain independence from their enslavement. The country is further divided into smaller zones known as fiefs, most fiefs are manors with the lord of the manor as its de facto ruler, and other range from baronetcies, baronages, and viscountship ruled by a baronet, a baron and a viscount respectively. The rulers of the fiefs are vassal only to the duke and pays him enfeoff for the fief, this enfeoff are often given as money or as other accepted services. The highest judicial body of the country is the PRIECHTGAMOT, a body of 5 judges appointed by the duke to carry out the judicial power under his name. There are also lower courts of justice which includes the: Manorial Court, which tries matters about the inhabitants of the manor, Lord's Court, tries disputes amongst the lords and nobles, and the Town Court, tries cases about the residents of a town or of the freemen, each of the lower courts has atleast one judge and a jury to pass down judgement of a case. Education in this country is free until the sixth year of the basic education, however for a child of a peasant to attend school he/she will need the permission of the lord of the manor. Higher education is offered at several public and private institutions, the ROYAL ACADEMY OF LEARNING (DARKI3N ELOGRABURTH FEILDOQ) in the capital is the largest and the country's premier institution for the nobles and freemen. Peasants wanting to gain a degree will need the permission of the duke before attending any college, because once a peasant completed a degree of higher education they are granted their freedom and will become a freeman. The country maintains a small yet effective military service and requires freemen and nobles to serve in its ranks. There is no defined state religion in this country but the people are predominantly Sifianist. Most of the country of Smaug is mountainous and is covered with thick forests. The highest point in the country is Mt. Sigr which is 492m above sea level with the lowest point at 83m above sea level. The country receives minimal amount of liquid rain in the spring and summer and receives greater amount of frozen rain called snow during fall and winter. During winter, many parts of the nation receive heavy snowfall and occassional blizzards and snow storms. It is also during the winter that the most ferocious storms strikes the country. LANGUAGE: mainly Smaugin. RELIGION: predominantly Sifianist. CURRENCY: Giouli divided into 25 Sestone. CAPITAL: Araluen. POPULATION: 2,518,216. AREA: 10,070

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